Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1875 Yue Qiang's family background

Chapter 1875 Yue Qiang's family background

Lao Li has always been cautious in doing things, and he looks at issues in a much more detailed and in-depth way than the rest of us.

However, I feel that it is also possible that Lao Li and I are thinking a little too much. The Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect has a lot of power in the entire Tongnan Continent, including Khmer Kingdom and Canglan Kingdom. The black shaman monks from the Khmer country are not surprising. Although they have not appeared in Dancheng Mountain before, they may have sneaked over recently.

Lao Li and I chatted for a while and then took a rest.

Early the next morning, Monk Hua woke up. Although he looked very weak, his mouth was not weak at all. He cursed and cursed. First, he greeted the ancestor of the black shaman monk who lowered his head. Then he shouted for revenge and wanted to smash the head of the black wizard monk into tofu with a purple golden bowl. He also said that he had been in the world for more than ten years and this was the most cruel and embarrassing fall he had suffered. No matter what, we must get the place back.

Bai Zhanhao comforted him, saying that we had already avenged him, tossing that black witch monk so badly that he lost his arms and legs, and I stabbed his thigh with a dagger. Qi's Jiuzhuan Bone Scraping Pill was cleaned up again, and was taken away by the Xiyanzhou special investigation team. Anyway, there is no good fruit to eat, and it will inevitably be shot in the end.

After saying this, Monk Hua finally relieved himself.

The matter here has been settled, and the few of us no longer want to stay in Chenshan. It would be unreasonable to stay like this in other people's cave heaven and paradise, and we have nothing to do here, and we all feel that we are an eyesore.

When we proposed to leave Chenshan and return to Dongchen, Yue Qiang found us and told us that Laohua needed to recuperate for a period of time and it was not advisable to travel long distances. Otherwise, we could just go to his home as a guest. He also said that his family was very kind. It's spacious and not so restrained.

Yue Qiang extended his warm invitation, but we were too embarrassed not to go. Anyway, we didn’t have much to do recently, so we agreed.

At noon on the first day after Monk Hua woke up, we said goodbye to Master Yunqing, the master of Chenshan Mountain, and then were taken out of the Cave Heaven Paradise by Yue Qiang. We found two cars from the bottom of the mountain and went straight to Yue Qiang's hometown.

Since Yue Qiang is a lay disciple of Chenshan and a disciple of Master Yunqing, he doesn't have to stay in Chenshan all the time. He can come and go freely, which is not very troublesome.

After getting in the car, we headed straight to Pingcang Mountain near Biyan. At the foot of Weizhi Mountain, there was a large house. That was Yue Qiang's home, which looked very luxurious.

Only then did we know that Yue Qiang's family background was not ordinary. There was a reason why he was the disciple of Master Yunqing at such a young age.

It turned out that Yue Qiang's grandfather had been an elder of Chenshan before, but later he had a family background. The family members were unwilling to be lonely and didn't like the poor life in Chenshan, so the family moved out and settled near Pingcang Mountain. Home is not too far away from Chenshan Mountain.

Even with the status of an elder of Chenshan, after coming out, they can prosper. It didn't take too long for their Yue family to accumulate a huge family property. Now the Yue family's property belongs to Yue Qiang's father. While taking care of things, I heard Yue Qiang tell us that their family is mainly engaged in the building materials business, and they are doing well in the local business. They have no worries about food and drink, and they live a peaceful life of being rich, which is really enviable to others.

As soon as we entered Yue Qiang's home, Yue Qiang took a few of us to meet his grandfather. His grandfather's Taoist name when he was in Chenshan was Master Yunyang, and he was of the same generation as the master of Chenshan, Master Yunqing. , can also be regarded as the relationship between brothers and sisters.

It was because of his grandfather's relationship that Yue Qiang became Master Yunqing's apprentice, which can be considered as a family of cultivation.

Yue Qiang's grandfather is at least over 80 years old. He is very energetic, his eyes are shining, and he walks lightly, like a dragon or a tiger. At first glance, he is a very powerful practitioner. He is very happy to see us and treats us very well. His attitude is also quite friendly and amiable.

This old man was very interesting. He held our hands one by one and commented on each of us for a long time. He also knew our family background and elders very well, and he kept saying that we would have a terrible future.

When he held my hand, he patted me hard on the shoulder twice, and laughed and said: "Yes, your great-grandfather Wu Nianxin, I was lucky enough to meet him when I was young. The best master in the world. As the saying goes, a tiger father has no dog son. The descendants of Senior Wu are definitely not far behind. My strong son can make friends like you. This kid is lucky. Not bad, not bad... If you come and go frequently in the future, this will be your home."

With that said, the old man used his loud voice to call on the family to quickly arrange a banquet, so that he could have a good drinking session with us young people.

At this old age, this old man is pretty good at drinking with a group of young people like us.

However, what we didn't expect was that while we were chatting with the real Yunyang person, a beautiful woman came out of the house and was greeted by Yue Qiang. Yue Qiang greeted us very proudly. He said, this girl's name is Yi Yan, she is the granddaughter of the elder Chenshan Chuan Gong, and she is also his unmarried daughter-in-law. The wedding is scheduled for next year, and we will be invited to a wedding banquet then.

Yi Yan blushed and greeted us one by one. She looked very pure and cute, and she was also a very good girl. Since she was the granddaughter of the elder Chenshan Chuan Gong, she must also be a practitioner, and her cultivation seemed to be Also very nice looking.

Good guy, Xue Xiaoqi will get married to Zhou Ling'er in the spring of next year, and Yue Qiang will also have wedding banquets next year. It's pretty good to think about it.

As soon as they settled down at Yue's house, they started eating and drinking, and the commotion lasted until late at night before everyone went to rest.

Coming to Yue Qiang's house was actually to create a good environment for Hua Monk to recuperate. Fortunately, Xue Xiaoqi was always there to take care of him. Hua Monk's body recovered quickly. In less than a week, Hua Monk was able to jump around again. .

During the period when Monk Hua was training, I was not idle. When I had nothing to do, I would sneak out at night, find a place where no one was around, and continue to practice the eighth form of Xuantian Sword Technique - Dragon Blood Xuanhuang.

In the early morning of a week later, I went to a place where there was no one to practice. After practicing a few moves, I suddenly felt that something was not right. I felt like a pair of eyes were watching me secretly. It immediately aroused my vigilance, and immediately used the method of controlling the wood and Qinggang to search for the owner of those eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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