Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1876 Save my lady

Chapter 1876 Save my lady

As soon as I made a move, the other party immediately noticed it. Suddenly, I felt a hidden weapon flying behind me and hitting me. I swayed and dodged easily. I drove away. However, what puzzled me was that the hidden weapon did not hit me, but crossed my side and hit a tree not far away. I headed towards that Shu took a look and found that it was a willow leaf flying knife with a folded note stuck underneath.

From this point of view, the other party did not come to kill me, but wanted to convey some message to me.

But at this moment, I am already a bit worried. I am afraid that it is a trap set by the other party. If the dagger or note is poisoned or has a head-dropping effect, I will fall into someone else's trick when I touch it. .

Presbyopia is a solid lesson.

At the moment, I just glanced at the note on the tree, and then continued to use the Qinggang Technique to control the wood, feeling the person's position.

After the guy fired a hidden weapon at me, he quickly ran away in the west direction. He was very fast. In the time it took me to be stunned, he had already run two or three hundred meters away.

My wood-controlling green gang method and the power of grass and tree essence are also limited to a certain extent, the farther the distance is, the worse the effect will be.

A few hundred meters away, you can only feel it, but you can't make those plants grow wildly.

But even this is enough.

At that moment, without saying anything, I swayed and used the eight-step method to chase the figure.

Nowadays, Mizong Babu can compete with some very powerful masters.

When I used the eight-step method, I could change six or seven directions in one second. In just a few breaths, I was already a few hundred meters away, and then I saw a masked man in black. Rushing towards the west to seize the road.

Looking at this movement technique, I don’t think my cultivation level is very high. If you want to sneak attack me with this method, it is really no different from seeking death. I am also very curious about the origin of the other party, so I keep speeding up. Using the method of missing eight steps, he chased towards that figure.

As the man in black ran, he looked back at me in panic, but the next moment, I was already in front of him, a purple light bloomed from the palm of my hand, and the sword soul suddenly came out and pointed at that person. He didn't want to fight with me and wanted to escape from the other side, but I appeared in front of him the next moment. The sword spirit pointed at him again and asked in a deep voice: "Who is it? I won't be polite if you don't speak. .”

The man didn't say anything, he just wanted to escape. But as soon as he ran away, I activated the Qinggang Method of Controlling the Wood. The surrounding grass grew wildly and immediately entangled the man's legs. At this time, the man took out a Use the machete to cut off the vines that bound his hands and feet.

At this time, I had already moved forward and stabbed his chest with a sword. The man's method was not very strong. After two moves with me, he was knocked away by my sword. I immediately arrived again. Beside him, before he could react, the sword spirit was placed on his neck.

"I'm asking you one last time. If you don't tell me, I'll kill you." I threatened again.

"You will know when you go back and read the note I gave you. I have no intention of making things difficult for you." This is a somewhat old voice, which sounds slightly familiar, but I can't remember who it is. .

At that moment, I reached out and grabbed the man's face, trying to pull off the mask on his face, but the man ducked back, dodged away, turned around and tried to escape again.

This made me quite angry. Do you really think I wouldn't dare to kill him?
But at the moment I don’t know whether it’s an enemy or a friend, so I don’t want to kill anyone yet. If I kill the wrong person, it will be too late to regret it.

When he tried to escape again, I kicked a stone away from the ground and hit him directly at his ankle. The man groaned and fell to the ground. At this time, I stepped forward again and struck him. The sword passed and the man's mask flew away.

Then he kicked the man over and looked at me head-on.

When our eyes met, I took a breath. This person did look familiar, but I couldn't remember where I had seen him before.

"Have we met before?" I looked at the old man and said in a calm tone.

The man sighed and said, "Well, now that you have seen through my identity, I have nothing to hide. Before you became famous, we met once in Qizhou Mansion. You were brought here by my young lady. In the house, but you were seriously injured at the time, and you have been recuperating in the old house for a few days. I am just a servant of the Chen family, so it is normal for you not to remember."

My heart skipped a beat and I quickly blurted out, somewhat excitedly: "You...are you from Chen Qingan's family?"

The old man nodded and said, "Yes, we met a few years ago, and I personally gave you a human skin mask."

At that moment, my memories came flooding back. When I was at the helm in Chenzhong, I fought with Bai Mei and several helmsmen. Li Kexin jumped off the cliff. I went crazy and used the resentment sealed in the sea of ​​​​dantian. , killing 300 people in Guiyong Road in one go, but in the end my body could not withstand the backlash, and I almost went crazy. At that time, Chen Qingan appeared in time, rescued me, and took me to an old man in Qizhou Prefecture. Recuperating in the house, it was this old man who was taking care of the old house in Qizhou Mansion.

When I thought of this, I quickly took back the sword soul in my hand, took a step back, then stretched out my hand to help the old man up, cupped my hands, and said politely: "I'm sorry, old man, I was reckless and bumped into you just now. Old man, please forgive me."

"That's all... Those who don't know are not guilty. I was also reckless. You have a special status now, so you should be careful..." the old man said.

At that time, this old man looked at me with a straight nose and raised his eyes, and did not take me seriously at all, but now he is indeed much more polite to me.

After a few words of greeting, I asked curiously: "Old man, aren't you in Dongchen Qizhou Mansion? Why are you here? Do you have anything to do with me?"

The old man frowned, sighed, and said, "Yes, I do have something important to do with you. I want to ask for your help to save my young lady's life."

When I heard this, my heart beat wildly. I haven't seen Chen Qingan for a long time. Could something have happened to her?I couldn't help myself and grabbed the old man's arm, and said excitedly: "What's wrong with Miss Qingan?"

(End of this chapter)

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