Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1878 The Danger of Hanging Mountain

Chapter 1878 The Danger of Hanging Mountain
"Old senior, don't be like this. Sister Qingan is kind to me. Even if you don't come to me, I will definitely go back as long as I hear about this matter. Don't worry, I will leave for Xuanshan immediately after I go back. Help girl Qingan." I said sincerely.

The old man was so excited that he couldn't help but thank him repeatedly.

Just as I was about to leave, I suddenly remembered something and said quickly: "Old senior, Xuanshan is in trouble. Do you know who is doing harm to Xuanshan?"

The old man then continued: "A few years ago, my master had already calculated that if a disaster star came to the world, all living beings would be devastated, and that disaster star was the man with the cauldron that the master asked the young lady to rob a few years ago. The baby who was destined to die, the master deduced that someone wanted to use the disaster star to resurrect the corpse, and that person was a very terrifying existence. It was only that the lady failed to stop it at the time, so the current situation happened. Now the matter is clear, That person was the chief rudder of the Green Lotus Sect more than a hundred years ago. He was a strange man with eighteen generations of cultivation. Now he is the 19th reincarnation, and he is the current chief rudder of Guiyong Dao. Bai Maitreya. There is only one person who can change the color of the whole world and lead to bloody chaos. If I guess correctly, those who besieged Xuanshan are the troops of Guiyong Dao, who are also the mortal enemies of your Wu family. Some time ago, On that day, they besieged Dancheng Mountain but failed, and then targeted Xuanshan. However, this person has not really shown up yet. My master said that he should appear soon. Now the people from Guiyong Road are ready to move, and they will attack if they come up. Destroying a cave paradise is a great gift to Maitreya Bai."

I asked why Gui Yongdao has been so active and courageous recently. Originally, they had been dormant on the ground and did not dare to show up in the world because the people in the special team were watching them very closely. It turned out to be because Bai Maitreya came back to life through his corpse. Success, it will be out soon.

In order to prove that they are not useless, these people from the Guiyong Dao specially organized a big battle to prove it to Bai Maitreya and let their master take a good look at them.

I took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I understand, then I will go back now and take my brother to Xuanshan. Senior, do you want to go with us?"

The old man said: "I ran out secretly. At that time, I suggested that you come out to help, but the lady did not agree. She said it was too dangerous and she would not let you interfere in this matter. But I felt it was inappropriate, so I ran away secretly. I came out to look for you, but there is no one to take care of me now, so I must go back immediately."

"Well, take care, old man, I'll leave right away."

As I said that, I cupped my hands towards the old man, turned around and ran towards Yue Qiang's home. When I passed by the place just now, I pulled out the willow leaf flying knife stuck in the tree. There was a secret message from the old man on it. I took a look at it and found that it really told me to go to Xuanshan to rescue Chen Qingan.

This matter was not trivial, but also very serious. I didn't dare to delay at all, and ran all the way towards Yue Qiang's house.

By the time I arrived at Yue Qiang's home, the sky was already getting dark. I ran directly to the room where Li Banxian and the others were sleeping and woke them up one by one.

Everyone was asleep in a daze, and naturally they were not happy to be woken up by me, and they all asked me what happened.

I was too worried about Chen Qingan's safety, but I didn't know why I was so worried about her. I didn't have time to explain to them at the moment. I just told them that it was a big deal and asked them to leave quickly and talk about it in the car.

The guy said what I said seriously, everyone became nervous and quickly prepared. Within a few minutes, everyone who was still stunned arrived in the yard.

At this time, Yue Qiang and his grandfather Yunyang Zhenren were also awakened and walked out quickly.

"Brother Xiao Jiu, what happened? It's not yet dawn..." Yue Qiang said.

"Something happened. I have to go to Xuanshan to save people." I said urgently.

"Okay, I'll go clean up and go with you." Yue Qiang didn't even ask what he was going for, and he just decided to go with us.

"You'd better not go. They are all about to have families. It's very dangerous for us to go there and we may not be able to come back." I said.

"Let Qiangzi go with you, it happens that he can still practice and experience, I think this kid is still very young, so he should go out with you more often." The real Yunyang said again.

I was very anxious, but I also knew the priority of the matter, so I explained to the real person Yunyang: "Old man, it's not that I don't want to take Yue Qiang to go, but it's just that it's too dangerous and there is a narrow escape from death. Not only is Yue Qiang not allowed to go this time, Xue Qiang is also not allowed to go." Xiao Qi can’t go either, so they both have to stay here.”

"Stop talking about Xiaojiu, we are all brothers, we share the blessings and the hardships. Why can you go and the two of us can't? If you want to go, just go together. I can't travel with you these years because of my leg disease. This time I'm finally in good health, but you can't leave me behind. Besides, I'm not a loser. I have the ability to protect myself, and I also know how to deal with witchcraft. Which one of you can deal with it?" Xue Xiaoqi was a little excited. said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yue Qiang continued: "Brother Xiao Qi said that we should all go, no one should be missing."

At this moment, I knew that nothing I could say would work, and I was extremely anxious, so I stopped trying to tell them apart. I waved my hand directly and said, "Okay, prepare a car, and let's go to Xuanshan together."

Yue Qiang and Xue Xiaoqi were both overjoyed. Afterwards, everyone said goodbye to Master Yunyang. Yue Qiang found a business car from home and drove away from Yue's house and went straight to the highway.

In the car, Li Banxian asked me why I was in such a hurry to go to Xuanshan, and I briefly told a few of them about the old man looking for me.

The thing is very clear. It was Chen Qing'an's old man who calculated in advance that the people from Gui Yongdao were going to attack Xing Mountain. Chen Qing'an and his grandfather had already arrived at Xing Mountain half a day in advance. We don't know what the situation will be like. We will go there this time. It was to rescue Xuanshan from danger, and by the way, he rescued Chen Qingan and his grandfather.

They don't know much about Chen Qingan, but they also know that my life was saved by Chen Qingan last time because of Li Chao's incident. Even because of this matter, I will not ignore it.

Hearing that our target this time was Gui Yong Dao again, everyone's expressions could not help but darken again. Only Monk Hua was unaware of the situation and excitedly gearing up, saying that he would have a good fight with them.

(End of this chapter)

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