Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1879 A bigger conspiracy

Chapter 1879 A bigger conspiracy

Xuanshan, also known as Xiyue, is one of the Five Mountains. It is located in Yanliu City, Haocheng District, close to Xidu in the west, at the intersection of the Hao, Qiu and Xiangkun River deltas, adjacent to the ancient ridge in the south, overlooking the Kun River in the north, and blocking the way in and out of Zhongzhou in the northwest. portal.The hanging mountain is leaning against the sky and the earth, with sharp edges on all sides. It is a very dangerous place and is known as "the most dangerous mountain in the world".

However, these are just Xingshan in the eyes of secular people. In addition to this Xuanshan, there is another Xuanshan, which is in the cave heaven paradise of Xuanshan. There is the real Xuanshan, guarded by true Taoist cultivators. , and the Xuanshan Mountain in the Cave Heaven Paradise is similar to the Xuanshan Mountain in the eyes of the world. It feels like a reflection, but the spiritual energy of the Xuanshan Mountain in the Dongtian Paradise is naturally several times richer than outside, making it more suitable for practice.

Gui Yongdao's target this time is the Xuanshan Sect.

After I told everyone the news I got from the old man, everyone except the old lady was a little worried.

Especially Li Banxian, he pondered for a moment and said: "The last time Guiyong Dao and the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect united together to destroy the Cave Heaven Paradise in Dancheng Mountain, but we destroyed it. This time they besieged Xuanshan and organized It will be more rigorous, the plan will be very thorough, and more efforts and more terrifying power will be devoted. No wonder the old man of the Chen family will calculate that the Cave Heaven Paradise in Xuanshan will be destroyed. This is also It’s not impossible…”

"Lao Li, what do you think we should do now? Should we also make preparations?" Bai Zhan asked.

Lao Li nodded and said: "With just the few of us, if we want to deal with the Guiyong Dao and the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect, we must be a little weak. I have a way here, which can not only deal with the Guiyong Dao." , and it is possible to annihilate them in one fell swoop.”

"What method?" Everyone looked at Li Banxian in unison, feeling very surprised.

"It's very simple. Make a call to the people from the special task force and tell them that Gui Yongdao is going to besiege Xuanshan, so that the official people can prepare. When the time comes, we will join forces to catch the other side off guard and destroy them. It's not impossible, this matter depends on Xiao Jiu, let Xiao Jiu talk to his grandfather personally and send some strong people out, otherwise ordinary people won't be able to get the Elder Qinglong." Old Li said.

This is a good way. There is a ready-made and simple way to use it. It is indeed a bit wasteful. The official resources are the most. In addition to sending out a large number of experts, they can also use aircraft and cannons to make those people have nowhere to hide. , even if they break through Xuanshan, they will still die when they come out.

Thinking of this, I agreed and quickly made a call to my grandfather.

The phone rang several times and was answered by Luo Weiping. As soon as the call was connected, I asked anxiously: "Brother Luo, where is my grandfather?"

"Director Wu is in a meeting and is very busy. It seems something big has happened. You called me now. Do you know something?" Luo Weiping said.

"What happened?" I asked curiously.

"I heard that something happened in Xuanshan in Haocheng District. Big bosses from several regions are currently meeting to study how to solve this problem. Is it possible that you are calling here because of this incident?" Luo Wei Ping Road.

I was surprised. I thought I was the first to know, but I didn't expect that they had already gotten the news.

After taking a breath of air-conditioning, I immediately said: "What a coincidence. I am rushing to Xuanshan now, and I was about to inform your special team to go to Xuanshan for support. The last incident in Danchengshan happened very badly. Suddenly, Dancheng Mountain was almost wiped out, and your special dispatch team has not received the news, and you will clean up the battlefield after he leaves."

Luo Weiping said angrily: "This person from the Gui Yong Dao is too cunning. He went around the Yan Kingdom to assassinate the masters of various sects and distract the attention of the special team. In the end, he secretly gathered a large number of masters in Xuanshan. They launched a surprise attack and caught us off guard. Now there are experts from the special task force heading to Xuanshan. You may as well go there and join in the fun. But the situation there is very complicated now. Go and see for yourself. Just know it.”

I was confused for a moment and said in surprise: "What? Gui Yongdao has already taken action?"

"The action was taken in the middle of the night last night. The personnel of the special task force were originally scattered everywhere to deal with those who assassinated the various sects. Unexpectedly, they hatched a bigger conspiracy. It was so insidious. ." Luo Weiping said.

Li Banxian and I both thought that the people of the Black Water Holy Spirit wanted to escape from the Yan Kingdom, so they went around assassinating people and asked the special team to let them live. It turned out that we were both wrong. They didn't want to leave at all, but were brewing something bigger. conspiracy.

I was really lucky to make this call. I got so much information at once, but I was also very worried. Yesterday, the old man told me that Chen Qinghuan and his grandfather Chen Xuanqing had already arrived at Xuanshan last night. arrive.

In this way, Chen Qingan and his father-in-law first encountered Taoist Gui Yong.

Now that so much time has passed, it is really hard to predict the fortunes and misfortunes.

I don’t know anything about Xuanshan, let alone the existence of any experts. Although Xuanshan is also a paradise and a top Taoist sect, it has always been relatively low-key, but I do know Elder Qinglong and Pontiva of the Blackwater Holy Spirit Sect. , they are definitely really cruel and ruthless people, and their cultivation level is extremely high, especially that of Elder Qinglong. Except for my great grandfather who can fight with him, there really are not many opponents in this world.

Once Chen Qingan encounters Elder Qinglong or Pontiwa, the consequences will be disastrous.

Chen Qingan is no match for these two people.

At this time, I was so confused that I wanted to fly to Xuanshan Mountain.

After pondering for a moment, I asked again: "Brother Luo, what's going on with Xuanshan now? Has it been breached by people from Gui Yongdao?"

"I don't know. I don't know the specific situation either. You can go over and take a look and you will know. Anyway, things are too messy..." Luo Weiping said a little annoyed.

I wanted to ask something more, but Luo Weiping seemed to be called out by someone, and he quickly said to me: "Xiaojiu, don't say anything anymore. Director Wu asked me to come over. You will know when you go to Xuanshan." Yes, we have sent a lot of manpower."

(End of this chapter)

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