Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1880 Trapped outside the battle

Chapter 1880 Trapped outside the battle
I played the voiceover on the phone, and everyone in the car heard it, and everyone looked confused.

The special team moved faster than us. They had known about this for a long time, and they had already sent many more experts from the special team towards Xuanshan.

But when I asked Luo Weiping what happened to Xuanshan, Luo Weiping himself couldn't tell clearly.

Either it’s broken or it’s not broken, there has to be an answer, right?
But Luo Weiping actually told me that he didn't know. The intelligence of their special task force was no worse than that of Wanluo Sect, but they didn't know. What the hell was going on?

To see the specific situation, you still have to go to the foot of Xuanshan Mountain to have a look in person to know the specific situation.

So, we sped up the car and drove all the way. Xiyan Prefecture was not far from Haocheng District, and the two prefectures bordered. However, by the time I got there, it was already six or seven hours later. It was also our fastest speed. After getting off the highway, we went straight to Yanliu City, and then approached the Xuanshan area. However, when we were still about ten kilometers away from Xuanshan, a group of heavily armed special security forces suddenly appeared on the road. Soldiers also set up roadblocks to prevent vehicles from passing through.

Naturally, our car was also stopped by those people.

The trouble in Xuanshan must be huge, otherwise the decision to close the road would not have been made.

I got off the car and asked why the road was closed. A young soldier told us that there were very dangerous gangsters with guns in their hands. They were very dangerous. Now all the roads within a radius of more than ten miles are closed. Now hundreds of police officers have been dispatched, searching for traces of the ruthless bandit all over the mountains and plains.

This reason is very good, but the matter is hundreds of times more serious than what this little soldier said. He himself probably doesn't know what happened.

The road was blocked and it was impossible for us to force our way through. I immediately called Li Zhanfeng and asked him to help us communicate with the people from the special task force of the Northwest Department to be accommodating and let us pass.

Li Zhanfeng obviously also knew about the Xuanshan crisis. When he heard that I had arrived near Xuanshan, he felt a little surprised and asked us how we got there.

I was not in the mood to chat with Li Zhanfeng. I was worried about Chen Qingan, so I said I would explain to him later and ask him to contact someone quickly to let us go.

Li Zhanfeng agreed to wait for him for 2 minutes.

Not long after hanging up the phone, which probably lasted only 2 minutes, the roadblock was cleared, and the little soldiers let us pass directly.

There were people above, so things were easy to do. Then we met several groups of people along the way. Each group was more tightly defended than the last group. The last two groups were directly guarded by people from the special task force, because Li Zhanfeng had fought After greeting us, those people let us in directly.

The car moved forward all the way, and when we arrived at the Xuanshan Scenic Area, we saw that it was deserted and there were no tourists at all. However, there were many people in Yixian costumes walking around with wary expressions on their faces.

When we drove around to the back mountain, we found that there were at least hundreds of people from the special task force here, and there were also hundreds of heavily armed special security forces, which surrounded the place.

We stopped the car and rushed toward the crowd.

Now we are blind, we don’t know what is going on, we have to find someone to ask first.

Someone with sharp eyes immediately spotted our group and quickly came over to us. They were a few people from a special task force. A man in his 40s came forward and stretched out his hand to me politely. He said: "Hello, you are Mr. Wu Jiuyin, right? I am the deputy director of the Haocheng District Special Investigation Team, Marshal Yang Jiang, whom I have admired for a long time..."

I stretched out my hand and said somewhat numbly: "Hello, hello, Director Jiang. I am Wu Jiuyin. Did Director Li Zhanfeng inform you that we are here?"

Marshal Jiang nodded and said: "Yes, it was Director Li who informed me. I asked them to let it go. It would be great if you can come. I have long heard that Mr. Wu Jiuyin, Gui Yongdao and the Black Water Holy Spirit Cult You have a lot of combat experience, so we are relieved that you can come this time."

"Director Jiang, what is going on now? Can you tell us why you are all here instead of going to the paradise of cave heaven in Xuanshan?" I asked doubtfully.

"Hey...it's hard to explain in words. I'll take you to see Director Zhang Jingzhang, the director-general of the Northwest Department, and let him tell you the specific situation. In fact, we are a little in a hurry now and haven't figured out the format clearly." Na Jiang The commander said a little awkwardly.

I immediately became depressed. What the hell was going on? I turned around and looked at Li Banxian and the others. Everyone was a little worried, but they still followed Marshal Jiang and walked forward.

After passing through the crowd, we quickly reached the front, but there was a temporary desk at the front, and there were several people who looked like big leaders sitting next to the desk.

Marshal Jiang led us to that place and called Director Zhang, and then an old man in his sixties stood up. Looking at us, he was very thin and wearing a gray Yixian suit. , his hair is a little gray, but he looks in good spirits, and his eyebrows are very thick, giving people a sense of calmness and self-importance.

"Director Zhang, Mr. Wu Jiuyin and his friends are here..." Marshal Na Jiang said.

Director Zhang looked at me at a glance, walked up quickly, patted me on the shoulder, smiled, and said, "Yes, I heard your grandpa talk about you several times. You are indeed a very talented person. Very nice young man, it would be great if you could come over and help.”

The Director Zhang Jingzhang in front of me is a big boss of the Northwest Department. He is on the same level as my grandfather. It seems that we have a good relationship.

I greeted him politely first, then went straight to the point and said, "Director Zhang, what's going on? Why are everyone here and not helping the people in Xuanshan?"

When Director Zhang heard my question, he couldn't help but frowned and said: "We really wanted to go in, but we couldn't. We sent several groups of people to try to enter the cave heaven paradise hanging on the mountain, but all of them were in vain. I lost contact with the news immediately. I feel that someone should have built a very powerful magic circle around the Cave Heaven Paradise in Xuanshan Mountain, specifically to prevent people from the special team from entering. Now I am contacting them and sending several professionals to break the formation. The personnel are here to take a look, if this delay continues, Xuanshan’s magic circle will be broken sooner or later.”

I glanced ahead, but I saw towering mountains in front of me, with an unobstructed view. It didn't look like there was any magic circle. I had seen many magic circles, and usually there would be white mist or black mist, but There was nothing in sight.

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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