Chapter 1882

At this time, everyone started to get a little nervous. We all knew that Lao Li was trying to break the formation, but we didn't know how he did it.

At the moment, there was no reaction from the thrown stone. After we waited for a while, Lao Li said to us: "The magic circle is the art of Qi Men Dun Jia. The so-called "Qi Men Dun Jia" is "Qi"." It is composed of three concepts: "men" and "Dunjia". "Qi" means the three strange things of Yi, Bing and Ding; "men" means Xiu, Sheng, Shang, Du, Jing, Jing and Death, which open eight doors; "Dun" means hiding, and "Jia" It's Liujia. The divination of Qimen Dun is mainly divided into three disks: heaven and door, which symbolize the three talents. The nine palaces of the sky disk have nine stars, the middle disk has eight palaces, and the eight palaces of the earth disk represent eight directions, which are stationary; the magic circle It is necessary for these complex elements to be brought together to form an ever-changing, virtual and real place. As long as we find the Shengmen through reverse deduction through the Qimen Dunjia technique, we can enter. However, if we want to break this magic circle, we must It’s very troublesome, we have to find where the formation eye is.”

Everyone was confused after hearing this, and Monk Hua even touched his forehead and said impatiently: "I said, Lao Li, don't always use your Wenfuzi theories to fool us, we can't listen to them either. Understood, you just need to tell us how to get in."

"It's hard to handle. This formation is really too mysterious. It's even more complicated than the Jiuming Netherworld Killing Formation that Xiaojiu and I encountered last time. If I were to break the formation, it would take at least three days. After research, I came up with some clues." Lao Li said with a sigh.

"Three days!?" I was shocked and said hurriedly: "Old Li, you won't joke with me anymore, right? In three days, not to mention the Xuanshan sect, even the trouble in the Heavenly Palace should have been over long ago. , I am still in a hurry to save people, is there any way for you to let me in first, I can't wait."

Now Chen Qing'an's life or death is uncertain, and her cold and pretty face keeps popping up in my mind. I owe her a lot. No matter what, I can't let him be killed by the people of Gui Yong Dao, otherwise I will I will feel guilty for the rest of my life.

But when I saw Li Kexin, Chen Qingan saw it all. When she left sadly, she didn't forget to leave a human skin mask for me. I haven't seen her for a long time. I didn't expect that she would suffer like this. catastrophe.

Li Banxian turned around, looked at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on me, and then said in a deep voice: "If you have to go in, there is no way, but I don't know if you can come out. Are you sure you want to go in?"

"I'm definitely going." I said firmly.

But after a pause, I looked at the people behind me and said: "This time is extremely dangerous, I decided to go alone. None of you should follow me, and you don't have to worry about me. I have my own means of escaping. Even if Even if you are trapped in the magic circle, you can escape, that's it, no one should say anything."

"It's impossible for you to go alone, at least with me, otherwise you can't go in." Lao Li said.

"Okay, just the two of us." I said flatly.

"Okay, okay... don't be nagging. We have to go together and die together. Don't be ink. This is really not the time to waste your feelings. We brothers are together, so we can have someone to take care of you. Don't you think so?" Hua Monk Da Said grinningly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone nodded in agreement, except for a few people in the special team, who seemed a little hesitant.

I took a deep breath, looked at the crowd and said, "Brothers, I, Wu Jiuyin, owe you, and I owe a woman in this magic circle several lives. I have to pay it back, let alone save her, since Brothers who are willing to go forward, then come with me, the big guys take care of each other, no one can have trouble, in case some mechanism is touched, when it is necessary, brother seven and I will send everyone out with the wind escape talisman Get out with your life.”

Everyone nodded and said no problem.

Then, I looked at the people in the special dispatch team and said, "You guys go back and tell Director Zhang that we have entered the magic circle."

Those people in the special team naturally knew the danger of this magic circle. At that moment, three people turned around and headed back to the original path without saying a word.

But there were still three people from the special task force who stayed. I looked at them and said, "Why don't you leave?"

"The cult is causing chaos. This is the duty of our special team. All friends in the world dare to enter this circle, why don't we?" said one of the men in his forties.

"What's this big brother's name?" I asked.

"My name is Jiang Hongliang, and I am a disciple of the Xuanshan Sect. These two beside me are my senior brothers. I can't ignore my sect's difficulties," the man said.

I said that I was so positive. It turned out that this person was a disciple of the Xuanshan Sect. He immediately said: "Brother Jiang, you are my friend and I have made a pact with you. If you can come out alive, how about we drink together?"

"Easy to say, easy to say..." Jiang Hongliang said, cupping his hands towards me.

Then, I winked at Li Banxian. At this time, Li Banxian had already taken out a scarecrow, pasted a yellow paper talisman on the scarecrow, and pasted a person's name on the back, and then looked forward. Throw it away, and chant in his mouth: "Lingbao Tianzun, comfort the body, the grass is the body, the five internal organs are mysterious, guide the way, fight to change the world!"

As soon as the incantation sounded, the straw man suddenly stood up and walked forward.

I saw Li Banxian use this move before. It was this move when he broke through the Nine Netherworld Killing Formation.

Use the paper man to explore the path. Even if the magic circle mechanism is touched, the paper man will die on his behalf and will not hurt us. This trick is very useful.

The rest of the people looked very surprised, especially the disciples of the Xuanshan Sect.

"I tried six times in a row just now and found that the road ahead should be the Shengmen. Let's walk in from here and try. If we encounter danger, we will go back the same way and think of other ways." Li Banxian said, He took the compass and walked to the front first.

I followed Lao Li and walked forward.

Everyone lined up in a straight line as much as possible. Li Banxian walked along the place where the scarecrow walked. I stepped on Li Banxian's footprints and the people behind me walked on my footprints.

To be honest, after hearing what Lao Li said about how terrifying this magic circle was, I was inexplicably nervous. I was so scared that I didn’t even dare to breathe.

The straw man in front led the way. Even though he was a little short, he was moving very fast. If we didn't speed up the pace to follow, we would have walked a hundred meters away in the blink of an eye. When I looked back, I was immediately frightened. One jump.

(End of this chapter)

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