Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1883 Hard Break

Chapter 1883 Hard Break
After walking forward for more than 100 meters, I accidentally glanced behind me, and I was shocked. Originally, I could still see Director Zhang and the people from the special team a few hundred meters away behind me. But this time when I looked back, I couldn't see anything anymore. Behind me was a white mist that was rolling endlessly.

This magic circle is very strange. Before entering, it seems to be nothing. It is directly transparent and nothing can be seen. But after entering, it is a different world. Every magic circle has some clues that can be broken, but This magic circle seems to have no flaws, and there are no clues at all.

This is great.

I just took a quick glance back, and then quickly withdrew my gaze, not daring to delay my steps. Once I entered the magic circle, in one step, there might be a mistake, and the world would be separated forever. This is really not true. Just kidding.

This is not the first time that I have been trapped in a magic circle, and I know how terrifying this magic circle is.

When I heard Su Xiaotian say that the Nine Netherworld Killing Array was given to Su Xiaotian by Elder Qinglong, the array arranged here should also be made by Elder Qinglong. I really didn’t expect that Elder Qinglong was not only skilled in the art of poison. He has profound attainments and is also so proficient in magic circles.

With these thoughts in mind, we moved forward about a hundred meters, and the scarecrow suddenly slowed down.

But when Li Banxian, who was walking in the front, paused, his expression became nervous, and he performed a few spells at the same time, the scarecrow in front also stopped.

Everyone behind him also stopped in unison, asking Li Banxian why he didn't leave.

Li Banxian looked back at us and said: "Everyone, please pay attention. We have reached the center of this magic circle, which is also the most dangerous part of the journey. Please be vigilant at all times and listen to my instructions."

"I know, let's go." I said.

Li Banxian responded, controlled the scarecrow again, and walked forward for some distance, only about ten meters. Suddenly, the scarecrow used to explore the path stood there shaking like the last time. Then, the yellow paper talisman on its back suddenly burned, and then the entire scarecrow burned.

"No! We're going the wrong way." Li Banxian exclaimed.

Immediately afterwards, the Qi field in the magic circle rolled, and a strong wind suddenly blew, and then from all directions, countless knives-like sword energy flew towards us at the same time.

"Xiaojiu, retreat quickly!" Li Banxian shouted in horror.

At this time, Xue Xiaoqi and I both held the golden talismans given by Master Qingshan, and I only had two left. Xue Xiaoqi was sandwiched in the middle, letting everyone hold hands, and the two golden talismans burned at the same time. , I don’t know if we can take all nine of us out at once.

I couldn't care less about it at the moment, so I could only give it a try for the time being.

However, just when I was about to crush the golden talisman, Monk Hua suddenly shouted: "Don't do it first, I'll do it!"

While speaking, Monk Hua had already thrown the purple golden bowl in his hand into the air. In an instant, the golden light flourished, and countless large and small Buddhist characters quickly enveloped the surroundings. With the purple golden bowl as the center, a powerful light suddenly appeared. The Buddha's light came out and enveloped all of us.

In an instant, everyone gathered together, hiding under the shroud of Buddha's light.

Monk Hua moved very quickly. As soon as the Dharma barrier was unfolded, the countless sword energy immediately hit the Dharma barrier covered by the purple golden bowl. It made a banging sound and was inexplicably shocking.

"Let's go!" Then Monk Hua shouted, urging the purple golden bowl, and kept us moving forward. Countless sword energies came crashing down, airtight and extremely terrifying. If it was night, we would all be attacked by these sword energies. Tear into a pile of minced meat.

The horror of this formation is really breathtaking.

While moving quickly, I looked back at Monk Hua, and saw that he was holding the spell in both hands, with a solemn expression on his face. He was obviously under great pressure, and he was still moving forward quickly while holding the countless sword energy with the purple gold bowl. move.

Come on, when did Laohua become so awesome? In the past, when he created this Dharma barrier, he always had to sit cross-legged on the ground and recite sutras, unable to move, but now he can move freely.

While moving forward quickly, I asked Monk Nahua: "Laohua, when did you become so powerful?"

"I can't make any progress if you only allow me to bastardize you? This is the Dharma I learned from the golden relic. There are even more powerful ones. Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly. I probably won't be able to hold on." Staying here for too long." Monk Hua said anxiously.

At this time, Li Banxian was also a little impatient. He suddenly took out a yellow paper talisman from his body and threw it forward. Monk Hua immediately opened a small gap in the Dharma barrier, allowing the yellow paper talisman to Fly out.

"The magic talisman opens the way and guides us back!" Lao Li shouted.

The yellow paper talisman broke through the fog, like a little starlight, pointing out the direction for us.

A group of us walked quickly forward for a few minutes under the cover of the purple golden bowl. The sword energy that was constantly coming from all around suddenly disappeared, and everything became calm.

However, Laohua still did not dare to let down her guard and shrouded the purple golden bowl around everyone.

"Lao Li, have we come out of the magic circle?" I asked.

Li Banxian glanced around, shook his head, and said: "Probably not, but I think it's almost there. Since we can't break the formation, we have to break through. Laohua's purple golden bowl is a sacred weapon of Buddhism. Use it This baby is perfect for breaking into the formation. For now, I can still judge the general direction of the formation."

I nodded, looked at Monk Hua and said, "Old Hua, can you still hold on? My brothers are relying on you."

Monk Hua gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go, I'll try my best."

Lao Li then said loudly: "Brothers, let's work hard. If we push forward for a while, we can break into the paradise of Cave Heaven in Xuanshan Mountain." Everyone nodded silently, and then shouted in unison He shouted to embolden himself.

Laohua immediately shouted: "Run, brothers."

Then, under the cover of the purple golden bowl, everyone ignored it and rushed forward.

However, we ran forward about ten meters, and something weird happened again. Suddenly, the ground shook like a mountain, and we felt like everything was shaking, and then the ground beneath our feet cracked into ravines. , I feel like I’m going to fall in at any time.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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