Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1884 Blood Pond Corpse Mountain

Chapter 1884 Blood Pond Corpse Mountain

Everyone was panicking, and the few people in the special team behind were even more panicked and yelled. At this time, Li Banxian suddenly shouted loudly: "Don't panic, everyone, just treat everything that happened as an illusion. Keep your eyes closed." Keep your eyes forward, as long as we go through this section, we will be safe..."

This method of Lao Li was given to us by the old aunt.

But this method works very well, but I don't know whether it is an illusion or not.

This is the only thing that can be done at the moment. Since there is no way to stop it, just treat it as an illusion, and you can only accept your fate whether you live or die.

Everyone shouted in panic and rushed forward.

The earth was still shaking and the mountains were roaring, making people unable to stabilize their bodies. We could only endure the fear in our hearts, gritted our teeth, closed our eyes, and under the shroud of the Flower Monk's Purple Gold Bowl, everyone held hands, He ran all the way forward.

Fortunately, this feeling of extreme panic did not last too long. Suddenly, I felt that the Qi field around me was suddenly empty, and there was no longer the feeling of the earth shaking under my feet.

The next moment, I opened my eyes and looked around.

The first thing I saw shocked me, but I saw many corpses lying on the ground, and the grass under my feet was dyed red with blood, and the whole air was filled with a very strong smell of blood.

Some of the corpses on the ground were Xuanshan Taoist priests wearing Taoist robes, and the other part were people from Guiyong Taoism and Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult. This scene was similar to what we encountered in Dancheng Mountain.

The place where we are at the moment should be the direction of Xuanshan's mountain gate array.

As soon as they saw this scene, everyone had mixed feelings in their hearts. They had no time to rejoice that they had just escaped from the place of death, and were shocked by the scene of the blood pool and the mountain of corpses in front of them.

There were at least 500 people who died in front of the mountain gate formation alone, and most of them were Xuanshan Taoist priests. It was terrible to watch.

There is no other way. These guys from the Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult are so cruel. They don't abide by the rules of the Yan Kingdom at all. They go into battle with guns and artillery. How can these Taoist priests who are cultivating in the Paradise of Cave Heaven resist such an attack? Then a big piece will fall.

After everyone opened their eyes, they all looked around. No one spoke for a long time, and they could only hear each other's heavy breathing.

After a while, I heard muffled cries from behind, and then someone knelt down on the ground with a "pop".

I looked back and saw that those kneeling on the ground were the few members of the Northwest Department's special task force who had come with us. They were also disciples of the Xuanshan Sect.

"I'm sorry, Grandmaster... I'm a step too late..." Jiang Hongliang wailed and kowtowed several times to the corpses of the Xuanshan Sect disciples, causing blood to come out of his head.

"Brother Jiang, please forgive me. The most important thing right now is to go to the mountain and take a look. Xuanshan is not necessarily dead at this moment. It is more important to save people. As long as people are there, Xuanshan will be there. I think at this time The magic circle barrier of Xuanshan Cave Heaven Paradise has not been completely broken, but there are some loopholes at the mountain gate, which shows that the evil plot of Guiyong Dao and Blackwater Holy Spirit Cult has not succeeded yet." I said with relief.

Hearing what I said, Jiang Hongliang's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he stood up suddenly and gritted his teeth and said: "Brothers, let's go, the time has come to avenge our fellow sects."

Then, the two people from the special team also stood up.

Monk Hua glanced around, and when he felt that there was no threat, he put away the purple gold bowl. I saw him let out a sigh of relief, shook his body, and sat down on the ground.

Being able to cover so many of us with the purple golden bowl and bring us all out under great pressure must be attributed to Monk Hua. At this time, Monk Hua's spiritual power was consumed greatly, and he obviously couldn't hold on any longer. As soon as he sat down, he started breathing heavily.

However, just as Monk Hua put down the purple golden bowl, my heart beat wildly a few times, and I suddenly had a very bad premonition, and I couldn't explain why.

Subconsciously, I shouted: "Everyone get down!"

Then, I crawled on the ground, lying among the corpses, and then quickly condensed the Void Talisman. Before my Void Talisman was condensed, gunshots like exploding beans came from all directions, one after another. My old brothers cooperated with me very well. After hearing my shouts, they all fell to the ground. However, the people in the special team did not react so quickly.

One of them was stunned for half a second, and then was hit in the head by a bullet. The Tianling Cap was lifted up, the bright red blood splashed everywhere, and the body fell straight down.

But in just such a moment, I condensed a few void spells, and then turned them into a strong energy barrier, quickly surrounding everyone, blocking the bullets that kept hitting us.

The bullets seemed to be free of charge, and they were fired towards us one after another, making a loud noise.

I glanced at the people behind me and asked, "Is anyone hurt?"

Monk Hua and the others shook their heads at me. The buddy next to Jiang Hongliang wanted to break out of the aura barrier and pull his companion's body back, but Jiang Hongliang held him tightly and refused to let him out. .

When we first came out, we didn't see a living person around, and there were corpses all over the ground, and we didn't know where the bullets came from, but there must be an ambush here.

Thinking about it, this place is the mountain gate formation of Xuanshan. If someone can break the formation and come in from this ground, some people from Guiyong Road will definitely be left behind, and they will be the ones who suddenly attacked us.

At this moment, we were surrounded by dense bullets and did not dare to go out.

However, I quickly thought of a way, and immediately took out the second senior brother from the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe, and threw it towards the outer edge of the Gang Qi barrier. As soon as the second senior brother came out, he suddenly turned into a flaming head. The giant beast rushed towards those who ambushed us.

The bullets hitting us suddenly became sparse. Some of the firepower must have been attracted by the second senior brother. However, the real fire power of the second senior brother is not afraid of these bullets at all. Some of them will melt when they touch it. It formed into a ball of molten iron and then evaporated.

Then I turned to look at Xue Xiaoqi. Xue Xiaoqi immediately understood my intention and directly pulled out the locust wood sword on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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