Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1885 Ambush and Guren

Chapter 1885 Ambush and Guren

But seeing Xue Xiaoqi shaking his hands, he used the power of the grass and tree essence. At the same time, I also activated the power of the wood-controlling green gang method and the grass and tree essence, so that the weeds and vines around us quickly grew up, and in the blink of an eye In a short period of time, those weeds and vines grew to a height of more than two meters, directly enveloping us, but the other party was very vigilant and was far away from us, and our means of controlling the vegetation could not spread to the place where they were hiding .

But in this way, these tall grass and vines immediately covered our figures. We then changed our position to hide, and the bullets that were pouring towards us suddenly loosened up, and finally disappeared.

Everyone gathered together again and hid behind the grass. I glanced at everyone and found that everyone looked shocked.

As soon as we entered, one of us died, and the other party caught us off guard.

I was indeed a little careless when I came in, so I should have carefully observed the situation.

At this moment, we were hiding in the grass, not daring to move. My mind was also thinking of ways to deal with this group of people who ambushed us.

In fact, the best way is to release Xiao Mengmeng, make some ghost soldiers and ghost generals come out to entangle the opponent, and then we defeat those people one by one.

But it was two or three o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun was shining, and Xiao Mengmeng couldn't come out. Even if she could come out, such strong sunlight would burn Xiao Mengmeng's soul. How could I And willing.

After pondering for a moment, I looked like Lao Li and said, "Lao Li, what should I do this time?"

"The enemy is in the dark and we are in the open. It's very difficult to deal with. Moreover, the opponent must have been prepared. As soon as we entered the magic circle, they had already noticed our presence. They are just waiting for help. Don't worry about anything else right now. Yes, let’s save our lives.” Lao Li said helplessly.

"Let me rest for a while. When I recover some spiritual power, I will use the purple golden bowl to escort everyone out again. As long as we break one of the opponent's defenses, they will be in chaos." Monk Hua wiped his forehead. The Khan said.

This is also a good method for Laohua, but his activation of the purple golden bowl consumes too much spiritual energy, and he will definitely not be able to recover for a while, and he doesn't know how long it will take.

Just when everyone was hesitating, the grass all around suddenly shook violently. I was startled, and I quickly reminded everyone: "No! The other party is coming to kill us!"

As soon as they heard what I said, everyone took out their magic weapons and immediately surrounded the city in a circle. In a moment, after hearing a few roars, someone jumped out from behind the grass and rushed towards us. Come over.

In panic, I glanced at the person who was rushing toward me, but I saw that the person's face was black and blue, with dark red blood vessels all over his green face, and his eyes were all white. He was moving very fast and had a ferocious face. There was also a terrifying roar coming from his throat.

What the hell is this.

But I soon discovered a problem. These people were not living people, because some were wearing Taoist robes from the Xuanshan Sect, and some were dressed as people from the Guiyong Tao. These dead people seemed to be controlled by some evil magic. He was standing there, trying to kill us desperately.

Looking at these terrifying guys, I didn’t even think about it. I simply swept out the entire army with one dragon move. Along with the sound of dragon roar, a purple sword light burst out, and the purple sword light directly swept them away. Several people were cut in half, but no blood flowed out, which further proved that the people who were killing us were all dead.

As soon as I made a move, the rest of the people also showed their magic weapons and started slashing at those people.

Soon, I discovered another problem. Although these controlled dead people looked ferocious and ferocious on the surface, they actually didn’t have much fighting power. They fell to the ground one after another after being hacked by knives and axes.

When everyone was about to kill, Xue Xiaoqi had a look of panic on his face, and shouted in horror: "No! These are Gu people, they are controlled by Gu insects, and they have seed Gu in their bodies. It can absorb the nutrients of the corpse and transform into countless Gu worms, once these people fall to the ground, it will be the time for those Gu worms to break out of their bodies."

I'm going, I didn't tell you earlier.

As soon as Xue Xiaoqi finished speaking, the corpses of those Gu people who had been chopped down by us began to tremble, and then a large number of Gu worms began to come out of their mouths, eyes, and nostrils. The insects crawling out of each corpse are different, including centipedes, centipedes, poisonous snakes, toads, scorpions... there are many more, and there are many poisonous insects that I have never seen before, they are so densely packed, Wuyang Wuyang A large area spread towards us, like a black tide.

In just a moment, we were surrounded by countless Gu insects.

And there were more Gu worms rushing toward us crazily. Some Gu people ran into the pile of worms, and were crawled all over their bodies by the worms. They fell into the pile of worms and were quickly decomposed. Not even the bones and dregs were left.

We were better off, but the two people in the special team had never seen such a scene before, and they were all frightened.

At this time, Xue Xiaoqi suddenly made a decisive decision, took out a packet of medicinal powder from his body, quickly circled around us, and scattered it all over the floor.

Strange to say.

When those Gu insects touched the medicinal powder, they suddenly retreated back, then quickly climbed up, and soon formed a high and thick insect wall.

Bai Zhan also became angry at this time, and took a picture of the blue talisman on his Fire Red Dragon Sword. However, his Fire Red Dragon Sword suddenly flashed red, and suddenly sprayed out a ball of blue. Colorful flames swept towards those insects.

The bugs were immediately enveloped in a blue flame and burned with a crackling sound.

There were constantly Gu insects and Gu people coming towards us. Although those Gu insects were afraid of the powder that Xue Xiaoqi sprinkled, those Gu people were not afraid. Some climbed over the pile of insects and jumped to our side. Everyone took action at the same time and tried their best to fly them out one by one to prevent them from falling into our battle circle.

At this moment, the other party seemed to have discovered our hiding place again, because the place where those Gu insects and Gu people said they wanted to attack was where we were hiding. In a moment, the gunshots like exploding beans rang out again. When we got up, we were immediately depressed.

Fortunately, in this moment, Monk Hua was able to catch his breath and once again offered the purple golden bowl, which shrouded everyone's heads.

(End of this chapter)

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