Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1886 I want to fight back

Chapter 1886 I want to fight back
The other party definitely came prepared, as if they were here to ambush us, which made me feel very wrong. Since we broke into this magic circle, we have been calculated, suppressed and beaten by the other party in various ways, which makes people feel uncomfortable Somewhat out of breath.

Now, with the Flower Monk's Purple Gold Bowl surrounding us, there will be no danger for the time being, but this is not a long-term solution. We must find a way to break this deadlock.

Within a short time, many Gu people rushed toward us. The Dharma barrier surrounding Monk Hua kept beating and making terrifying screams. It felt like entering a zombie movie.

Seeing this dense crowd of Gu people, it seems that all the people who died in the mountain gate formation were manipulated and poisoned. Hundreds of Gu people surrounded us.

Suddenly, I suddenly had a very bold idea. Can these corpses controlled by Gu insects, under the control of Qingshan Emperor Ling, temporarily switch sides and become my helpers?

No matter, you will only know if you try it. Maybe this is the breakthrough for us to turn defeat into victory.

Thinking of this, I took out the Qingshan Emperor Bell from the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe, activated the magic formula, and started to shake gently. With a "dinging bell" sound, the bells surrounding the Dharma barrier Those Gu people all trembled all over. The ringing seemed to be contagious, and all the Gu people behind those Gu people also trembled.

Then those Gu people's bodies quickly grew black hair, which was thin, long, and densely packed. Fangs appeared in their mouths, and the nails on their hands were as long as ten centimeters in an instant.

This time it was amazing. In less than a minute, sixty or seventy of the Gu people surrounding us turned into black-haired zombies. They temporarily switched sides and pounced on the Gu people behind us.

The reason why these Gu people are not turned into higher-level green-haired zombies or red-haired zombies is because there is no need at all. Using these black-haired zombies is more than enough to deal with these Gu people.

At the moment, I left a dozen black-haired zombie wings around us to block bullets for us, and let all the remaining black-haired zombies rush out to deal with the Gu people.

The killing power of these Gu people is average. The most terrifying thing is the Gu worms in their bodies. Once these Gu people are killed, those corpses will turn into food for the Gu worms and turn into countless densely packed Gu worms, which makes people very headache.

Seeing that I had killed so many black-haired zombies at once, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. In order to keep his spiritual power from being too consumed, Monk Hua put away the purple gold bowl. We were half-bent, surrounded by those black zombies. Wrapped in fur zombies, although there were still bullets coming towards us, they were all blocked by the black fur zombies. They stood there like sculptures, motionless.

When the two people from the special dispatch team saw that I had made such a battle, they immediately looked at me as if they were watching a ghost. They probably felt a little unbelievable.

There is a large area of ​​​​gu worms on the periphery that has formed a wall of worms. They are constantly coming in, making a squeaking sound that makes people feel their scalp numb. Fortunately, there are those powders that Xue Xiaoqi sprinkled to prevent gu worms, and they are not affected at all. Dare to go beyond.

Suddenly, several screams came from the hillside not far away. Through the gap, I looked over there, and saw several flames suddenly appeared on the hillside, and then quickly extinguished.

At this moment, the second senior brother must have found one of the people who ambushed us and started killing them.

Now is the time to fight back.

Since entering this paradise of caves and mountains, we have encountered various changes that completely confused us. We were unable to react for a while. Now that we have temporarily stabilized our position, we must fight back with all our might.

At that moment, I winked at everyone, and everyone stood aside and used their own methods to clean up the Gu insects that were crawling towards us.

As soon as I came up, I used the fire dragon shocking move in the Xuantian Sword Art, accompanied by a dragon roar, a purple fire dragon spewed out from the tip of the sword, swept towards the Gu worms, countless The Gu worms were swept into the sky by the purple fire dragon, and large swaths of the Gu worms were burned and turned into charred coals.

Bai Zhan's Fire Spirit Red Dragon Sword also continued to exert force, and blue flames rose from the ground, burning large areas of the Gu insects to death.

If there is no fire, everyone uses swords. The sword energy can kill swarms of Gu insects.

Although those Gu worms were still emerging in endlessly, we still fought our way out and walked quickly in a certain direction under the wings of those zombies.

Just as we were evacuating this area in an interesting way, suddenly, I saw two ferocious beasts fighting hard. While fighting, they were moving quickly towards us.

I took a closer look and saw that the person in front of me was the second senior brother who was burning all over. Chasing behind the second senior brother was a white tiger with dazzling eyes, walking quickly towards us.

As soon as I saw the fierce tiger, I immediately understood that the soul of the tiger demon belonged to the elder White Tiger, which meant that there must be the elder White Tiger among the people who ambushed us.

The second senior brother did not want to escape, but was worried about my safety, so he ran towards us.

Just as I was looking at the tiger demon of Elder White Tiger, Monk Hua suddenly shouted loudly, reached out and grabbed my shoulders, pulled me out, and then blocked the purple golden bowl in front of us.

Then there was a loud "boom", as if a cannonball hit the black-haired zombie that was blocking me before, sending it flying away, and then a huge force moved towards us. Hit here.

Even though Monk Youhua's purple gold bowl was blocking us, I and I were knocked upside down by the force. We both rolled to the ground, feeling a buzzing in our eardrums and stars dancing in front of our eyes.

After a while, I shook my head, and when I looked at Monk Hua, I felt like there was a double image in front of me.

"Xiaojiu...Xiaojiu..." Monk Hua grabbed my shoulders and shook me. I finally recovered from my dazed state and said, "Stop shaking...I'm fine."

Immediately afterwards, I got up from the ground and looked around. I could vaguely see many figures shaking about a hundred meters away.

Damn it, the bully has reached grandma's house.

I cursed bitterly in my heart, then turned around and said to everyone: "Brothers, just hold on here for a while. I'll go up and kill all those who are playing with guns and cannons!"

 Good night~ Piaopiao to Dianli brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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