Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1887 Black cloth pocket

Chapter 1887 Black cloth pocket
My old brothers naturally know what I am going to do, and being beaten passively all the time is never an option.

There are hundreds of Gu people around here who are controlled by the other party. Once they are overthrown, they will turn into Gu insects all over the ground and crawl towards us. Moreover, there are many people with guns and cannons around who are eyeing us. We kept firing cold shots. If it weren't for the weeds and vines blocking our bodies and being surrounded by so many troubles, many of us would have been shot coldly by now.

What's even more terrifying is that they actually used artillery at this moment, which really cost them lives.

Therefore, I had to make a decision immediately. I couldn't sit here and wait for death. There was no point in fighting those Gu insects and human Gu. I had to rush out and kill our biggest threat first, those with guns and cannons. Everyone was knocked to the ground, and then other calculations were made.

"Be careful." Lao Li glanced at me and said in a deep voice.

I responded, then looked back at everyone, and then took eight steps of Mizong. With a sway, I rushed towards the place where the bullets hit the most densely.

It was only a distance of 200 meters, and I could get there very quickly with eight steps. However, the other party also saw that I had broken out of the encirclement, and people kept shouting, causing all the bullets to be fired towards me.

The Eight Steps of Misconception can move my position instantly. Before they could aim in my direction, I had already changed two or three directions, as fast as a ghost.

At a distance of 200 meters, I rushed to them in a few seconds, but behind a pile of rocks, there were more than a dozen people dressed like servants with guns lying on their backs, shouting loudly, Talk about shooting, shooting...where did the people go...

As soon as I got behind them, before those people could react, I handed over the sword in my hand. With three strokes, five divided by two, it was as easy as chopping melons and vegetables, and I chopped off all the heads of those people.

These people are basically dressed the same as the servant guards we met at the foot of Chenshan Mountain in Xiyanzhou before, so they must be the same group of people.

Just when I killed this group of people, the people in ambush around me suddenly panicked, stood up one after another, and pointed their guns at me again.

A sudden burst of gunfire made me a little frightened. I quickly dodged and hid behind a boulder not far away. The bullets hit the stone with a loud bang and stone fragments flew everywhere.

The next moment, I guessed the location of those people, and threw the sword soul in my hand directly.

This time I used the sword-walking dragon-snake move in the Xuantian Sword Technique, which turned the sword soul into thousands of sword shadows and shrouded those people.

Not long after, I heard a series of screams, and the bullets hitting me suddenly became loose.

Then I stepped out, only to see that the thousands of sword shadows transformed from the sword soul seemed to be in an uninhabited land, spinning rapidly, and immediately turned the guys who fired into a pile of minced meat. The scene was very bloody and tragic. .

I rushed out quickly, and then took out the copper coin sword from the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe, activated the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation, and suspended it above my head. The farther away the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation was, the farther apart it became. More and more copper coin sword energy came out. When I ran to the side of the sword soul and stretched out my hand to hold the sword soul in my hand, the copper coin sword energy above my head had already separated into thousands of lines, making a mighty and roaring sound. , then, with a pinch of my fingers, I activated the copper coin sword energy and swept intensively towards the top of the mountain where those people were hiding.

I saw many people on the other side with guns standing up, and when they were about to shoot in my direction, I suddenly saw a large white field of copper coin sword energy above my head, and everyone was frightened. Silly.

The next moment, those people screamed in fear and began to run away, but how could they escape?
Seeing those copper coin sword energy crushing towards those people, suddenly, a black aura emerged, like a pocket, blocking the front of countless copper coin sword energy, those copper coin sword energy suddenly appeared Then he got into the pocket, like a stone sinking into the sea.

However, after the black breath swallowed up the copper coin sword energy, it suddenly carried a dark wind and floated towards me again.

Damn, what the hell?

Seeing the black aura crushing towards him, the top of his head became completely black.

But no matter what it is, as long as it is evil, I can deal with it.

At that moment, I took out the corpse-laying ruler from my body, and stood there stunned, waiting for the dark cloud-like black mist to overturn towards me. I only slightly raised the corpse-laying ruler in my hand, But I saw the little red dot at the end of the corpse-laying ruler flickering violently. As the little red dot flashed rapidly, the black mist was swallowed up by my corpse-laying ruler.

But at this moment, the black mist suddenly retracted, as if there was a huge force tearing at it, driving my body forward for a while, and then the black mist suddenly disappeared, and when I looked forward again When I went there, I found that there was an extra person in front of me. That person was Elder Baihu from Guiyong Road. He was holding a black cloth bag in his hand. He looked at me gloomily and said, "Wu Jiuyin, we are really enemies on a narrow road, we meet again."

I put away the corpse-laying ruler and looked at Elder Baihu. When I saw Elder Baihu in the past, I was so frightened that I turned around and ran away. I really didn’t have the courage to fight him, but that’s not the case now. Maybe the white tiger Elders are not necessarily my opponents yet.

At that moment, I calmly looked at the white tiger elder, smiled slightly, and said: "It's not that we are enemies on a narrow road, but the cat smelled the smell of the mouse, so it chased him all the way. I don't know how stupid you Gui Yongdao are. What do you think? Are they all crazy? You can just live a good life and just mess around. Even if you really eradicate all the people from both Buddhist and Taoist circles in the world, so what? What do you think? Are you capable of fighting against the official strength of the Yan Kingdom, and can you defeat machine guns, cannons, and atomic bombs?"

"Hmph!" The elder Baihu snorted coldly and said a little crazy: "The sparrow knows the ambition of the swan. What does an ignorant boy like you know? Maybe we at Guiyong Dao couldn't follow the official and even Buddhist Taoism of Yan State before. The two lines are competing, but now it is different. Our chief helmsman will be reborn soon. He will use his eighteenth generation cultivation to lead us to expand our territory and rule the world. When the time comes, our descendants will Sun will enjoy endless glory and wealth..."

(End of this chapter)

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