Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1888 Father-in-law Kunsang

Chapter 1888 Father-in-law Kunsang
I made a "poof" sound and couldn't help laughing. I don't know what Elder Baihu was thinking. Even if Bai Maitreya is invincible, no one can control him. But what the hell is this age? Who is it? It was already a matter of the last century to be able to understand Bai Maitreya's tricks and want to use strong methods to control the entire Yan Kingdom.

Elder Baihu saw me laughing, and immediately asked through gritted teeth: "Wu Jiuyin, why are you laughing?"

"I'm laughing at your foolish dreams. Do you Guiyong Dao still want to carry out a restoration and elect Bai Maitreya as emperor? And then you are all the founding fathers, right? You are really crazy." I was angry and angry. said.

"Just laugh, let's see how long you can laugh. Anyway, you are going to die today. You have been against my holy religion over and over again. Today is the day you will die, and the friends you brought will also follow. You go on the road together." Elder Baihu said again.

I glanced around, and unknowingly, there was a group of people around me. These people were not as simple as the servant guards, but many men in black from Guiyong Dao, as well as black people from the Black Water Holy Spirit Sect. From the shaman monks and some people wearing strange clothes, it was obvious that these people were definitely not from the Yan Kingdom.

To be honest, except for Elder Baihu, I really don't pay much attention to the rest of the people in front of me.

It doesn't matter if there are many people, they are just lambs to be slaughtered.

I sneered again, looked at Elder Baihu, and said, "With these people, you are going to kill a few of our brothers? Elder Baihu, do you think too highly of yourself?"

"What if I'm added to the list?" A confident voice came from behind me, startling me immediately.

When I looked back, I was even more shocked.

I couldn't believe my eyes. The person standing in front of me turned out to be an old acquaintance, Yuan Chaochen who had been missing for several years.

Back then, I was chasing him all the way and was wanted by the special task force. I heard that he had fled to Jiaozhou and got involved with smugglers. I never thought that I would see Yuan Chaochen on such an occasion.

At this time, Yuan Chaochen was already a boy of about 20 years old, with handsome eyebrows, very fair skin, even a little pale, and very tall, at least 1.8 meters tall, but there was an extra touch between his eyebrows. With a ruthless look, he looked very gloomy and cold.

I can clearly feel that the Yuan Chaochen in front of me is completely different from the Yuan Chaochen before. Regardless of his cultivation level, just looking at his demeanor gives people a sense of calmness and sophistication. I feel that this kind of aura It shouldn't appear to such a young person. His appearance made my heart beat a few times, giving me a very ominous premonition.

Next to Yuan Chaochen, stood a woman wrapped in a black robe. I also knew this woman, and I had personally captured her and delivered her to the special team. I just heard that she escaped some time ago. After coming out, he killed many experts from the special team, and then disappeared. Now he has really gone to Jiaozhou and defected to Yuan Chaochen.

This woman is Yuan Chaochen's junior sister Chen Yu.

In fact, Chen Yu is not that old, but he is definitely seven or eight years older than Yuan Chaochen. The two of them also had a child together, a little boy who was two or three years old, but I didn't see that at the moment. The presence of children.

At that moment, I glanced at Chen Yu, and I was suddenly surprised. For some reason, Chen Yu, who was young and beautiful back then, now looked much older, and his hair had turned gray. There are also a lot of wrinkles on her face, making her look like a middle-aged woman in her 50s or [-]s.

Chen Yu is only 30 years old at most. We haven't seen him for just a few years. How he ended up like this is really unbelievable.

"Yuan Chaochen...Chen Yu..." I said in a deep voice.

"Wu Jiuyin, I have been waiting for this day for many years, and we finally meet again. For so many years, I have been thinking about you every day, all the time, and I will never forget your face for a minute." Yuan Chaochen said deeply. said the voice.

Although I was very surprised to see Yuan Chaochen and Chen Yu, I quickly calmed down, then deliberately shuddered, and said with a smile: "Yuan Chaochen, you just miss me, why do you say so disgustingly?" Yes, your wife is still with you, aren't you afraid that she will be jealous?" Yuan Chaochen suddenly smiled, and then said: "It is precisely because I miss you every day, so I don't miss you even for a second. If you dare to waste, tell yourself that you must become stronger. One day, I will find you and cut you into pieces. Fortunately, now that I have done it, I finally have the opportunity to kill you with my own hands."

"Hey... I'm not afraid of the wind blowing your tongue. Even you can kill me. It's just an idiot's dream." I sneered.

"Wu Jiuyin, we haven't fought yet, how do you know that I am not your opponent? Even if I am not your opponent, there are still thousands of brothers behind me, don't you think so?"

As Yuan Chaochen spoke, he suddenly raised his hand, but saw a group of Wuyang Wuyang people behind him making strange noises. There must be hundreds of them at least, some of them had guns in their hands, and some of them had guns in their hands. Some of them were dressed like black wizard monks, and some were dressed like ordinary people. From the looks of it, they didn't look like people from the Yan Kingdom.

In an instant, I understood something. It seemed that Yuan Chaochen was doing well in Jiaozhou, and he had such a large number of people under his command.

At that moment, I smiled and said: "Yuan Chaochen, you have been doing well in recent years. You have such a large group of brothers under you."

"I'm sorry to bother you, but it's okay. Now the entire Jiaozhou belongs to my father-in-law Kunsang, and his people are mine." Yuan Chaochen said.

I almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. What the hell, isn't his wife Chen Yu?Why did my father-in-law become Kunsang?Could it be that Chen Yu is Kun Sang's daughter?
I thought Yuan Chaochen would be so awesome that he now has the entire Jiaozhou under his control. It turns out it belongs to his father-in-law.

This is so bloody.

Soon, an idea came to my mind, and I remembered something again, and I hurriedly asked: "Did you invite those foreign servants? Did you also arrange for those foreign servants in Shanqing City?"

Yuan Chaochen nodded and said: "Yes, in this world, as long as you are rich and powerful, you can do whatever you want. As for the servants, I paid for them all, including the ones here now. In order to see you, I have been planning this for a long time..."

(End of this chapter)

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