Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1889 Strong hatred

Chapter 1889 Strong hatred

Listening to what Yuan Chaochen said, it seems that there is something in his words. I seem to know something. I assassinated masters of various sects in Xiyan Prefecture, and then killed the real person Yunyi who was kind to me. Yue Qiang asked me to save him. Go over and help...

Then the Xuanshan Sect was besieged by Gui Yongdao, and Chen Qingan and his grandfather came to support the Xuanshan Sect.

Immediately afterwards, I was also attracted by the Xuanshan Sect. The purpose of my coming here was also very simple. In fact, it was not for any righteousness in the world, nor to specifically oppose Gui Yongdao, but to save a woman. A woman who is kind to me, save a woman who is very important in my life.

That woman is Chen Qingan.

Could it be that this kid Yuan Chaochen arranged all these changes?
At that moment, I secretly took a breath of air-conditioning, thinking that if all this was really arranged by Yuan Chaochen, then this kid's scheming would be too deep and terrifying. This plan was airtight step by step, and I couldn't accept my dissatisfaction.

In order to verify my idea, I immediately asked: "Yuan Chaochen, did you arrange and plan all of this? Including killing the real person Yunyi?"

When I asked about this matter, Yuan Chaochen had a proud and crazy smile on his lips, and then said: "Yes, I arranged it all. I have seen every move you make over the years, including in I know everything about what you did on a certain day of a certain month in a certain year, what kind of friends you have, and what women are around you. It can be said that except for you eating and pooping, I have investigated everything else. Chu."

I didn't expect that a person's hatred for another person could be so strong that it was almost abnormal. The thought of a pair of eyes always staring at me next to me made me feel cold all over.

However, Yuan Chaochen's words are quite bragging. It's definitely okay to say that he pays close attention to my movements for a period of time, but if he can monitor me all the time, it is absolutely impossible.

With my current cultivation level, I am very sensitive to the control of Qi field. If there is someone within a hundred meters, especially a master with cultivation level, I can easily detect it, unless the other person is like me. With such an existence as Grandpa Gao, I can't find him, but this is impossible. If Yuan Chaochen can find a master like Grandpa Gao to monitor me, then why bother monitoring me and kill me directly? Isn’t that enough?

He can only find someone to inquire about what happened to me recently, but he will never dare to approach me.

Thinking of this, I felt a lot relieved, and said to Yuan Chaochen: "It has been really difficult for you for so many years. It is not an easy thing to live with hatred, but you will be relieved soon. I I’ll send you away.”

After hearing what I said, Yuan Chaochen immediately became excited, the muscles on his face were shaking like spasms, his eyes suddenly widened, he pointed at me crazily and said: "You are wrong! Wu Jiuyin, I I will free you and let you die here! You killed my master and my uncle. You ruined my life with my little senior sister. You made me unable to be together for several years, like two homeless people. Like a dog that can be returned! You even harmed our children and my senior sister. Everything we have today is all thanks to you, Wu Jiuyin! I have lived for so many years, and I have endured it for so many years. , I dream about this scene every day, haha... Today, when I think that you will soon be struggling painfully under my feet, life is worse than death, I feel that all the suffering I have suffered in the past is worth it..."

"You are overthinking. It may not be me who dies today. Even if I die, I will not struggle in pain and kneel down to beg for mercy. Well, I don't want to talk to you about so many useless things. Let me ask you the last question. I have a question, did you lure Chen Qingan here, and where is she now?" I sacrificed my sword soul and asked calmly.

When he mentioned Chen Qingan, Yuan Chaochen couldn't help but sneer again, and said in a low voice: "You're talking about that girl. That sister of the Chen family is really good-looking, and she has a first-class figure, with a long and curvy front and long back." Legs, my brothers drooled when they saw that big sister, don’t worry, I will let my brothers take good care of her..."

"Don't talk nonsense, let me ask you where is she?" Yuan Chaochen successfully angered me and ignited my anger instantly.

"Wu Jiuyin, let me tell you the truth. I will kill every one of your women. Do you remember that Li Kexin? It was me who gave Luo Xiang the idea to contact Gui Yongdao to kidnap her. Go, Chen Qingan was also recruited by me. Even the siege of Xuanshan was my idea to Gui Yong. It was just to deal with your woman and you, and by the way, I cleaned up this Xuanshan sect, what a bullshit famous sect. The upright, thousand-year Taoist sect has been trampled under our feet today... Haha..." Yuan Chaochen said with a nervous smile.

From the first time I met Yuan Chaochen, I knew that this boy was a strong enemy that could not be ignored. He was ruthless, thoughtful, and very revengeful, and he would do whatever it took to achieve his goals.

I have to admire this person's mind, he is so smart, everything is planned perfectly, and he also knows how to combine all forces to deal with me.

Yuan Chaochen knew that his own force alone might not be my opponent, so he united the forces of Gui Yong Dao and the Black Water Holy Spirit Sect. Only by joining forces with the three parties could he be sure to put me to death.

Yuan Chaochen has been lurking for so long just to sharpen his minions and give me a fatal blow.

It is precisely because I know my enemy so well that I have never let go of my pursuit of Yuan Chaochen, and even let the special investigation team issue a nationwide arrest warrant for him, but this kid still fled to Jiaozhou, and he is still a mess Things are booming.

Seeing Yuan Chaochen laughing wantonly, the anger in my heart became even stronger. I don't know what happened to Chen Qingan. Is it what he said? If Chen Qingan was really seriously hurt, I swear, I will fight for it. This life must be buried with everyone here.

I really couldn't listen to Yuan Chaochen talking about his history of struggle and plans. At that moment, the soul of the sword trembled, and with a finishing move, it hit Yuan Chaochen.

At this moment, there are people all around me, hundreds of them. Although many people have guns in their hands, no one dares to shoot at will. If they miss me, the people behind me will die, so, Those who took action were all those guys holding magic weapons, shouting and coming towards me to kill.

 good Morning.

(End of this chapter)

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