Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1890 I want revenge

Chapter 1890 I want revenge
At this moment I was in deep siege.

I thought I could carve out a bloody path when I came up and kill all those guys playing with guns and cannons, but before I could, I was surrounded again.

There are countless Gu insects and human Gu below, and there are existences more terrifying than those things above. Among them, the biggest threats are Elder Baihu and Yuan Chaochen.

To be honest, although my cultivation has improved a lot now and I can kill Elder Xuanwu, Elder Baihu’s cultivation is higher than that of Elder Xuanwu. If I had a head-on fight with Elder Xuanwu, who would lose and who would win? There is no definite answer yet, plus I don’t know how strong Yuan Chaochen is now, he is also a great threat to me, not to mention there are hundreds of people around Gui Yongdao and Yuan Chaochen.

This tough battle is very unfavorable for me, but Lao Li and Monk Hua below are dealing with those human poisons and poisonous insects, and they are unable to come back for help for a while. The situation cannot be worse.

Therefore, I had to take a pre-emptive strike and hit Yuan Chaochen with one finishing move. Yuan Chaochen sneered and instantly threw out his magic weapon, the Soul-Eating Stick. He caught it forcefully without dodging or dodging. With my move, I heard a loud bang, and Yuan Chaochen staggered back two steps.

With just one move, I was a little surprised. My cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds. The finishing touch of this move is so fierce. This kid actually dared to stop it directly with the soul-eating stick. It can be seen that he My cultivation has also improved a lot in recent years. If I don't count the hundreds of years of cultivation taught to me by the Dan Chengshan Dou Zhi, Yuan Chaochen's progress should be faster than mine.

In these short few years, I don't know what Yuan Chaochen has gone through to become so powerful.

No wonder he is determined to surround and kill me here.

But despite this, there is still a certain gap between Yuan Chaochen and me. Within one move, I had a general decision in my mind.

Just when I hit Yuan Chaochen with this move, before I could retract the sword spirit in my hand, a strong wind came from behind and hit me. It was very fierce. I didn’t need to look back to know that it was that person. Elder Baihu attacked.

The two of them were attacking from the front and back, which was indeed a bit of a headache.

But at the critical moment, I immediately used the method of missing eight steps and quickly dodged to the side. The white tiger elder's sword slashed directly against my head, making my scalp numb for a while.

After another two consecutive steps, I was out of the battle circle. At this time, a group of black shaman monks came up behind me. They threw various poisonous powders, poisons, and poisonous insects at me. Without waiting for those poisons, I got close, and then I struck with another sword. As soon as the dragon swept away thousands of troops, sand and rocks flew on the ground, and a purple sword energy spurted out, swirling into the crowd.

The crowd here was too dense. The black witch monks in front were able to dodge, but those behind were unable to dodge. Immediately, the sword energy I slashed knocked over a dozen people, and their stumps fell to the ground. All over the place.

With just one move, the people who were frightened all let out frightened sighs and backed away quickly, not daring to come forward again.

At this moment, Elder Baihu and Yuan Chaochen attacked me from both sides.

It was too late, but it was too soon. I gritted my teeth and directly activated the shocking fire dragon move in Xuantian Sword Art. I slashed out a purple fire dragon towards the two of them and swept towards them.

When the purple fire dragon came out, it brought with it a scorching wave of fire, which seemed to ignite the air. It was very domineering and arrogant. Elder Baihu and Yuan Chaochen, who were rushing towards me, did not dare to confront me head-on. They rushed towards the two sides one after another. Jumped sideways.

At this time, I was really in a hurry. In addition to dealing with two powerful enemies, Yuan Chaochen and Elder Baihu, I also had to deal with Gui Yongdao and Yuan Chaochen's men who were ready to attack me at any time.

The fire dragon's shocking move had just been unleashed, and I had no choice but to activate the power of the essence of vegetation and the Qing Gang Technique to control the trees, causing the grass and vines around me to grow rapidly, blocking those people from killing me.

Every minute and every second is very important to me now. I didn't dare to delay for a moment. Before I had time to breathe, I raised my head and glanced at the sky. It was now around four o'clock in the afternoon, and the Yang Qi was gradually weakening. The Yin Qi began to slowly recover.

All along, I only dared to let the little Mengmeng out after dark, because I was afraid that the breath of the sun would harm the little Mengmeng. But now we are outnumbered, and I rely on a moment of courage. , I can barely protect myself, but over time, I will definitely lose.

There were too many people, and there were people on the other side who were as strong as me. I couldn't hold on for too long.

At that moment, I had no choice but to pat the Eight Treasure Bag of Qiankun and call out the little Mengmeng.

Xiao Mengmeng soon turned into a scarlet evil spirit and flew out, appearing in front of me. As soon as it appeared, it looked around in horror, and immediately understood what was going on. There was no need to I said more, Xiao Mengmeng directly pinched the spell, pointed to the sky and the ground, and countless small black whirlwinds began to blow on the ground. Those small whirlwinds circled for a moment, then turned into hundreds of A ghost soldier and general wearing golden armor, without saying a word, killed those people from Gui Yongdao and Yuan Chaochen.

Those on Gui Yongdao were relatively calm, but those brought by Yuan Chaochen, who had never seen Xiao Mengmeng's terrifying methods, all screamed in surprise.

While the elder White Tiger was using something like a black cloth bag to collect the purple fire dragon I sacrificed, Yuan Chaochen came towards me again and killed him. When he saw Xiao Mengmeng created such a huge formation, After the battle, his eyes couldn't help but narrowed, and he said viciously: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that a kid who could be driven away at any time would turn into a ghost body. If I had known this, I should have directly killed him. Even if his soul was beaten to pieces, nothing like what happened today would have happened."

After Mengmeng heard Yuan Chaochen's voice, she was quickly attracted to it. Its big watery eyes suddenly rounded with anger, and her cheeks were bulging and she said: "I know you, you are a bad person, and you will also I caught him and made him an unconscious kid. Today I will take revenge and kill you."

With that said, Mengmeng turned into a scarlet evil spirit and flew towards Yuan Chaochen fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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