Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1891 The magic of transforming magic

Chapter 1891 The magic of transforming magic
"Okay, I'm waiting for you kid to come and take revenge. I was able to take you in back then, and I will definitely be able to take you in today. Maybe you can be refined by me again and used for my own use, haha... ..."

Seeing Xiao Mengmeng turning into a scarlet evil spirit and rushing towards him, Yuan Chaochen once again raised the soul-eating stick in his hand. While waving the soul-eating stick, the evil spirit was surging, like ghosts whistling, the evil spirit was awe-inspiring, and suddenly A strong sinister energy evaporated from the soul-eating stick and hit Xiao Mengmeng.

The sinister energy evaporating from Yuan Chaochen's soul-devouring stick formed the shape of a skull. There were countless struggling evil ghosts inside the skull, emitting shrill howls, truly like purgatory on earth.

I don't know how many wronged souls and ghosts Yuan Chaochen's soul-eating stick had devoured before it became as murderous as it is today.

Even the terrifying aura it exudes is not much different from that of the corpse-laying ruler.

It is really hard to imagine what Yuan Chaochen has experienced in the past few years.

This guy whose intelligence is close to that of a demon is really scary. He can be called a hero at a young age. If he doesn't follow the evil ways, his attainments in cultivation will definitely not be inferior to mine. Maybe I can still Cherish each other and be friends with him.

It's a pity that this guy took the wrong path and became my enemy.

With one move, Mengmeng was blocked. After the evil spirit flew out, it quickly transformed into countless ferocious evil spirits, surrounding Mengmeng.

Then, Yuan Chaochen gave Mengmeng a cruel smile, and then looked at me again, crazy and violent.

"Wu Jiuyin, risk your life!"

As he spoke, Yuan Chaochen swayed and suddenly landed next to me. He raised the soul-eating stick in his hand and hit me on the head. Without taking a step back, I raised the sword soul and started a head-on fight with him. In one stroke, when his soul-eating stick hit me, a monstrous force surged in. The sinister aura was so strong that it made people feel nauseated and nauseated, and their brains became dizzy.

I haven't felt like this for a long time, but I quickly came to my senses and slapped Yuan Chaochen on the chest.

Yuan Chaochen didn't dodge either, he also waved his palm and patted me.

This move of mine is a mixture of Yinrou Palm and Heart-Destroying Palm, and it is also blessed by Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Po on the wrist.

I thought that Yuan Chaochen would definitely suffer a big loss if he fought with me with this palm, but it didn't happen. When the two palms collided, Yuan Chaochen and I each took a few steps back, and the ground under our feet cracked open with several spiders at the same time. Web-like cracks.

I saw a small electric current rolling through Yuan Chaochen's body, and his whole body couldn't help shaking a few times.

And my hand was swept by a strong evil spirit, which quickly spread towards my body.

Oops, this Yin evil spirit corrodes the soul and will greatly consume my fighting power. At that moment, I quickly took out the corpse-laying ruler and held it in my hand. The Yin evil spirit that penetrated into my body was suppressed. The Corpse Ruler was retracted, and my heart beat a few times. I looked at Yuan Chaochen with some panic and said, "Your cultivation has made some terrible progress recently. How did you do it?"

Yuan Chaochen was about seven or eight meters away from me. He shook with energy, and the tiny electric current on his body disappeared. Then, he shook his arm and revealed something. I recognized it at a glance. , what Yuan Chaochen carried in his hand was a Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Po, which was exactly the same as what I carried on my wrist.

"Why do you have this?" I asked in surprise.

"Don't you know that there are two Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Po? One of them is in the hands of Dilu, the third figure of the Black Water Holy Spirit Sect, and the other is in the hands of my father-in-law. Now I borrow it for use. Do you have I don’t know what the means are. Over the years, I have worked hard to avenge you. In the first year after entering Jiaozhou, I became a disciple of Dika, the national teacher of Nagong State. However, The next year, I killed Nadika and instilled all his cultivation into me. By the way, I forgot to tell you, there is a magical skill in our corpse ghost sect called the Demon Transformation Technique, which is specially Those who devour people's cultivation, in the past few years, I don't know how many Tongnan continent masters have been swallowed up by using the magic of demon transformation, haha... you didn't expect it, did you?" Yuan Chaochen said with great pride.

"Beast! Even if you kill your mentor, are you still a human being?" I cursed.

"You know what the heck, I only have one mentor, and that is the corpse ghost mother-in-law who raised me up. Even though Nadika is a national master, he only wants to take me as his apprentice because he wants my strength and money in Jiaozhou. , but you have gained a lot of benefits from me. If you kill someone like this, there is nothing to regret. After a while, I will use this magic to devour all the cultivation base in your body. See if you can How arrogant can you be?" Yuan Chaochen said and rushed towards me again.

As the soul-eating stick in my hand was swung left and right, two yin evil auras came towards me from the left and right sides. At that moment, I used the corpse-crouching ruler to resist and swallowed up all the two yin evil auras in his hands. Go.

In a moment, Yuan Chaochen came towards me again. The soul-eating stick in his hand whistled continuously, and the dark wind blew in my face. I had no choice but to switch to the sword soul, and quickly fought with Yuan Chaochen a few more moves.

However, at this moment, the elder White Tiger used his black cloth bag to devour the purple fire dragon that I sacrificed, and then came towards me with his slaying sword.

The two of them got together, firing their bows from left to right, with dangerous moves, which made me a little unable to resist. I wished I had an extra clone to resist the two of them.

After more than 30 moves with their two formidable opponents, suddenly, the elder Baihu's saber slashed towards my chest obliquely. In the lower abdomen, one hit the other straight.

I felt like my body had been electrified, and I was blown away. My soul felt weak for a short time, and I rolled down on the grass.

Yuan Chaochen was overjoyed when he waved his hand. Together with the White Tiger elder, they came towards me again, wanting to hit me with a last hit, but they killed me directly.

At this time, I suddenly burst out with anger. I gritted my teeth and directly ignited the resentment condensed by the countless ghosts of Wangchuan River that had not yet been digested in the Dantian Qi sea. When this terrifying force When my power burst out, the feeling of weakness was instantly gone. Then I quickly stood up from the ground, and I could clearly see that the terrifying Yin evil energy had evaporated from my body.

(End of this chapter)

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