Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1895 Dragon Blood Xuanhuang

Chapter 1895 Dragon Blood Xuanhuang
Using essence and blood is already risking your life. This not only consumes your cultivation and fights with serious injuries, but also consumes your life and life. Essence and blood are the essence of the human body. If a practitioner is not forced to do so, At that time, he would never think of using his own blood.

But this essence and blood works. It instantly boosts my fighting power and my spiritual energy. I don’t know how long I can hold on.

Therefore, I must solve all the things here as soon as possible, and then find a way to find Chen Qingan.

As soon as I got up, I ran towards Yuan Chaochen and got rid of this kid first. If I didn't kill him, I really couldn't sleep well.

Bai Zhan was pressed down and beaten by Yuan Chaochen. I saw that Bai Zhan's eyes were red. Once Bai Zhan's eyes turned red, this kid would probably use his magic technique to summon the powerful ghost cultivator. , it’s just that this kid has used this magic to invite gods, and he will collapse for a long time, which is really miserable.

But before Bai Zhan could use that move, I ducked over and stabbed Yuan Chaochen in the back with my sword.

Yuan Chaochen has long been different from what he used to be. When I appeared behind him, at the critical moment, he swayed and narrowly dodged, and then he hit me with a soul-eating stick in return, followed by My sword soul collided together.

After the kid Yuan Chaochen was blown away by my sword, he staggered back a few steps, then narrowed his eyes and looked at me, and said in surprise: "Wu Jiuyin, you are going to die, why don't you die?" Suddenly became so strong again?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I let you escape by chance again and again, this time I will never let you go." After finishing speaking, I brought up the sword soul again, and struck a sword at Yuan Chaochen for the finishing touch.

The soul-eating stick in Yuan Chaochen's hand shook, and the wind blew up on the flat ground, rolling up a huge boulder in front of him, and that purple beam of light hit the boulder, immediately smashing the boulder to pieces, forcing Yuan Chaochen to go down again. He took a few steps back.

Afterwards, Yuan Chaochen narrowed his eyes again, smiled at me, and said, "I see, you must have used your essence and blood, you really dare to fight, but it doesn't matter, I will play with you slowly."

After saying that, Yuan Chaochen suddenly swayed and shouted loudly around him: "Everyone listen to my order and evacuate this place immediately!"

This loud shout echoed in the mountains and fields. I believe that everyone present must have heard it.

While speaking, Yuan Chaochen had already strode away to escape. Bai Zhan stood in front of him, but he threw out a soul-eating stick and flew away.

Whether it was Gui Yongdao's people or Yuan Chaochen's own men, after hearing Yuan Chaochen's order, they all turned around and ran away without any nostalgia.

Seeing that they were about to run, Monk Hua and others all chased them out, and even Xiao Mengmeng beckoned those ghost soldiers and generals to continue chasing and killing Yuan Chaochen and others.

I understand what Yuan Chaochen means. Now I have used my essence and blood to make my cultivation stronger than ever. However, this drop of essence and blood can support me to maintain strong fighting power, but it cannot last too long. Yuan Chaochen intends to avoid its edge, etc. I have almost exhausted the power of using blood essence, and then turned around to kill me by surprise.

Anyway, there is the magic circle they have set up around the hanging mountain. Even if we turn back now, we will definitely not be able to get out. We almost lost our lives when we came in. It will definitely be more difficult to get out now.

Not to mention that Yuan Chaochen was very scheming. He judged the pros and cons in an instant and immediately changed his tactics without being sloppy at all.The enemy is strong and we retreat, and the enemy retreats and we attack. It is a guerrilla attack with you, which makes us lose our temper. Even the nearly hundred-year-old Elder Baihu listened to Yuan Chaochen's greeting, immediately got rid of Monk Hua and turned around and ran away.

Yuan Chaochen's commanding authority here exceeds that of Elder Baihu, which shows that his relationship with Gui Yongdao is also extraordinary.

This kid was still a small fish back then, neither Gui Yongdao nor the special dispatch team paid much attention to him, even his master Bo Guling Corpse Monster just took him in as a pawn, bored Without saying a word, he grew up rapidly.

Seeing the people on our side chasing Yuan Chaochen, I quickly shouted to the people on my side: "Stop chasing, stop!"

Monk Hua and Li Banxian were both stunned, and turned to look at me, not knowing what they meant.

Then, I continued to shout at them: "Come to me quickly!"

While speaking, I have already raised the sword soul in my hand, Li Banxian just glanced at me, and then greeted everyone: "Listen to Xiaojiu, go back quickly!"

Everyone turned back towards me, and Xiao Mengmeng also gathered the ghost soldiers and ghost generals and came to me.

I took a deep breath, and activated the spiritual power in the sea of ​​Qi in Dantian again, then raised the sword soul, pinched a few formulas, and then began to activate the eighth sword in the Xuantian sword formula Style - dragon blood black yellow!

That’s right, it’s the eighth sword style——Dragon Blood Xuanhuang, the eighth sword style of Xuantian Sword Art, and it’s also the sword move I’ve been practicing for the past few months. I have some ideas, but I haven’t used it in actual combat yet.

In fact, this Dragon Blood Xuanhuang is also a sword move with large-scale destruction, which is very terrifying.

Didn't Yuan Chaochen want to run away? I want to see where they can go.

When I activated the Dragon Blood Black and Yellow sword move, dark clouds suddenly gathered above my head and thunder rumbled.

The black clouds suddenly turned into blood-like red, dyeing the entire land red, like a purgatory on earth.

The fleeing men of Gui Yongdao and Yuan Chaochen looked up and screamed in horror, not knowing what was going on.

Li Banxian and Monk Hua were also quite frightened when they saw this scene.

"Dragon Blood Xuanhuang!" I shouted.

Accompanied by my yell, there was a muffled grunt and explosion, and then there was a loud and dull dragon chant sound suddenly from behind the blood-red clouds overhead, shaking all the stones not far away. They all rolled down.

This was just the beginning. After the sound of the dragon's roar, the blood-red clouds suddenly began to rain heavily. But this rain was not ordinary rain, but bright red blood. This blood fell on the ground, and there was a heavy rain on the ground. White smoke rose up, fell on the stone, and made a "pop" sound. When it fell on the person, the person rolled to the ground in pain, with green smoke rising from all over his body, and screamed in agony.

It wasn't rain at all, it was like high-strength sulfuric acid falling from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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