Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1896 Hanging Mountain North Peak

Chapter 1896 Hanging Mountain North Peak
This is the eighth sword style in the Xuantian Sword Technique - Dragon Blood Xuanhuang.

The blood-red rain fell, and under the pull of my sword soul, it went straight towards Gui Yongdao and Yuan Chaochen's men.

The place immediately turned into a purgatory on earth. Countless people were wrapped in the blood-red rainwater, and then their bodies were corroded, and bursts of green smoke came out of their bodies. They all let out shrill screams, and they were in pain. rolling all over the floor.

At the same time, Li Banxian and the others all gathered in front of me, their eyes widened, looking at the tragic situation in the world not far away, and they were all stunned and shocked. They had never seen me use this move before, and I was also the first The first time I used this dragon blood black yellow, even I didn't know that this move would have such terrifying power.

With my current physical condition, I can't hold on to this move for too long. The more spiritual power I consume, the shorter the time I can hold on using my blood essence.

So after I saw a large number of people falling in the distance, I quickly put away the sword spirit, blocking the dragon blood Xuanhuang from continuing to exert its power.

And this dragon blood black and yellow must consume a lot of spiritual power. When the technique stopped, I suddenly felt my whole body tense, and I shook my body slightly. After taking a deep breath, I felt a lot more relaxed.

At this time, Li Banxian, who was standing next to me, looked back at me and sighed: "Xiaojiu, you are in big trouble now. You have activated the power of essence and blood. When the backlash surges up, the consequences will be... It’s really unpredictable, why do you think you’re doing this?”

"I can't worry about that much anymore. Let's go and look for it quickly to see if Yuan Chaochen is dead. Also... I have to find Chen Qingan and take her out." I said anxiously.

Xue Xiaoqi glanced at me, then took out a handful of pills from his body, stuffed them all into my palm, and said: "These pills are all for replenishing qi and repairing body damage. You can take them. Maybe If you can hold on longer, after the matter here is settled, we will return to Hongye Valley immediately and find two old men to heal your injuries, the sooner the better."

I responded and quickly stuffed all the pills that Xue Xiaoqi gave me into my mouth. After a while, I felt warm in my chest and my whole body was full of strength again.

Next, a group of us ran towards the group of fleeing Gui Yongdao and Yuan Chaochen's men.

The place shrouded in the dark yellow of dragon blood was in a mess, the vegetation on the ground was all dead, and even the stones were corroded by the blood rain, exuding a pungent smell.

When we arrived in front of that group of people, let alone the tragic situation, there were sunken corpses everywhere, some of them had been corroded by the rain of blood, exposing their white bones, and more people had blisters on their bodies. As scary as you want.

Especially the mercenary guards with guns, who died the most. They had no resistance at all. Once the blood rain fell, they would only die.

Taking a general look, I found that there are at least 300 corpses here, covering the small hillside. Many people maintain the painful expressions before dying, but I clearly remember that there are 600 people on the other side, and there should be many more. Few people left here.

Since most of the people who had been showered with blood were beyond recognition and it was impossible to tell who was who, we took a general look and did not waste time looking for them, but I think Yuan Chaochen and Elder Baihu should have escaped.

Since there are still many people alive, with such a high level of cultivation, they will naturally not die so easily.

It’s just that it’s meaningless to search for the whereabouts of Yuan Chaochen and Elder Baihu now. The purpose of my coming here is not to cause trouble for them, but to save Chen Qingan. After standing in the pile of corpses for a moment, I glanced around, and finally my eyes fell. When I found out about the two people from the special task force, I immediately said to Jiang Hongliang: "Brother Jiang, is Patriarch Chen Ting buried in your cave in Xuanshan Mountain?"

When Jiang Hongliang heard me ask about this, he said: "Yes, Patriarch Chen Ting was indeed buried in the Cave Heaven Blessed Land in Xuanshan Mountain, but he was not buried in the Cuizhu Valley of Huilin Peak as the world said. It was just a burial mound. In order to hide it from others. In fact, the immortal bones of Chen Ting’s ancestor are buried on the top of the North Peak of Xuanshan. There is a large area there. It can also be regarded as our forbidden area in Xuanshan. I have stayed on Xuanshan for more than 20 years and have never gone there once. After passing there, I heard from my master that the spiritual energy of ancestor Chen Ting’s immortal bones was extraordinary, and it was a formation that maintained the paradise of Xuanshan Cave. The spiritual energy released by the immortal bones had nourished Xuanshan for more than a thousand years from generation to generation. Therefore, Very few disciples below the elders can climb to the top of the North Peak of Hanging Mountain. I don’t know why Brother Wu suddenly asked about this matter.”

The reason why I asked Jiang Hongliang is that I also have my own plan. This ancestor Chen Ting is the ancestor of Chen Qingan, and this immortal bone is also the lifeblood of the Chen family. Once the immortal bones of ancestor Chen Ting are destroyed, the Chen family will also suffer. There was a catastrophe, and the reason why Chen Qingan and his grandfather Chen Xuanqing risked their lives and came to the hanging mountain was to protect the immortal bones of ancestor Chen Ting.

Therefore, the main target of Gui Yongdao, the Black Water Holy Spirit Cult and those brought by Yuan Chaochen may be the place where ancestor Chen Ting is buried on the north peak of Xuanshan Mountain, and Chen Qingan and her grandfather will definitely stay on the north peak. Come on, let's go there, and we will find Chen Qingan in no time.

I pondered for a moment and said to everyone: "Everyone, don't delay. Let's set off to the North Peak of Xuanshan Mountain now. All these evil cult monsters must have flocked to the North Peak."

Jiang Hongliang nodded and said: "Brother Wu is right. The target of these evil cult demons' attack should be on the North Peak. However, the North Peak is not so easy to break because there are three dangerous places in the Hanging Mountain, namely Qian Zhangying, There are 370 stone ladders on the steps of Yiyigu and Zhenling driving plows, and Qianzhangying. On the cliff, Pan Xuanyu must chain his wrists with irons and use both hands and feet to climb along the steep mountain road. The thousand-foot cliff is daunting. In the meantime, the cliffs are steep, There is only a ray of skylight above the head, which is extremely dangerous. If it is covered with an iron plate, there will be no way up or down. This is the most dangerous part of Xuanshan. If a few powerful masters are arranged at the entrance and exit of Qianzhangying, they can It is not easy for those evil cult monsters to break through the barrier. Not to mention that there are more dangerous places behind. Hanging Mountain is no different from other places. It is famous all over the world for its thrills. These cult monsters want to break through it. If you want to break Xuanshan, you are really looking for the wrong place.”

 Some things happened in the past two days, and I missed a few chapters, but I will make up for it, and there will be no need to update.

(End of this chapter)

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