Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1897 The natural danger of hanging mountains

Chapter 1897 The natural danger of hanging mountains
This is my first time to come to Xuanshan. Let alone Cave Heaven Paradise, I have never been to Xuanshan outside. From what Jiang Hongliang said, it seems that Xuanshan is really a dangerous place. Since Xuanshan is so dangerous, , Gui Yongdao still wanted to attack here. It seems that Yuan Chaochen put in a lot of effort.

Jiang Hongliang looked particularly proud when he mentioned Xuanshan, and then said: "Not far beyond this thousand-foot shadow is Yiyi Valley. This is the second dangerous drop of the north peak of Xuanshan. The two walls are towering, and the middle There is a huge stone falling from the sky, with the three characters "Tianjingshi" engraved on it. If someone passes by the stone path, it will definitely feel thrilling. After that, there are also small dangerous places such as Zhilu Bridge, Yinjiang Ridge, and Water Testing Cliff. , and then comes the third dangerous pass called Zhenling Jiali, which is a hook-shaped dangerous road between steep stone walls. It is unfathomable and has more than 570 stone steps. Legend has it that the Supreme Master saw that there was no stone here. The road was open, so they brought in a green ox and plowed the ravine overnight. There are these dangerous places, and there are countless masters on the hanging mountain. The cultivation level of the leader Fanchenzi is close to the Earth Immortal Fruit Level. Even if Guiyong Road breaks through these passes one after another, it cannot be won in a day or two.”

Hearing Jiang Hongliang say this, I felt really relieved. In this way, this dangerous place on the mountain sounds more difficult to break than Dancheng Mountain. If they didn't attack it, Chen Qingan told her grandfather Maybe it's fine now.

Although I felt a lot relieved, I didn't dare to be careless. I quickly called to everyone: "Let's go over and have a look."

Everyone responded one after another, and under the leadership of Jiang Hongliang and another disciple of Xuanshan, they quickly walked towards the north peak of Xuanshan.

Along this road, you can always see some scattered corpses on the ground. Most of these corpses are covered with blisters, and some corpses are rotten and smelly. Needless to say, this is all caused by the trick of dragon blood black yellow as a result of.

Although some people escaped at that time, many people were also seriously injured by the blood rain made by Dragon Blood Xuanhuang. People fell down continuously along the way. We walked for several miles, and we could see people falling down The corpses on the ground made me feel a little sad. This dragon-blooded black-yellow sword move is indeed powerful. It is indeed the top sword move of Xuantian Sword Technique.

While walking quickly, I suddenly remembered something, so I turned to look at Jiang Hongliang and said, "Brother Jiang, what is your relationship with Xuanshan Headmaster Fan Chenzi?"

Jiang Hongliang said quickly: "The master, Fanchenzi, is my master, and my master, Master Tianxing, is the disciple of master Fanchenzi."

I nodded, thinking that this Fanchenzi should be about the same age as Master Dan Chengshan Zhiqing. Ordinarily, at such an age, he should have abdicated and cultivated a higher level of cultivation, and let the younger generation of disciples take the helm. Teacher, if you haven't given up the position of headmaster at such an old age, there is only one possibility, that is, there is no more suitable candidate to take the position of headmaster of Xuanshan.

Xuanshan has always been relatively low-key. Although it is the top Taoist sect in the world, no major deeds have ever been reported in the world. If it weren't for Chen Qingan's incident, I wouldn't even know where Xuanshan is. I don't even know who their leader is, it can be said to be a blank.

As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be victorious in every battle. I must have a general understanding of Xuanshan's situation in order to make a correct judgment and see how I can help Xuanshan survive this crisis.

Then, I asked again: "In addition to the master Fan Chenzi, are there any powerful masters on your Xuanshan Mountain?"

Jiang Hongliang then said: "Yes, the most famous of our Xuanshan are the Four Elders of Xuanshan, who are the most powerful elders besides the headmaster. Among them, Dongfeng Chaoyang is under the jurisdiction of the headmaster Fanchenzi, and the other four The peaks are Fenglin in the west, Ningying in the middle, Yanglin in the south, and Tanyue in the north. The remaining main peaks are guarded by four masters: Fan Xuzi, Fan Kongzi, Fan Liong and Fan Lingzi. Look at the current situation. , Gui Yongdao brought so many masters to besiege Xuanshan. All the four elders of Xuanshan should have gathered on Beifeng Tanyue, uniting to guard the formation of Beifeng, preventing them from destroying the immortal bones of ancestor Chen Ting. Then Place is the most important thing in Xuanshan.”

He said that it was pretty much what I thought. At this time, Xuanshan was at its most critical moment, and all their masters must gather together to protect the most critical place in Xuanshan.

As they talked along the way, everyone walked quickly. Along the way, they could always see many corpses. Some of them were people from Guiyong Road, but more of them were disciples of the Xuanshan Sect. These disciples of the Xuanshan Sect died in different ways. Different, but all extremely tragic. Some were shot to death, some were bitten to death by poisonous insects, and some were infected with head-lowering spells, with stone flakes or bamboo strips growing on their bodies. Along the way, there were There are many Gu insects crawling here, and they will swarm when they see people. I released the second senior brother to clear the way for us. Any Gu insects that come over will be burned to ashes.

After traveling fast all the way like this, in about half an hour, we came to the first sinister place called Qianzhangying on the North Peak. On the rugged mountain wall, there is a stone ladder, which is winding and winding, and at most it can only accommodate two people to pass through. The iron chain on one side of the stone ladder has been damaged, and the other side is the cliff On the very narrow stone ladder, there are also many corpses lying in disorder, but most of them are Gui Yongdao's men and horses, and there are a few corpses of black witch monks among them. These corpses are only clearly visible, not yet. I know how many people fell to the bottom of the cliff and fell to pieces.

Not to mention leaving, it was a bit thrilling to watch. It seemed that there must have been a bloody battle here not long ago.

The people in Xuanshan relied on this natural barrier to resist the attack of the people from Guiyong Road. They should have persisted for a long time. However, there is no movement here now. This shows that the people from Guiyong Road should have broken through this thousand-foot shadow. The natural danger has reached another place.

Looking at the corpses all over the ground, Jiang Hongliang seemed a little surprised. He quickly stepped forward and ran forward. I glanced at the people behind me and signaled everyone to be careful and follow closely.

Walking quickly along the stone stairs, we reached the end in a short time and arrived at the place called "Taihua Throat". When we looked up, we saw that there was a big hole in it. There were several corpses of Taoist priests lying on the opening.

(End of this chapter)

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