Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1898 Stand there and don't move

Chapter 1898 Stand there and don't move

Upon seeing the corpses of those Taoist priests, Jiang Hongliang, who was standing below, suddenly exclaimed: "Uncle Tianshun..."

It seemed that Jiang Hongliang must know one of the veterans guarding the thousand-foot shadow, and he was about to jump up. However, at this moment, Li Banxian suddenly stepped forward, grabbed his arm, and said urgently: " Don’t go there, there’s an ambush!”

Hearing what Li Banxian said, everyone quickly retreated. But before we could retreat far, the corpses of the old Taoists lying on them suddenly exploded, with blood and flesh splattering everywhere. I heard the explosion. At that moment, he quickly condensed a void spell, and then turned it into a Gang Qi barrier to block the crowd. The Gang Qi barrier made of broken bones and flesh kept making sounds, and it stopped after a while, followed by countless The sound of Gu insects crawling.

Looking through the aura barrier, one can see that there is really a swarm of poisonous insects, and the number is frightening. If a person with trypophobia sees such a scene, he will probably faint from fear on the spot.

But I soon thought of a way to deal with it. When the second senior brother walked to Qianzhangying just now, I put it away because it was too big. But now is the time to use it. He took it out again and threw the second senior brother forward, directly in the middle of the road, his body covered with flames.

Those Gu worms rushed towards the second senior brother regardless, and they were not afraid of death. However, most of the Gu worms could not withstand the power of the real fire on the second senior brother. They were killed by the second senior brother before they even got to him. The flames on the senior brother's body swept over and burned him on the spot.

Although these Gu insects did not pose much of a threat to us, there were too many of them. It took more than ten minutes for the clattering sound to stop. I put away the second senior brother and looked ahead. , but saw that the ashes burned by the Gu insects were piled up in a thick layer, which was more than half a meter high. Seeing such a scene, the two people in the special team were all sighing.

Especially Jiang Hongliang, who turned to look at Li Banxian, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for the rescue, otherwise I would have died right now. How did I know that there was something going on above? "

Li Banxian said calmly: "It's very simple, because I saw a corpse on it moving slightly, and the corpse was obviously larger than a normal corpse, so I warned everyone in advance."

Lao Li's observation was meticulous. If he hadn't discovered it in time, we would have been in some trouble.

But now that the crisis was over, we gathered again at the Taihua Throat. Worried about any dangers up there, I released the little Mengmeng and let him go up for observation first. Soon Xiao Mengmeng turned back and told us that everything was normal and there was nothing abnormal, and then everyone climbed up one by one.

After everyone went up, they looked around and found that there were no corpses here anymore, because those corpses were all decomposed by Gu insects, but the soil on the ground all turned dark red. I don't know if they were dead. How many people would have experienced such a tragic situation.

"Those corpses turned into bugs just now. It must have been done by that boy Yuan Chaochen. He expected that we would chase after us, so he set up a trap waiting for us." Bai Zhan said angrily.

I have already learned about Yuan Chaochen's scheming. He failed to ambush us, so he avoided his sharp edge and went to greet Elder Qinglong and the others. He would definitely frame us again. This kid's dirty tricks are hard to guard against. For me, People like Bai Hu and Elder Qinglong are not terrible opponents, because no matter how strong they are, I will have the courage to fight them to the end. But Yuan Chaochen is different. He is like a man hiding in the dark at night. A poisonous snake, when you walk past it, it will suddenly poke out its head and bite you hard, making it difficult for people to guard against it.

But no matter how difficult it is, we still have to continue on this road, face him, and kill him, so that we can permanently relieve our worries.

I told everyone to be careful and cautious. Now that Yuan Chaochen has taken this road, there will definitely not be peace on this road. This guy will probably play dirty tricks.

Everyone nodded, and I asked Xiao Mengmeng to clear the way, and we continued walking forward.

Not far after Qianzhangying, there is Yiyi Valley. The two walls of Yiyi Valley are towering, and there is a line of sky above the head. At the end of Yiyi Valley, there is a huge boulder lying on the ground, and the bottom of the boulder is covered with blood. , there are still many mutilated corpses pressed down, it is estimated that someone knocked down the boulder in the one-step valley, and killed several people who passed through the one-step valley.

However, looking at those corpses, none of them were dressed as Taoist priests, so they should be people who returned to the Yong Dao.

As soon as they saw the huge boulder, everyone moved over. The person from the special team with Jiang Hongliang seemed a little excited when he saw the falling boulder. He quickly moved forward and reached out to touch the boulder. Shitou said with some excitement: "This... this is the amazing stone on the first step of the valley on the north peak of our hanging mountain. It was shot down by someone. When I was young, I..."

"Stand there and don't move!"

Before the man could finish speaking, Bai Zhan seemed to have discovered something this time, and he quickly shouted at the buddies from the special team.

The guy from the special task force was stunned for a moment. He didn’t know what was going on. He thought he was in danger. He quickly turned around and ran towards us. It was a good thing he didn’t run. As soon as he moved, I heard " There was a slight sound, as if something had been triggered.

At that moment, everyone quickly retreated, and then Monk Hua quickly offered his purple golden bowl, covering everyone.

There was a loud "rumbling" sound, and the falling Tianjing Stone suddenly exploded. Huge stones flew in all directions and hit the Zijin Bo. The Zijin Bo made a huge buzzing sound. Zhen's ears were ringing, and the brother who was close to the Tian Jingshi before was directly blown to pieces.

Soon, everything returned to calm. The Jingshi no longer existed that day, and the body of the buddy from the special team was shattered and flew far away. His hands and feet were gone, and only half of his upper body was still lying in a pool of blood. , the person is not dead yet, a large amount of blood gushes out of his mouth, it is obvious that he will not survive.

"There was a white line under the soles of the brother's feet just now. I saw a little bit of it and told him not to move, but he still moved. Alas!" Bai Zhan sighed angrily.

 Good night, I'll start updating tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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