Chapter 1903

After a few tricks, Monk Hua tore off the monk robe on his body, revealing a muscular chest. The tattoo on the chest and back turned red. A golden glow suddenly bloomed from the tattoo on his body, and two angry-eyed Vajras jumped out, one holding a Jie knife and the other holding a snake-browed copper stick, and together with us, we parried the elder Qinglong.

Monk Hua's move was new. He had never used it before. When these two angry-eyed kings came out, it was like two more masters came out to help.

Despite this, the few of us did not gain any advantage in our fight with Elder Qinglong, and were still completely suppressed by Elder Qinglong.

Caught off guard, Elder Qinglong sprinkled a handful of green poisonous powder at us. As soon as the poisonous powder came out, it turned into colorful moths and flew towards us.

This poison technique is very terrifying, not to mention the poisonous moths spread by Elder Qinglong, which must be extraordinary. When these colorful poisonous moths flew towards us, I shouted and asked everyone to step back. , immediately drew several lines of void, turning into a strong energy barrier to block the crowd. After being blocked, those poisonous moths immediately rose into the air, crossed the strong energy barrier and continued to pounce towards us.

At that moment, I condensed the void spell again, turned into several huge fireballs, and crashed towards those poisonous moths.

There were too many poisonous moths, covering the sky and the ground. Although a few huge fireballs burned many poisonous moths to death, they were only a drop in the bucket and could not have much effect. When I saw this scene, I suddenly panicked. .

Just when I was about to use the Fire Dragon Jingtian move to burn all these poisonous moths to death, the Qinglong elder no longer gave me a chance. With a sway of his body, he directly broke the several Gang Qi barriers I had condensed and reached out. He picked up the witch stick and continued to slap me on the head. This time, his speed was too fast. He was heading straight to kill me, and he used the method of shrinking into an inch, in the blink of an eye. It came to my side and hit me hard with a stick. I had no time to use the sword spirit to resist, so I quickly put away the sword spirit and grabbed the witch staff of Elder Qinglong. Forget about the sour feeling, it The force of the witch stick was too strong. The arm that grabbed the witch stick instantly lost consciousness and became numb. Fortunately, I used the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Break to transfer most of the force. I stepped on the hard stone ground and stepped on it twice. A deep footprint.

Before I could react, Elder Qinglong struck me with another palm. Before I could react, I had no choice but to reach out and catch his palm.

His palm power is also extremely terrifying. I used Yinrou Palm and Heart-Destroying Palm, but I couldn't use the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Pa because the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Pa was carried in the other hand.

The Yinrou Palm can increase my cultivation several times, and the Heart-Destroying Palm can condense thunderous energy. The two forces are integrated with each other, but they are still unable to withstand the fatal palm power of Elder Qinglong. Immediately, I groaned and fell down. He flew out, flying for more than ten meters before rolling to the ground. He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his internal organs, his throat felt sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

However, I am already like this, Elder Qinglong still does not intend to let me go, and he comes towards me again in a erratic figure. I endured the severe pain from the whole body and slowly got up from the ground, taking a deep breath. With a sigh of relief, I sacrificed the sword soul, and saw that the elder Qinglong had arrived by my side. At this moment, the two angry-eyed Vajras of Monk Hua suddenly appeared in front of me, blocking the way of the elder Qinglong.

"Seeking death!" Elder Qinglong shouted angrily, and swiped the witchcraft staff in his hand horizontally. The two Vajra Dharma Prime Ministers used their magical weapons to catch them, but they were forcefully knocked away by Elder Qinglong. His body shape changed for a while. Feinting, I found the right opportunity and stabbed the lower abdomen of Elder Qinglong with my sword. When I stabbed with the sword, I was stunned. Elder Qinglong didn't even dodge, and the sword in my hand The sword was stabbed into his body, but he didn't feel anything at all. It was as if the sword was pierced in the air. What was going on?
I was completely panicked. Is this Elder Qinglong not a human being at all?

Just when I was stunned and stunned, suddenly, a strong wind came from behind, making the hairs on my back stand up.

Yue Qiang, who was running towards me, shouted in horror: "Brother Jiu, be careful..."

Broken, I just remembered at this moment that Elder Qinglong taught the clone technique. The Earth Immortal Chongling Master from Dancheng Mountain was confused by Elder Qinglong’s clone technique, so he was allowed to escape. Now He actually used this trick on me, and the reason why Yue Qiang was frightened must be because Elder Qinglong had appeared behind me at this moment.

Can you still hide?
I was terrified in my heart, but I would not just sit still and wait for death. At that moment, I used the method of missing eight steps and moved quickly to the side.

What surprised me was that as soon as I moved away, I heard a scream from behind me. When I turned around to look, I found that Monk Hua and his purple gold bowl collapsed and flew out, even worse than I did just now. Miserable, he was vomiting blood while he was in mid-air, and the purple golden bowl also became dim. After sending Monk Hua flying away with one move, the clone of Elder Qinglong suddenly disappeared, and then Elder Qinglong He was killing me again, just when Yue Qiang caught up and slashed at the Qinglong old man with a few swords. Those swords should be Yue Qiang's most powerful means. The sword shadows were like mist and rain. , However, Elder Qinglong only dodged for a moment, then stretched out two fingers, clamped the tip of Yue Qiang's sword like a bag, and then kicked Yue Qiang away.

Elder Qinglong kept running towards me without stopping. I could tell that he just wanted to kill me, and he didn't care about the lives of others.

I raised the sword soul and was about to fight the Qinglong elder when I found that the hand holding the sword soul was shaking and I couldn't hold the sword. I looked closely and suddenly found that the hand holding the sword soul was red and swollen, and It was covered with scorching foam, and both hands were like this.

Soon, I understood. Damn it, Elder Qinglong’s hands and witchcraft staff were all bewitched by him. As long as there was even the slightest physical contact with him, he would be bewitched immediately.

Fortunately, I just used the Heart-Destroying Palm. The thunder energy in the palm can be suppressed to prevent the poison from spreading. If I want to remove the poison, I must activate the Heart-Destroying Palm again to let the thunder energy pour between the arms to prevent the poison. The poison needs to spread.

 There will be more updates later, so I started to catch up on them. Yesterday, I had a severe headache and fell asleep on my stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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