Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1904 Mortal Axe

Chapter 1904 Mortal Axe
The thunder intention is as strong as the yang, and the poisonous poison takes the path of yin and softness. When any poison encounters the thunder intention that is as strong as the yang, it will definitely not be able to bear it, and will be burned by the thunder immediately. And die.

I had the intention to activate the Heart-Destroying Palm again and use thunder to burn the poisonous poison planted on my arm, but I really didn’t have time to react. Elder Qinglong must kill me this time, and he attacked me one after another. I hit hard, and even though I had the chance to kill others, I ignored them and went straight towards me.

At that moment, I had no choice but to endure the severe pain in my arms, the pain that was like cutting flesh from bones. I raised the sword spirit in my hand, shouted loudly, and slashed towards the elder Qinglong again, this time. The dragon swept thousands of troops, and a purple sword energy burst out, but it was easily swept away by the elder Qinglong with his witch staff. Then the elder Qinglong stretched out a hand exuding black mist and pointed directly towards my Grab the neck.

"Wu Jiuyin, you have repeatedly made enemies of me, Gui Yongdao, you can no longer live!"

Elder Qinglong said viciously, and the hand that was shaped like a tiger claw got closer and closer, and when he was about to grab my neck, suddenly, there was a strange sound in my ears, as if a heavy object was breaking through the air. At the sound of the movement, Elder Qinglong frowned, and the hand that was about to grab me suddenly stopped in mid-air. He slapped the heavy object with his backhand, and Elder Qinglong followed closely and took a few steps back. , with a vigilant look on his face.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I dodged to the side in eight steps and turned to look at the person who attacked Elder Qinglong. I saw five Taoist priests with white beards and white hair walking quickly towards me. Running over, I also saw the magical weapon that had just attacked Elder Qinglong. It turned out to be an extremely huge axe, which was scary enough to look at.

Most of the magical tools used by Taoist priests are swords, whisks, etc. This is the first time I have seen a Taoist priest holding an ax in his hand, and it looks fresh.

In addition to the old Taoist with the axe, there were four Taoist priests who seemed to be very advanced. They seemed to be at least 80 years old. Their figures were erratic and they quickly came to my side. , those four old Taoists didn’t even look at me, they ran directly towards Elder Qinglong and surrounded him, as if they had set up a sword formation, with four swords flying up and down, they could kill Elder Qinglong. Being temporarily trapped finally saved my life.

At this moment, the poison that Elder Qinglong gave me had spread to my shoulders. I had no choice but to activate the Heart-Destroying Palm, stimulating the thunderous intent, and passed it back and forth three times on my arms, removing those All the Gu insects wandering in my arms were electrocuted to death with thunder, and then I felt much better.

At this time, I noticed the old Taoist who stopped next to me. He was covered in blood, and his Taoist robe was in some tatters. He was holding a heavy ax in his hand. Although he was quite old, he looked very burly. , with a perfect inverted triangle figure, it’s really weird for an old man to look like this. The old Taoist priest looked me up and down, and then said directly: "Young man, what you did just now was good, you were so quick to speak. Then all the poisonous insects in the body were destroyed, but you still have to release the poisonous blood in both arms, otherwise the arms will be useless."

As he said that, the old man couldn't help but use his huge ax to cut two incisions on my arms. Black blood suddenly flowed out, and the sore, numb and swollen feeling disappeared a lot.

"Thank you, old man. I wonder who you are?" I asked as I cupped my hand.

"Pindao is Fanchenzi, the leader of Xuanshan. You should be Wu Jiuyin, the son of the Wu family who has been in the limelight recently, right? Xuanshan suffered a disaster this time. Thank you for your help. Pindao is grateful!" Nafanchenzi said He cupped his hand towards me and said extremely politely.

His speaking voice was like a bell, deafening and deafening, and made my eardrums buzz.

It turned out that this person was none other than Fan Chenzi, who was completely different from what I had imagined. At that moment, I raised my hand again and said sternly: "The descendant of the Wu family who has killed the corpse has met Master Fan Chenzi."

The old Taoist waved the huge ax in his hand, sighed and said: "There is no need for these etiquettes. I won't say much about other poor Taoists. If you can bring people to my Xuanshan, you will be my Xuanshan's benefactor. If this crisis in Xuanshan can be passed safely, it will not be too late for us to chat. Now that the evil cult Guiyong Dao has killed more than half of my disciples in Xuanshan, it seems that it can no longer hold on. You are also injured because of this, so rest here. Come on, Pindao, go over and kill the thief Qinglong."

Saying that, Master Fanchen turned around to leave, but I hurriedly said: "Teacher Fanchen, wait a moment, I have something to ask you."

Fan Chenzi turned his head and asked, "If you have anything to say, the descendants of the Wu family can just say it directly."

"I have an old friend named Chen Qingan, and her grandfather is called Chen Xuanqing. He is a descendant of the ancestor Chen Ting. It seems that he has also come to Xuanshan. I wonder if the master has ever seen them?" I asked respectfully.

Immortal Fan Chenzi was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "This... I have never seen these two people before, and I have never heard of these two people..."

My mind buzzed, and I suddenly felt something was wrong. Could it be that the old man from the Chen family had lied to me, and that Chen Qingan hadn't come over at all?But there is no reason for this?

Unless the old man is from Gui Yongdao, or someone arranged by Yuan Chaochen deliberately informed me to come and die.

This makes me depressed.

While I was hesitating, one of the old Taoists who were fighting with Elder Qinglong let out a scream, as if he was seriously injured by Elder Qinglong. Fanchenzi immediately turned around without saying a word, He rushed towards the elder Qinglong.

Looking at Fanchenzi's retreating back, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart. I thought that Fanchenzi's cultivation level should be similar to that of Zhiqing Master, but judging from his cultivation, it seems to be a little worse than Zhiqing Master. I guess he added more The four elders on the hanging mountain may not be able to defeat elder Qinglong.

At this moment, I was injured again, and my whole body was in constant pain, and the backlash from the power of my essence and blood seemed to be faintly about to attack, and I always felt uncomfortable all over.

At that moment, I glanced around. Both Hua Monk and Yue Qiang were injured. At this moment, they got up from the ground and walked quickly towards me. When I went to search for Bai Zhan and Li Banxian, When they were walking around, they didn't see their traces, and they didn't know where they were led by Yuan Chaochen at this moment.

This makes me feel very uneasy. Yuan Chaochen is so yin, I'm afraid they will suffer a big loss.

 Good night~ I’ll continue updating tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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