Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1918 Immortal Bone Spiritual Qi

Chapter 1918 Immortal Bone Spiritual Qi
"Hahaha..." Pontiva also laughed loudly, looked at Yuan Chaochen and said: "Good boy, you really have some tricks. Don't worry, our Blackwater Holy Spirit Church has become good friends with you people in Jiaozhou... …”

But I don't know why, even though I'm already in extreme pain right now, and feel like I'm going to die at any moment, I can hear every word and every sentence they said.

Even Chen Qingan's painful murmurs and the voice of constantly calling Brother Xiaojiu got into my ears.

The pain has almost reached the extreme. Now I really want one of them to come over and look at my head with a sword and give me a painful blow. I don't want to endure it for another second.

I think even the effect of Xue Xiaoqi's Nine Turns Gua Gu Dan is not as good as one-tenth of my pain.

However, what I didn't expect was that when my pain reached a limit and I felt like I was about to die, suddenly, as the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra continued to spread downwards, a wave of The warm and peaceful breath suddenly rolled in, like the Kun River flooding, bathing my whole body, and immediately relieved a lot of my pain.

After a while, the pain eased a lot, and even my bulging dantian subsided slowly. What's going on?
I tried to move my body, and when I turned around to look, I saw a group of gentle colorful lights suddenly blooming around the tomb of Patriarch Chen Ting. At this moment, the energy swallowed by the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra was The power of Earthly Evil released from the tomb of Patriarch Chen Ting.

Suddenly, I understood what was going on.

The burial place of the immortal bones of Patriarch Chen Ting is a formation in the Cave Heaven Blessed Land in Xuanshan Mountain. Patriarch Chen Ting was a Taoist hermit thousands of years ago and had extraordinary cultivation. His immortal bones naturally contain supreme telekinesis. , which is similar to the Buddhist relics.

At this moment, what I am using the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra to swallow up is the aura of Chen Ting’s ancestor’s immortal bones, a steady stream of earth evil power.

This majestic power is the purest innate Qi of Taoism, the awe-inspiring Qi, which indirectly offsets the rest of the energy I swallowed, forming a neutralizing effect.

However, all this is what I think, and I don’t know whether it is the specific reason.

But I felt that the pain in my body was reducing rapidly, and then I quickly got up from the ground. The energy in the soul-eating stick in Yuan Chaochen's hand was also swallowed up by me using the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra. I moved towards Throwing it aside, he shook his body, and all the bones in his body rattled. This feeling was very satisfying, as if he had been reborn.

I don't want to stop, the feeling of suffering to the limit and then becoming unrestrained comfort makes me a little addicted, especially the peaceful and docile power that emerges from the tomb of the ancestor Chen Ting, flowing in Qi The eight meridians swirled in the Dantian Qi sea, washing my body over and over again, making me feel that my whole body was once again filled with infinite power.

This feeling of wandering on the edge of life and death and regaining a new life did not last long. I no longer screamed in pain, and I stood there calmly. The expressions of Pontiva and Elder Baihu who were opposite me suddenly changed.

Yuan Chaochen also frowned and said with a puzzled look on his face: "This... what is going on... what is going on, why is he not dead yet..."

Yes, I am not dead yet. When I come back to life, it will be your death.

With this thought in my mind, a cruel sneer appeared on the corner of my mouth.

In fact, I want to rush over now and fight to the death with Pontiwa and Yuan Chaochen, but the feeling of using the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra to swallow the power of the earth evil where the ancestor Chen Ting is buried is so satisfying, I simply can’t. Don't want to stop.

As a result, Pontiva and others on the opposite side could no longer calm down. Pontiva immediately said in a hurry: "Young man named Yuan, please think of a way quickly. This person will never survive!"

Yuan Chaochen panicked. He looked at me blankly, shook his head in a daze, but did not dare to come closer to me.

At this moment, suddenly, I felt that the space around me suddenly shook, and then a figure quickly ran towards us. The figure was so fast that he was in front of everyone in the blink of an eye. When I squinted my eyes, I was shocked, but I saw that the person coming was none other than Elder Qinglong.

It's just that Elder Qinglong looked a little tired at this moment. As soon as he got close to Pontiva and the others, he looked at me in surprise, his eyes cold.

"Elder Qinglong...why are you here?" Elder Baihu suddenly asked.

"I asked you to destroy the tomb of the ancestor Chen Ting. Why did you take so long? The people from the special dispatch team outside have already destroyed it. We arranged the Qiankun upside-down array on the periphery, and brought a large number of masters to kill it. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. !" Elder Qinglong said anxiously.

"Elder Qinglong is nothing more than some official trash from the Yan Kingdom. What's there to be afraid of? We'll kill as many as they come. You're making too much of a fuss." Peng Tiwa said with some disdain.

"What do you know? You must not know much about the official strength of the Yan Kingdom. In fact, there are many super powerful masters in the officialdom. Some people's cultivation is not as good as mine. Let's leave quickly, otherwise it will be too late." Elder Qinglong said again.

"Brother Qinglong doesn't know. Originally, we were about to destroy the tomb of Chen Ting ancestor, but so many people suddenly appeared on the way, as well as our nemesis Wu Jiuyin, otherwise we would have been killed right now. It has been destroyed a long time ago." Elder Baihu said with a resentful look.

The elder Qinglong looked very anxious, and then said: "There is no time, we can only do it quickly. I will kill Wu Jiuyin. You can deal with these people as soon as possible, and then we have discussed it from the beginning." Evacuate the location, and you must act quickly!”

As he was talking, Elder Qinglong rushed towards me with his witch staff. When he passed Chen Xuanqing and Chen Qingan, they both raised their swords and intercepted Elder Qinglong. I didn't see clearly the Elder Qinglong. No matter how the elder moved his hand, the two of them staggered and took a few steps back to both sides. Then, Peng Tiwa, Yuan Chaochen and Elder Baihu rushed towards Chen Qingan and the others.

At the same time, the elder Qinglong approached me. When he stepped into the area covered by the Yin-Yang Bahe Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, he couldn't help but let out a muffled groan, feeling something strange .

"No, it's a little weird..." Elder Qinglong said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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