Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1919 Blessed Land Collapses

Chapter 1919 Blessed Land Collapses
Not only did Elder Qinglong feel different, but I also noticed many abnormalities myself. The Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra was still running, but I didn’t feel the bulging feeling in my Dantian before, and now I still feel very comfortable. The energy I swallowed before seems to have been digested a lot, and up to now, there is still a steady stream of power pouring into my body from the tomb of Patriarch Chen Ting. It kept washing over my body.

Elder Qinglong stepped into the area covered by the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, and the black robe on his body swelled up without the wind. Suddenly, a thick layer of black steamed up from his body. Qi, but this time, the black Qi surrounding Elder Qinglong did not solidify around him, but part of it floated towards me.

This was the reason why Elder Qinglong was surprised.

Because before, I used the Yin-Yang Eight-Height Infinite Cleansing Sutra on Elder Qinglong once, but this person didn’t seem to be too afraid of my ultimate killing move. I didn’t see how he did it, so I used the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Cleansing Sutra. You can come and go freely within the scope covered by the marrow sutra.

But this time, things were not so smooth for Elder Qinglong.

After entering the scope of the Yin-Yang Eight-Height Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, he stayed there for a moment, and then walked towards me step by step.

Although it seemed relaxed, I could feel that Elder Qinglong was on guard, which was completely different from before.

Elder Qinglong walked towards me slowly, and said gloomyly: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. The old man tried his best to plan this trip to the hanging mountain, but in the end he got you a favor. Ancestor Ting's thousand-year-old fairy bone was bred for thousands of years in the Paradise of Paradise, but now you can pick up a ready-made cheap one, I think I can't leave you as a scourge today!"

As he spoke, Elder Qinglong quickly walked up to me, then raised the witch staff in his hand and smashed it down on my Tianling Cap.

I shouted loudly. Without thinking, I directly raised a hand and caught the witchcraft staff of Elder Qinglong. The cultivation of Elder Qinglong was really terrifying. When I caught his witchcraft staff, , I had already used the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Break to transfer most of the power on the witch staff, but it still shook my whole body. The rocks under my feet were shattered, with several deep cracks, and my knees were also shaken. He turned around and almost fell to his knees on the ground.

Then Elder Qinglong changed his moves again and reached out to grab my neck. Subconsciously, I quickly shot a move of Yin Tender Palm towards Elder Qing Long's chest, mixed with the move of Heart Destroying Palm.

This palm is pushed out quickly, and there are small electric currents rolling and crackling on my palm. This can be regarded as a desperate fighting method. If Elder Qinglong pinches my neck, then my feminine palm will The Heart-Destroying Palm and the Heart-Destroying Palm will also hit his chest heavily. I used all my strength with this palm. The Yinrou Palm can also expand my cultivation several times. The two palm techniques combined into one, even Elder Qinglong No matter how high your cultivation level is, you will definitely get hit hard.

No matter how hard I tried, I still wanted to tear off a piece of his flesh.

But Elder Qinglong obviously didn't want to kill me with this desperate method. He swayed slightly and then appeared behind me. A cold feeling suddenly came from the witch staff I grabbed. I was so angry that I trembled all over and let go of the witch staff in his hand.

In a moment, Elder Qinglong slapped me on the back with another move. In panic, I tried to dodge using the method of missing eight steps, but it was still a step too late. Elder Qinglong's A palm hit me right on the back.

At that moment, I groaned and flew forward, flying more than ten meters away before falling heavily to the ground. My internal organs were churning for a while, and I opened my mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood with a "wow" sound.

The palm of Elder Qinglong completely destroyed my Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra. Fortunately, fortunately, the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra has been running and blocked it for me, otherwise It is very likely that I will be slapped to death by Elder Qinglong.

After being hit by this palm, I couldn't get up for a while, but I don't know why. I felt that my injuries were not too serious, but I was exhausted.

When I looked at Elder Qinglong again, I thought he would rush over immediately and kill me, but no, Elder Qinglong held a witch staff in his hand and turned half a circle in front of the tomb of Patriarch Chen Ting. , and finally seemed to have found some joint. Suddenly, he shouted loudly, and the witch staff in his hand was firmly inserted into a place above the tomb.

The terrifying thing happened immediately afterwards. I really don’t know what elder Qinglong touched something that shouldn’t be touched. Anyway, after the witch stick was inserted, the whole space shook violently and let out a loud noise. There was a loud rumble, and then above my head, suddenly dark clouds gathered, wind and clouds gathered, thunder and lightning, and vaguely, I seemed to hear some shattering sound.

"Not good... the Cave Paradise of Xuanshan is about to collapse... the formation has been broken!"

I don't know who screamed in fear, which made my heart skip a beat.

isn't it?
If Elder Qinglong inserted a witch staff on the tomb of Patriarch Chen Ting, would the cave heaven and paradise on the hanging mountain collapse?

I don't know much about the magic circle, and I have never seen what it looks like when the magic circle collapses, but the movement at this moment is really shaking, and it feels like the sky is about to collapse.

At this time, I was extremely scared. I didn't know what would happen to the people inside the magic circle after it collapsed.

In the panic, I tried to move my muscles and bones, used the sword soul, and tried to get up from the ground. I finally stood up unsteadily, but I was knocked to the ground by a huge shaking.

And at this moment, the elder Qinglong had pulled out the witch staff again, and he came to me in an instant, and a witch staff swept towards my chest.

Elder Qinglong's move was very simple, but very violent. He was trying to kill me. I subconsciously used my sword soul to block it, and the next moment, a huge force came and killed me. The sword flew out directly, and then fell heavily to the ground again. I already had injuries on my body, but this was an added injury. I couldn't help but spit out a big mouthful of blood again. No, I felt like I was going to die soon. I I feel like my body has lost consciousness...

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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