Chapter 1920
Elder Qinglong used his witch staff to pierce the tomb of Patriarch Chen Ting, and then the entire Cave Heaven Paradise on the Hanging Mountain shook violently, as if it was about to collapse at any moment.

After doing this, Elder Qinglong rushed towards me again. This time, he just wanted to kill me.

After experiencing a series of changes, my body has long been weak. First, I was injured by the corpse ghost mother-in-law. I had no choice but to use the power of essence and blood to survive until now. Not long ago, I was plotted against by Yuan Chaochen, and he was hit. The backlash fell, and I almost died. I finally swallowed some of the immortal bone spiritual power of Patriarch Chen Ting. Then I was interrupted by Elder Qinglong who suddenly came out and smashed two witch staffs at me. .

My body, which is riddled with scars and bruises, can't withstand the critical blows of Elder Qinglong one after another. At this moment, I am already vomiting blood and teetering on the verge of collapse.

The second witch staff sent me flying. Elder Qinglong ducked to my side again. This time, he quickly raised the witch staff and smashed it towards me again, but this time, I no longer had any power. I had no choice but to close my eyes and wait for death. Just when Elder Qinglong's witchcraft staff was about to fall on my head, a ball of scarlet evil energy suddenly appeared beside me, transforming into a human form. Xiao Mengmeng performed two hand gestures with great difficulty, and used both hands to hold the witch staff in Elder Qinglong's hand out of thin air.

The appearance of Xiao Mengmeng made Elder Qinglong stunned for a moment.

"Don't hurt my brother Xiaojiu..." Xiao Mengmeng was surrounded by red evil energy. With her small hands raised, it was very difficult to withstand Elder Qinglong's blow. This girl also tried her best.

Seeing Xiao Mengmeng standing in front of me, my heart moved.

Elder Qinglong was extremely furious and shouted loudly: "If a little ghost dares to make a mistake in front of me, I will beat you to pieces!"

After saying that, Elder Qinglong's other hand was filled with black light, and he reached out and grabbed Xiao Mengmeng.

At this moment, I can feel the terrifying aura surging on Elder Qinglong's body. Although Xiao Mengmeng has become a ghost and demon, Elder Qinglong's cultivation level is really too high. I believe that with one move of Elder Qinglong, he can Being able to catch little Mengmeng till death.

I was extremely frightened. At this moment, I didn't know where the strength came from. I struggled to get up, sacrificed the sword soul, and stabbed the elder Qinglong.

I'm basically struggling to my death, even though I know it won't be of much use, but I still have to do it, I have to do it.

However, at this moment, a golden light suddenly hit from one side, and a strong wind blew behind him. Elder Qinglong, who was about to slap Xiao Mengmeng on the body, seemed to have seen something very terrifying, and suddenly He retracted his hands and quickly dodged to one side. The next time he appeared, Elder Qinglong had already appeared a hundred meters away.

Let me go, what the hell, Elder Qinglong ran so far away, what is the purpose?
While Elder Qinglong was escaping, a very strange magic weapon fell to the ground from one side of my body, about two meters in front of me. This was a magic weapon that was both familiar and unfamiliar to me, with a golden glow all over it. Shining, it didn't look like the real thing. After the magic weapon fell on the hard ground, it directly pierced the stone, still shaking and buzzing.

When I saw such a scene, I felt inexplicably frightened. At this moment, Xiao Mengmeng was even more frightened and turned into a scarlet evil spirit, which went directly into my Eight Treasure Bag of the Universe. It was a hundred times more frightening than Elder Qinglong. .

I slowly turned my head and looked in the direction behind me, and then I saw an incredible scene. A person was slowly walking towards me. This person was Bai Zhan, but this Bai Zhan is not the real Bai Zhan, because he exudes an extremely huge aura and is shining with golden light. Beside Bai Zhan, there is also a black dog, also shining with golden light, jumping up and down, which is even more incredible. Yes, there was a crack on Bai Zhan's forehead, which looked like an eye. A golden light also shot out of the eye, shrouding me.

Yuan Chaochen, Elder Baihu and others who were originally fighting with Chen Qingan and Chen Xuanqing also hid a hundred meters away, staring at Bai Zhan in stunned silence.

As for Chen Xuanqing, he pulled Chen Qingan to crawl on the ground, trembling with fear and not even daring to raise his head.

I looked at Bai Zhan at this time, slowly walking towards me with the black dog. Every step he took, it seemed that the mountains were moving, and the weather was changing. I was stunned for a while.

Go, what the hell, why does Bai Zhan in front of me feel like Erlang Shen, a character from mythology and legend?
Under my stunned gaze, Bai Zhan had already walked in front of me, stretched out his hand, and pulled out his magic weapon from the crack of the hard stone. Suddenly, stone chips flew everywhere, and when my eyes fell on him again When he put on the magic weapon in his hand, he discovered that the magic weapon in his hand turned out to be a three-pointed two-edged sword. Isn't this the magic weapon of Erlang Shen?

"Bai Zhan?" I coughed, spat out a mouthful of blood foam, and asked tremblingly.

That Bai Zhan glanced at me, shook his head, and suddenly smiled slightly and said: "I am Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun."

I went, I almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, I guessed it right, the person in front of me was Erlang Shen.

My mind is a little confused at this moment, and it is not enough. Why is this boy Bai Zhan suddenly possessed by Zhenjun Erlang?
But I soon got an idea. Bai Zhan has a method called the magic of inviting gods, which can invite gods to his body. However, in the past, the people Bai Zhan invited to his body were all weird monsters, or some powerful ghost cultivators.

This time Bai Zhan was so awesome that he actually invited a god to take over. This was a real god.

No wonder Chen Xuanqing and others looked like they were prostrated. People had noticed it a long time ago.

I swallowed hard, trembling with excitement, and did not dare to say hello to this true god.

But after seeing that Lord Erlang who was possessed by Bai Zhan said a word to me, he actually took the black dog and walked towards the burial place of Patriarch Chen Ting.

When he arrived at the tomb of Patriarch Chen Ting, he couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "I have been worshiped by you on the hanging mountain for thousands of years. Now I have encountered a catastrophe. The cave heaven and the blessed land will be destroyed. I can't bear your thousands of years of incense worship in vain." , just help you and others get through this disaster..."

After saying that, Erlang Shen, who was possessed by Bai Zhan, suddenly raised the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand and thrust it into the burial place of Patriarch Chen Ting. A dazzling golden light suddenly appeared. It overflowed, making people unable to open their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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