Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1925 Need a Helper

Chapter 1925 Need a Helper

The old Taoists from Xuanshan were excited for a while, and then they all knelt down and kowtowed to the tombstone of Patriarch Chen Ting, making a loud banging sound.

At this time, I had some doubts in my heart. I was wondering whether Patriarch Chen Ting had predicted that there would be such a difficulty in Xuanshan a thousand years ago, so he left the "Xiantian Map" early. down for future reference.

If this is the case, then Patriarch Chen Ting is definitely a god.

Today, no matter what, I, Wu Jiuyin, have received a lot of favors from his old man and absorbed part of his spirit bone power. I will definitely benefit a lot in the future. However, I definitely can't say this. I feel shameless to face Xuan. A disciple of the mountain.

Chen Ting's ancestor's fairy bones have maintained the Xuanshan Cave Paradise for more than a thousand years, and his spiritual bones have kept this Cave Paradise alive. Even though it is only a quarter, it is still amazing.

The old Taoist priests in Xuanshan were excited for a long time before they opened the "Picture of Innateness" to read. However, after several people looked at it for a long time, they all frowned, shook their heads and sighed, even the headmaster of Xuanshan Fanchenzi also opened his eyes wide with an expression of disbelief.

Soon, Na Fanchenzi said: "The words and patterns in this "Xiantian Picture" are simply confusing to people, just like a book from heaven, what should I do..."

At this moment, Chen Qing'an's grandfather, Chen Xuanqing, suddenly took a step forward, cupped his hands and said, "My Chen Xuanqing is the No. 70 third generation descendant of Chen Ting's ancestor. Since this "Picture of Innateness" is a relic of my ancestor, , maybe I can understand it a little better, I wonder if Headmaster Fanchenzi can lend it to me for a look?"

Hearing what Chen Xuanqing said, the head teacher of Fanchen immediately became vigilant, obviously he didn't quite believe Chen Xuanqing, thinking that he was trying to lie to them about the "Innate Map".

At this time, I said loudly: "Headmaster Fanchenzi... I can testify that this old gentleman is indeed a descendant of Patriarch Chen Ting. The man from Gui Yong Dao just entered the burial place of Patriarch Chen Ting's immortal bones. During the magic circle, it was Mr. Chen and his granddaughter who resisted those evil cult monsters, otherwise the tomb of Patriarch Chen Ting would have been destroyed long ago."

Fanchenzi may not believe what others say, but it is impossible for him not to believe what I say. After all, I am the first person to rush in to rescue, and I am an outsider in this matter, so I have no reason to lie.

As I bear witness, Master Fanchenzi relaxed his vigilance, cupped his hands towards Chen Xuanqing, and said politely: "It turns out that you are the descendant of Patriarch Chen Ting, so disrespectful... Since you are the descendant of Patriarch Chen Ting, Man, this is something left by Patriarch Chen Ting, so there is nothing to look down upon..."

Chen Xuanqing nodded and took the yellowed ancient book "Xiantian Tu" from Fan Chenzi's hand.

After just a quick glance, Fanchenzi suddenly frowned, with a very shocked expression.

Fanchenzi on the side was a little anxious and asked quickly: "Jushi Chen, can you understand?"

Then Chen Xuanqing took a deep breath and said: "This book left by our ancestors is really incomparably mysterious and contains the truth of heaven and earth. It is really a treasure. The old man can indeed understand a little bit, but I still have to keep it for a while." Just study slowly."

"Then can the content in this book repair the cave heaven paradise in Xuanshan?" Fanchenzi asked the question that everyone was most concerned about.

Chen Xuanqing nodded, and said seriously: "Of course, it is not only the Paradise of Paradise that can repair the hanging mountain, even if the Paradise of Paradise elsewhere is damaged, the techniques in this "Congenital Map" can also be repaired. In addition, this book The book also records a lot of powerful magic circles and many unheard of things, which are really unbelievable, if you want to fully understand the content of this book, I am afraid it will take a long time."

"But there is no time to delay in the Paradise of Cave Heaven on the Hanging Mountain. The spiritual energy here will leak out in large quantities every day. If this continues, in less than three or two months, this Paradise of Cave Heaven will no longer be any different from the outside. What should we do?" Fanchenzi said. said anxiously.

Chen Xuanqing pondered for a moment, and then said: "If we only repair the cave in the hanging mountain, it won't take that long. Give me half a month, and I can almost complete it. There is only one prerequisite. I You must have someone who is proficient in array layout to help you.”

This made Fanchenzi feel troubled, and he said helplessly: "It's a pity that although there are people on Xuanshan who know how to arrange the magic circle, there are no such masters who are very proficient in it."

At this moment, Monk Hua suddenly stood up and said carelessly: "I said you are looking for someone who is proficient in the magic circle. It's very simple. There is one here. He is my old brother Li Banxian, the one with the appearance of Mai Shenxian in the north of Xiangbei. Heir, he knows astronomy from above and geography from below. He knows 500 years in advance and [-] years in hindsight. He is proficient in astrology and divination, and he can also read and feel bones. Whether it is setting up formations or deducing formations, my old brother Li can do it all. No one from the special team came into the magic circle surrounding Dongtian Paradise. My old brother Li took us in. It was as easy as strolling around and picking up things. If you don’t ask him for this matter, who would you ask? ?”

I can't resist Laohua's bullshit.

When we came in not long ago, was it called taking a stroll and searching for things?

Several times, we were almost strangled by the magic circle.

Although Monk Hua looks careless, he is actually very thoughtful. So what is "Xiantian Picture"?That is an ancient book left by an old god like Patriarch Chen Ting. As Chen Xuanqing said just now, the recording method in it contains the principles of heaven and earth. It is the essence of Patriarch Chen Ting’s life. Even the Chen family There is a method that none of his descendants have ever practiced. If Lao Li can get a glimpse of it, he will benefit a lot.

We brothers are all grasshoppers tied together. As Old Li becomes stronger, we will become stronger, which invisibly increases the strength of our Jiuyanghua Li Bai.

When the time comes to lead us to charge and break through the barriers, Lao Li will be even more handy.

It is precisely because I know Monk Hua better that I can figure out what he is thinking at the moment. This kid is too smart.

At this time, I looked at Lao Li. This guy looked like an old god. He looked at his nose and heart with his eyes and his nose, but he didn’t say anything. Obviously, Li Banxian also really wanted to find out what was in the "Picture of Innateness". After all, this is something left by the ancestor Chen Ting of Xuanshan, and there are still people from the Chen family here at this moment. Secretly learning other sects' techniques is a taboo in the world, unless someone gives it to you. Otherwise, even if you want to learn it yourself, it will be impossible.

 I drank too much last night. I heard Mrs. Long said that she vomited four or five times and fell unconscious. Let's make up for last night's first ~ I'll come back later.

(End of this chapter)

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