Chapter 1926
Hearing what Monk Hua said, the eyes of Fan Chenzi, Chen Xuanqing and others all fell on Li Banxian.

Li Banxian didn't say anything, but the old god stood there without saying a word.

At this time, the head teacher of Fanchen came forward suddenly, bowed his hands to Li Banxian, and said politely: "Now that Xuanshan has undergone major changes, the cave is the root of Xuanshan, and I hope Mr. Li can help , to help Xuanshan get through this crisis, Xuanshan must be extremely grateful."

At this time, Li Banxian returned the gift and said politely: "Ordinarily, I will definitely help with this favor and will never postpone it, but this "Xiantian Tu" is a treasure book left by the ancestor Chen Ting, and it contains This thing must be the life-long effort of Chen Ting’s ancestor, and there must be some destiny. I am not a disciple of the Xuanshan sect, nor am I a descendant of the Chen family. I really don’t dare to covet the practice methods of other sects, for fear of attracting criticism from the heroes of the world, I, Mai, The Li family will no longer be able to hold their head high in the world, so I’m sorry that I can’t do anything about it.”

Lao Li's method of retreating into advance is really good. If he wants to shirk it and let others beg him, he will learn his skills and gain a good reputation.

Looking at the current situation, Li Banxian had no choice but to take action.

There is a big hole in the cave of Xuanshan, if it is not repaired in time, the aura in this cave will become thinner and thinner. Once the aura is gone, this place will be no different from the outside, and it cannot be called a cave. up.

A mere practice method is really not worth mentioning compared to the Xuanshan Cave Paradise that has lasted for thousands of years and has nurtured countless generations of disciples in Xuanshan.

Although that Fan Chenzi is five big and three thick, the head teacher who can sit on this hanging mountain is not a simple person. His thoughts are naturally very delicate. He must know what Li Banxian means. Old Li just wants to go down a step. Practicing the skills in the "Xiantian Diagram" is justifiable.

At that moment, the headmaster of Xuanshan, Fanchenzi, said: "Don't worry, Mr. Li, as long as Xuanshan's Cave Paradise can be repaired, Xuanshan will do whatever it takes."

"It's just..." Li Banxian was still a little hesitant, and then looked at Mr. Chen Xuanqing not far away.

Chen Xuanqing took a few steps forward and said seriously: "What time is it now? I don't care about it so much. After all, there are not many cave heaven paradises in Yan Kingdom, and there is no need to miss one, and this is also our Chen family." We in the Chen family don’t have any objections to the burial place of our ancestors, but there is one thing we ask the descendants of the Ma Yi Shenxiang family to remember. You can practice the techniques recorded in the "Picture of Innateness". But you must not pass it on to a second person, including your descendants, can you do this?"

It is already very good to be able to practice the cultivation method of other families. This is also a big bargain, but Li Banxian can use this to blackmail him and refuse to agree to Chen Xuanqing's condition. Now that he has learned it, why can't he pass it on to his descendants?

Of course, Chen Xuanqing's condition was not too much, because this was the rules of the world, and many people had to abide by it.

No matter what, even if Li Banxian is looking at my face, he will not refuse this matter.

Everyone has seen it. Chen Xuanqing's granddaughter is hugging their brother. How can Lao Li save face?

Immediately, Li Banxian nodded and said: "Well, I have no choice but to be respectful rather than obedient."

The matters here are almost settled. After a while, suddenly a person from the special dispatch team rushed towards Zhang Jing and whispered a few words in his ear. Zhang Jing nodded quickly and said knew.

Immediately afterwards, Director Zhang came to our side again, and said in a deep voice: "Friends in the Jianghu, Zhang Mou took a step first, someone found the trace of Elder Qinglong, the leader of Guiyong Dao's thief, I will take someone to look at it." Look."

When they heard that the people from the special investigation team had found the trace of Elder Qinglong, everyone was shocked.

That Fan Chenzi suddenly became furious: "Old thief Qinglong, I don't know how many disciples I have killed in Xuanshan, and almost made Xuanshan's cave and paradise no longer exist. Xuanshan and Guiyong Dao are inseparable. Director Zhang, Pindao will go with you to capture that old Qinglong thief!"

The director of that chapter looked very anxious, nodded, and suddenly looked at me before leaving: "Son, if you need anything, just tell the special dispatch team, whether you want a car or someone, the special dispatch team The team will give you the greatest support, I have to go first."

I responded and nodded slightly. Before I had time to say anything, Director Zhang hurried away with a group of people.

That Fanchenzi also led a dozen or so bloody Taoist priests to follow in the footsteps of Director Zhang.

The Hanging Mountain catastrophe this time was much more severe than Dan Chengshan's loss. More than half of the casualties were lost, and the losses of the masters were almost the same. I think there is only one of the four elders left in the Hanging Mountain. I guess the other three should have died.

Now that the people from the special dispatch team have found the Elder Qinglong who escaped, and the special dispatch team has invited the expert Shock Field, the people on the Xuanshan side are confident and help the special dispatch team to clean up the elder Qinglong.

However, I think this matter is a bit strange. Elder Qinglong is so careful, and Yuan Chaochen, a scheming kid, is taking care of him. How could he show his flaws? When they escaped, I heard Elder Qinglong say, It was the people from the special task force who came in and evacuated according to the original plan. In other words, Elder Qinglong and the others had already found a way out. If the plan failed, they were very confident that they would escape intact.

I always feel that there is some kind of conspiracy in this matter. Just as I was about to say something, the Director Zhang rushed out with a large number of people from Xuanshan, and soon disappeared without a word. speak out.

After everyone had left, Xue Xiaoqi came over suddenly, looked at Chen Qingan who had been hugging me with some embarrassment, and said, "Well...Miss Chen, can I show Xiao Jiu a look at his body? The injury... I think he is quite serious..."

Chen Qing'an knew that she was a little out of character, so her face turned red. She nodded quickly towards Xue Xiaoqi and said, "Please ask Divine Doctor Xue for help..."

"That's us, we are brothers, we must save him..."

As he said that, Xue Xiaoqi moved closer to me, blinked at me, and said with a smirk, "Xiao Jiu, let me take your pulse first..."

My body was already so weak that I couldn't even lift my hand, Xue Xiaoqi quickly pulled my hand over, his face changed instantly, and he said in surprise, "I'll could this happen!"

(End of this chapter)

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