Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1927 Two women are going to duel

Chapter 1927 Two women want to duel

I don’t know what happened, Xue Xiaoqi was shocked, but seeing Xue Xiaoqi’s expression, I should be very serious. When Chen Qingan heard what Xue Xiaoqi said, she suddenly became frightened and frightened. She squeezed my arm so tightly that it hurt, and she quickly said: "What's wrong with Brother Xiaojiu..."

"The muscles and veins all over the body are in disorder, and there are several inexplicable and powerful forces colliding in the body. He had activated the power of essence and blood before, but now it has started to backfire, and he has also suffered serious internal injuries. Added together, In short, the situation is very complicated, and I still can't control it..." Xue Xiaoqi said solemnly.

"Brother Xiao Qi, please don't scare me... Is it as scary as you said..." I said in surprise.

Chen Qing'an's expression changed even more, and she seemed even more nervous than me. She grabbed Xue Xiaoqi's arm and said urgently: "Then please save him quickly..."

"Don't worry, I will definitely save Xiao Jiu. I will help him control the backlash first."

As Xue Xiaoqi spoke, he took out the pills from his body, took out a few, and stuffed them into my mouth. I swallowed the pills and suddenly felt as if my chest was going to explode. I didn't know what was going on. Whatever medicine the boy gave me, the forces in my body collided even more fiercely. Then Xue Xiaoqi quickly stretched out his fingers and poked me hard a few times. This time it was even worse.

There was a buzzing sound in my head, and there was unbearable pain all over my body. Then there was a miserable groan, and I opened my mouth and vomited out a large mouthful of blood. My vision went dark, and I fainted immediately.

Before I fainted, I vaguely saw Chen Qingan's pretty face rushing toward me again, with a look of horror on her face, and then I didn't know anything else.

I was so tired, so tired, and just wanted to have a good sleep, and now I finally got what I wanted.

When I opened my eyes drowsily again, I found that I was lying in a familiar environment.

That's right, everything went as expected. I have been sent back to Xue's Pharmacy.

The place where I was lying now was the room where I often slept. When I woke up in the afternoon, the afterglow of the setting sun dyed the room with a light red color, shining warmly on my body. Through the sunlight, I can see the dust dancing in the sunshine, and everything is so comfortable.

After I opened my eyes, I didn't do any activity. I just lay there quietly and enjoyed the peaceful afternoon.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been like this. It seems like I only have a period of peace and quiet when I’m recuperating. The rest of the time I’m on the road of fighting and fighting, turbulent and precarious, with my head hanging on my waistband all day long.

I just lay there in a daze, motionless. I tried to move my hands and feet, but found that I couldn't move. When I moved my Qi, I found that the sea of ​​Qi in my Dantian was empty and there was nothing left.

However, I didn't panic in the slightest. Even at a certain moment, I felt that this was very good. At worst, I would become a useless person, who didn't understand anything, and didn't know anything. I just felt at ease and did my duty. Ordinary people are not bad either.

As an ordinary person, I would not be exposed to such a bizarre world. As an ordinary person, my circle is full of ordinary people.

No one can attract thunder from the sky, no one can cast poison, no one knows the art of lowering the head, let alone little ghost beasts. These are all deceptive things in movies and novels, but after returning to reality, I know clearly All this is true.

The fact that I am still alive and lying in the Xue family's medicine shop instead of in the magic circle of the two old men of the Xue family can only mean one thing, that is, the injuries on my body are not very serious, otherwise I will definitely be in the Xue family's pharmacy. Wherever those two old men were being treated, they would not be placed here.

While I was thinking about this, footsteps came from outside the house. It was Xue Xiaoqi and Hua Monk who came over. They were not surprised when they saw me waking up.

"I just said that Xiaojiu will wake up this afternoon. Look, isn't he awake now? He's staring at a pair of bull's eyes. He doesn't know what he's looking at." Xue Xiaoqi teased.

"It goes without saying that I must be looking at the sister of the Chen family. I said that Xiaojiu is quite coquettish. It's fine for Li Kexin to come out without making a sound. Now the sister of the Chen family has appeared again. It's okay. He is totally determined. The key is that he is good-looking, and he almost made me fall in love with him. Amitabha, it’s my fault..." Monk Hua said, and cast a few more flirtatious glances at me, looking so mean, too Too cheap.

But from the attitudes of the two of them, I also know that there must be nothing wrong with me now, otherwise they wouldn't be behaving like they are now.

With that said, the two of them walked over to me and sat down. Monk Hua slapped my thigh with his butt and said with a mean smile: "Master Jiu, do you feel good about stepping on several boats?"

"That's cool for you, can you be more serious?" I rolled my eyes at Monk Hua and asked.

"You have the nerve to say that, just because of you, the Xue family medicine shop has been full of gunpowder these days, and almost killed someone. If my brothers hadn't stopped me, there would have been trouble." Monk Hua said helplessly.

I was stunned and said, "What's wrong?"

"What else can I do? Let's be jealous. You have a good life. There are so many beautiful girls pestering you. Why don't you say that I don't have your life? It's a pity that I have such a handsome and miserable face." Monk Hua touched his Chin said.

This kid is not upright, I didn't bother to talk to him, then looked at Xue Xiaoqi, and said seriously: "Brother Xiaoqi, what's the matter?"

Xue Xiaoqi also looked very helpless and said to me: "When we were at Xuanshan, I saw that your muscles and veins were disordered, your qi and blood were colliding, and the power of your essence and blood had a severe backlash, so I temporarily sealed your Dantian qi. Hai, made you faint, and then rushed you to Hongye Valley to find two old men for treatment. The two old men worked hard for two days, using Guimen 72 needles to help you mobilize your muscles and veins, and stabilize your Dantian Qihai. , your boy was in a coma for seven days and seven nights. The Chen family's sister Chen Qingan was too worried about your safety, so she followed us to Hongye Valley, but there was always someone waiting for you in Hongye Valley, that is Bai Zhan's junior sister Yang Fan. It's done, two women are getting together, and they are both affectionate and righteous to you, vying to take care of you. The Chen family girl has a light temper, which is easier to say, but you also know Yang Fan's little temper. Anyway, I don’t like the girls from the Chen family, so I almost had to fight with the girls from the Chen family because of you. If a few of us hadn’t stopped you, we would have caused a big mess."

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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