Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1928 Innate Spiritual Qi

Chapter 1928 Innate Spiritual Qi
Hearing Xue Xiaoqi mention Yang Fan, I felt a thrill in my heart. It really shocked me. I almost forgot about Yang Fan.

When we left for Xiyanzhou to deal with Yue Qiang's affairs, Yang Fan yelled to go with us, but we didn't let her stay here with Zhou Ling'er and take care of Xue's family. This girl also agreed up.

If Xue Xiaoqi hadn't mentioned Yang Fan, I would have forgotten her.

Everyone knows that Yang Fan is interested in me, but I have always regarded her as a girl and have never had any inappropriate thoughts, but Yang Fan doesn't think so.

Now, Chen Qingan followed us to Hongye Valley because she was worried about me. How could Yang Fan be willing? Li Kexin was already unbearable for her. Finally, she heard that Li Kexin had become a monk. She had a chance to fight for it. Suddenly, she suddenly risked it again. Chen Qingan came out. This girl's fiery temper is probably going to break down, and she will naturally not have a good look towards Chen Qingan.

The key is that Yang Fan has been at the Xue Family Pharmacy for a long time and has a good relationship with everyone, while Chen Qingan is new here and knows no one except me.

Thinking about it this way, Chen Qingan must have suffered a lot of injustice here.

When I think of this, I feel very uneasy.

After pondering for a moment, I looked at Xue Xiaoqi and said, "Where is Chen Qingan?"

"I left...I left this morning." Xue Xiaoqi sighed.

"Although Yang Fan didn't like the Chen family girl very much and pushed her around everywhere, the Chen family girl also tolerated it. She just said that she would take care of you until you woke up, and then left. Until this morning, I heard from Xiao Qi that you would meet in the afternoon. I woke up, so I left Xue Family Pharmacy directly." Monk Hua said with some regret.

"Then did she leave anything for me when she left?" I said a little worried.

Xue Xiaoqi and Hua Monk looked at each other, then shook their heads and said, "No."

Hearing their answers, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Chen Qingan just left without saying a word. What does this mean?
Let's go, let's go, what else can I do, what else do I want to expect?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel a little melancholy again.

Seeing me like this, Monk Hua suddenly laughed again, and Xue Xiaoqi couldn't help but smile.

I raised my eyelids, glanced at them, and said impatiently, "What are you two laughing at?"

"Xiao Jiu, tell me the truth, do you like the girl from the Chen family, or Yang Fan? To be honest, this girl from the Chen family is good-looking, nothing to say, her cultivation is good, her family background is good, the only thing that is not good What's more, she has a bit of a cold temper, with a straight face every day, and I feel a little guilty when I see her. But Yang Fan's girl is also good, she is also good-looking, clever and eccentric, and loves others. If they don't, I'll take both of them, as long as they want, I can do whatever I want, and I'll be wronged." Monk Hua said with a cheap smile.

"Hey...Old flower, I'm off topic. As a monk, stop saying so many useless things. After all, this is Xiaojiu's woman. You can't take advantage of your brother's woman." Xue Xiaoqi said.

Monk Hua smiled and said: "Brother Xiaoqi, you don't understand this. There is a saying that is as delicious as dumplings, and as fun as sister-in-law... Actually, sister Zhou Ling'er... hehe..."

"Damn it! I'll strangle you to death!" Xue Xiaoqi went crazy when she heard Monk Hua wanted to get Zhou Linger's idea. , even if you give him eight courages.

After the two argued for a while, they finally calmed down.

I took a deep breath, and then asked: "Where is Yang Fan?"

"She also left. After the Chen family girl left, Yang Fan also left after a while. When the girl left, she was so angry that she was like a ball. I didn't dare to pay attention to her. To be honest, I was really afraid that Yang Fan was going I'm chasing the girl from the Chen family, who would win if they had a fight?" Monk Hua said with a smile.

I went and he could still laugh about this, but I realized that I shouldn't have woken up. I was sleeping fine, but when I woke up, there was a lot of trouble, which made my head feel heavy and life-threatening.

However, I am not worried that they will fight. I know their tempers quite well. Yang Fan is a young lady with a temper, a little willful, but there is still a bottom line in doing things; It was Yang Fan who made trouble for her. I guess Chen Qingan would not kill her. At most, he would teach her a lesson. Obviously, Chen Qingan's cultivation must be higher than that of Yang Fan. It was very difficult for me to deal with the flower essence of the other side.

Seeing that my face was always gloomy, Xue Xiaoqi suddenly took out an envelope from his body, handed it to me and said: "The Chen family girl asked me to give this to you before she left. I didn't open it to read it, although She didn't say anything when she left, but she left a letter, probably what she wanted to say to you."

Seeing that letter, my heart jumped again, but I can't move now, so I had to signal Xue Xiaoqi to put the letter on the bedside.

So, I asked Xue Xiaoqi: "When can I resume my cultivation and walk around in the ground?"

"It's coming soon. Two old men in my family said that you can move your limbs the next day after waking up, and you can walk around in seven days. You will be fully recovered in about a month. However, the two old men said that you are now bigger and have more fat in your body." A powerful breath, called innate spiritual energy, is very majestic and complements the resentment sealed in the sea of ​​dantian energy in your body. When these two forces are fused together, you can digest it faster and live a better life. After a period of time, your cultivation level will be completely improved." Xue Xiaoqi said with some excitement.

"Xiaojiu, what's going on? Last time you went to Dancheng Mountain, you got a big deal. This time you went to Xuanshan, you got another benefit. Why don't I have the same luck as you?" Monk Hua sighed. road.

I know this myself, so I briefly told them about using the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra to swallow up the spiritual energy from the immortal bones of Patriarch Chen Ting. The two of them were also surprised when they heard it. What shocked them was not that I had swallowed the power of the immortal bones, but that Yuan Chaochen was so vicious and smart as a demon. The whole process was a routine and the arrangements were flawless. He was really an extremely terrifying opponent. Being an enemy with him was simply a nightmare. It was a disaster, but this time I was also a blessing in disguise. If Yuan Chaochen hadn't plotted against me, I wouldn't have been able to swallow the power of ancestor Chen Ting's immortal bones.

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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