Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1930 Heartbroken

Chapter 1930 Heartbroken

Three simple words - I'm waiting for you.

This amount of information is too large and contains a lot of content. I have to think more about it. Is she waiting for me to go to her, or is she waiting for me to finish dealing with the complicated things around me, and then go to her?

Or maybe there are other mysteries.

This girl is so cold and cold. It's already great if she can leave these three words for me and let me figure it out secretly.

Actually, I really think Qingan is pretty good, so I would rather be with her, but deep down I still feel some inexplicable resistance. I think this extra resistance may be because of Li Kexin.

There are some things that I still can't let go of, including her decisive smile when she jumped off the cliff.

I can’t even let go of the three thousand strands of worry she cut off. To this day, her hair has always stayed in my Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe.

Taking a deep breath, I folded the letter left by Chen Qingan again and put it away.

I still feel that now is not the time to discuss the love between children, because I don’t know how long I can live. Maybe one day, Bai Maitreya will suddenly come back to the world, come directly to the door, and kill me with one move. Got rid of it.

Even if it wasn't Bai Maitreya, even if Elder Qinglong had just come face to face with me, he wouldn't be able to fight back.

I'm not strong enough now, I have to make myself stronger quickly, otherwise I won't even be able to protect my own woman in the future.

Just let Chen Qingan wait for me. When I become truly strong, maybe I will have the courage to find her.

In the next few days, my body recovered quickly. Just as Xue Xiaoqi said, it only took about a week for me to walk around. Then I met Bai Zhan, this guy He has recovered even better, his face is glowing, his face is full of energy, even his cultivation has almost recovered, and he looks very happy.

I asked Bai Zhan why he was so happy, but Bai Zhan secretly told me that when the powerful consciousness of Erlang Zhenjun came to him, Erlang Zhenjun taught him some cultivation techniques as a reward for borrowing his body. , although it was only a little bit, it was still very powerful and benefited him a lot. Moreover, he tried to practice it in the past few days and found that his cultivation level had improved a lot.

The most important thing is that Bai Zhan also told me that if he encounters a life-or-death moment in the future, he can still communicate with the True Lord Erlang and bring in a ray of his consciousness to save his life.

Let me go, this kid Bai Zhan really got a big deal, he was possessed by the consciousness of True Lord Erlang, and he was able to get such an affordable thing with just a consciousness, and he was taught his skills by the true god, I am still First time heard of it.

While chatting with Bai Zhan, I suddenly thought of Yue Qiang. This kid seemed to have never seen him.

Bai Zhan told me that when we came down from Xuanshan, Yue Qiang returned to Xiyanzhou and went straight to Chenshan.

Yue Qiang experienced two crises in Xuanshan and Danchengshan, and knew how terrifying and cunning the people of Guiyongdao were. He was worried that Chenshan would suffer the same fate as Danchengshan and Xuanshan, so he returned early. When they arrived at Chenshan Mountain, they told the disciples to take strict precautions, as they probably wouldn't come out much during this period.

Yue Qiang was a good guy, a friend he could make, and he was very courageous. He killed Pontiva without saying a word.

It's really fierce.

When we finished talking about Yue Qiang, Bai Zhan's face suddenly became a little unhappy. He sighed and said, "Brother Xiaojiu, it seems that Senior Sister Yang Fan is a little sad this time."

When I mentioned Yang Fan, my heart trembled again and I asked him, "What's wrong?"

"You still don't know what my little senior sister is thinking. She has always been very fond of you. She came here to find you this time because she thought it was impossible for you and Li Kexin to be together. She thought she had an opportunity, and ended up in Xue's Pharmacy. Watching you, waiting for you to come back, after waiting for so long, you came back, unconscious, sleeping for seven days and seven nights, that's all, but you also brought a girl from the Chen family, you didn't know that my little senior sister at that time How sad she was. She secretly cried several times by herself. This time she was really heartbroken. When she left that day, she cried all the way. She was afraid that you wouldn't know what to do after you woke up. How to face you, and what's more, I'm afraid you will say some heartless words to her... Brother Jiu, I know you can't force this emotional thing, but my little senior sister is too pitiful. She wasn't like this before, I It feels like she shed more tears in those few days than in her whole life..." Bai Zhan said with a sigh.

Hearing Bai Zhan say this, I felt very uncomfortable, and I didn't want to be like this. In fact, from the beginning, I regarded this girl as a sister, and I never thought of it in the slightest. To this point, it is not What I want to see.

To put it seriously, I am afraid that she will be sad, but to put it lightly, she will still treat me indifferently.

I have always been indecisive about emotional matters, which is definitely my weakness.

Afterwards, I stayed at Xue Xiaoqi's house for a few more days, and my health improved day by day. These days, I also received calls from many people one after another, including my grandfather's, Wanluo Zongjin's fat man, and even There was a phone call from Dancheng Mountain expressing condolences to me.

In addition, I also received a call from Li Zhanfeng, who briefly asked about my situation. After learning that I was fine, Li Zhanfeng felt relieved.

Then, I asked about Yuan Chaochen. I was really curious about what this kid had been through in the past few years.

Li Zhanfeng told me that since Yuan Chaochen appeared in Xuanshan this time, it has attracted great attention from the special investigation team. They even investigated Yuan Chaochen thoroughly, and even sent undercover agents to enter Jiaozhou.

Jiaozhou is located at the junction of Gongguo, Canglanguo and Shiguo in the Tongnanzhou area. Shi Fang erected an archway engraved with the word "Jiaozhou" at this junction, so that area was called Jiaozhou. continent.

Jiaozhou is controlled by local warlords, dark lords and other people who manufacture elephant valleys and grow contraband.

Just a few years ago, a ruthless character named Kunsang appeared in Jiaozhou, and he directly became the overlord of Jiaozhou.

Yuan Chaochen originally fled to Jiaozhou for refuge. At first, he joined Kunsang's gang and was just a small role. No one looked down upon him. There were many powerful practitioners in Jiaozhou, so Yuan Chaochen was inconspicuous when he got there. It was known that a year after he joined Kunsang's staff, he did something that attracted Kunsang's attention, and he was reused from then on. In the end, Kunsang married his daughter to him.

(End of this chapter)

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