Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1931 Evil Yuan Chaochen

Chapter 1931 Evil Yuan Chaochen
I was very curious about what Yuan Chaochen did to become such a prosperous person from an inconspicuous little character, so I urged Li Zhanfeng to continue.

Li Zhanfeng then told me that Kun Sang originally had an enemy. That guy was a big warlord in Jiaozhou. He was suppressed by Kun Sang and fled into the mountains. Although that person was unable to outdo Kun Sang in the end, But he still retains a large part of his strength and weapons, and there are many masters around him. It has always been a major problem for Kun Sang, and he wants to get rid of it quickly.

Therefore, Kunsang released the words, saying that whoever can kill his deadly enemy, that is, the guy named Ku Peng, will reward him with a large sum of money, and it will be reused on him.

It's just that the guy named Ku Peng is also a ruthless character. Basically no one dares to mess with him. In addition, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. No one dares to touch Ku Peng's bad luck, unless he is impatient. .

However, Yuan Chaochen did keep this incident in mind. He found Ku Peng's lair by himself, and also worked as an undercover agent from Ku Peng. He lurked for more than two months before he found a place to be alone with Ku Peng. Finally, he decisively killed Naku Peng and fled all the way back to Jiaozhou with his head.

Along the way, Yuan Chaochen was frantically pursued by Ku Peng's men. He was so scarred that he only had half his life left when he returned to Jiaozhou.

In the end, Yuan Chaochen handed over Naku Peng's head to Kun Sang.

Kunsang was overjoyed, so he took most of the troops and killed them all the way to Kupen's lair. Finally, most of Kupen's troops were recruited, and he got a lot of money. The status of the overlord of Jiaozhou was finally confirmed.

All this was due to Yuan Chaochen. Kunsang was overjoyed, so according to the previous agreement, after Yuan Chaochen recovered from his injuries, he rewarded him with a large sum of money and promoted him to be his right-hand man to handle some matters for him. More important things.

Yuan Chaochen was a very scheming person, and was thorough in everything he did. He was extremely loved by Kun Sang.

Moreover, when Yuan Chaochen was working for Kun Sang, he also tried his best to get close to and please Kun Sang's daughter. Kun Sang's daughter was a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old. Yuan Chaochen was already fair and fair. After using it for a short time, he got He won the favor of Kunsang's daughter.

As a result, Kunsang valued Yuan Chaochen even more.

At the same time, Yuan Chaochen used his identity to continuously enrich himself and practice various cultivation methods that Jiao Zhou had gathered. Finally, he established a relationship with a black shaman monk at the national master level in Gongguo and became his apprentice. He gave a large amount of gold and silver to the black wizard monk.

The turning point of the matter occurred after Chen Yu escaped, and he didn't know how he got in touch with Yuan Chaochen. Chen Yu found Yuan Chaochen with his reincarnated corpse ghost mother-in-law, and not long after, Yuan Chaochen's black witch The monk's master died and was killed by Yuan Chaochen.

The black shaman monk died miserably, his whole body was rotten and pus leaked, his seven orifices were bleeding, and his soul was still scattered.

The special team initially concluded that Yuan Chaochen's master, the black witch monk, died tragically after his cultivation and soul were devoured.

There is an evil technique in the Ghoul Sect called the Method of Transforming Demons, which is designed to devour people's cultivation.

After that, Yuan Chaochen intensified his efforts. With Kun Sang's support behind him, he committed all kinds of evil in the entire Jiaozhou area. All the practitioners with some reputation were found by Yuan Chaochen and killed using the method of transforming into demons.

Yuan Chaochen had only one purpose in killing those people, which was to devour their cultivation and increase his own power.

Every time Yuan Chaochen goes out to kill people, he always brings a two or three-year-old child with him. That child is the corpse ghost who has been reborn. It is estimated that the old monster has also devoured the cultivation of many people.

Sometimes, Yuan Chaochen would even attack the people around him. Now, even Kunsang, the overlord of Jiaozhou, is a little afraid of these evil Yuan Chaochen.

It is estimated that it won't be long before Yuan Chaochen will oust Kunsang's power and take the entire Jiaozhou into his hands.

In just a few years, Yuan Chaochen has undergone earth-shaking changes. Now he is not only famous in the entire Jiaozhou, but also in the entire Tongnanzhou. He has become the fastest riser in the past few years. A force.

If it weren't for Yuan Chaochen's appearance in Yanguo this time, and his partnership with Gui Yongdao to make such an earth-shattering event, the special dispatch team would not have paid much attention to this person at the moment, but when they did, Yuan Chaochen's wings would have already Full enough to become a formidable enemy of ours.

In fact, I also underestimated Yuan Chaochen's strength. I originally thought that this boy's master and uncle were dead, and the senior sister had not specially mobilized a team to catch him. After this boy escaped to Jiaozhou, he would probably remain anonymous for the rest of his life and would never be seen again. Got it back.

However, I often did not expect that things would develop to the point where they are now out of control.

To this end, Yuan Chaochen has paid a lot and gained a lot. To be honest, I also admire him.

But between me and him, sooner or later there will be a final battle, and one will always decide who lives or dies.

I am looking forward to that day.

After hanging up the phone from Li Zhanfeng, I couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Fortunately, Li Banxian came back within a few days, with a dusty appearance, and told us that the Cave Heaven Paradise on the Hanging Mountain had been repaired, and a major event had finally been completed.

The few of us actually don't care much about the cave heaven and paradise on the hanging mountain. We are more concerned about the "Picture of Innateness" left by ancestor Chen Ting. How much did Lao Li learn from it?

That is a treasure, and the skills left behind by Patriarch Chen Ting must be unmistakable.

Li Banxian chuckled and told us that he didn't really learn many skills from the "Xiantian Map". He mainly repaired the magic circle of Dongtian Paradise. However, when he was reading that book, he had already used his brain to copy the "Xiantian Map". All the contents in "Picture" are recorded in your mind, and you will keep them to figure out later. Lao Li also has another skill, which is his photographic memory. As long as it is a book, he can basically read it once or twice, and he will remember it all in his mind. .

I would say that Li Banxian, an old and cunning guy, would definitely not engage in such a loss-making business. This is more valuable than the business.

Lao Li is here, and the injuries of several of us have almost recovered. Seeing that the Chinese New Year is approaching, I plan to go to Qingshan to meet my parents. I haven't seen them for a long time, but I miss them very much.

It's just that I'm not in good health yet, so they advised me not to leave too early, lest I get plotted.

I didn't care about this, but what made me stay was a phone call from a person. This phone call was from Xiaoxu.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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