Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1933 Air-dried dead mice

Chapter 1933 Air-dried dead mice
If it was Gui Yongdao, I think they would either kill the person directly, or kidnap the person, and then blackmail me, and they would not do such a small thing on them.

However, although Guiyong Dao is a cult, it still understands some rules of the world, and at least there are some bottom lines that cannot be touched.

Because these rules have been passed down for thousands of years and will continue to be like this.

Firearms cannot be used without causing harm to family and friends.

And the last time Gui Yong Dao touched Li Kexin, I had already taught them a profound lesson. If one of my friends was hurt, I would destroy their entire branch and I would never show mercy. After that time, I want Gui Yong Dao to It should be a little more restrained.

Furthermore, I have always asked Li Zhanfeng to keep an eye on my friends, and the possibility of someone from Gui Yongdao taking action is not very high.

But the two of them still fell into the trap.

When I asked them if they had offended anyone, Zhiqiang and Xiaoxu looked at each other, then pondered for a moment, shook their heads and said, "No, we are doing a good job here, and harmony makes money. How can we offend anyone?" people."

This didn't offend anyone, and Gui Yongdao couldn't do anything. This was strange. Who had tampered with the two of them?
I looked at Li Banxian, and Li Banxian said calmly: "The way they are now is not necessarily due to human intervention. It may also be a problem of the Feng Shui of the house itself. This Feng Shui is divided into many categories, including Yangzhai Feng Shui and Feng Shui. Yin Mansion Feng Shui, the art of Feng Shui is created by heaven. It can not only preserve descendants, but also exterminate families. It can range from minor casualties to complete annihilation of the entire clan. The effect can be seen within a hundred days."

After speaking, Li Banxian took out a compass from his body in a serious manner, and walked back and forth in the deserted restaurant. After walking twice like this, Li Banxian came back to us this time.

I couldn't wait to ask: "Old Li, do you see anything?"

Lao Li shook his head and said, "No, there must be nothing wrong with this room."

After saying that, Lao Li looked at Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang again and asked: "When you rented this store, did the boss say why you didn't do it? What's the price?"

Xiaoxu said: "The price is quite suitable. It is lower than several stores around it, and the location is considered the best. The boss seemed to be going into big business and was in a hurry to leave, so he transferred this store to us. "

Li Banxian nodded without saying anything, and then said to me: "Xiaojiu, come out with me, and let's go to the door and have a look."

I didn't know what kind of medicine Lao Li was selling in his gourd, so I followed him to the door and walked over. Originally, Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang wanted to follow him out, but Lao Li didn't let them follow.

As soon as he left the door, Lao Li took a look around, but saw that this place looked like a snack street. There were many storefronts on both sides of the road, but they were all for snacks, and there were no big shops.

This place is right next to the Computer City. Anyway, it sells all kinds of electronic products, such as printers, computers, notebooks, mobile phones, etc. The flow of people is very large. There are always people eating in this place all day long. In this kind of place Xiaoxu and the others are quite discerning when it comes to local business selling snacks.

Lao Li looked around for a while, squinting his eyes, as if he was there. I didn't know what he was looking at.

After looking at it for a while, Lao Li turned his head, pulled me back a few steps, and looked up and down towards the door of the house where Lao Xiaoxu and the others rented. He looked at it for a while and extended his finger. After calculating, he finally opened his mouth slightly, then turned to look at me and said, "Xiaojiu, do you see what's going on?"

"How can I see this? I know nothing about Feng Shui. If you see something, just tell me quickly. Don't be too pretentious." I said impatiently.

"The problem lies near this door. Someone has tampered with it here, but it's just some tricks, and it won't get on the table. I can break it for them soon, but this game can be broken. If you don't know what this game is Whoever arranged it will still have endless troubles." Li Banxian said.

I looked around again and found nothing strange, so I urged again: "What is the problem? Please tell me quickly."

"There must be something buried under the seventh brick at the door. You will know if you open it and take a look." Li Banxian said.

So, I followed what Li Banxian said, took out a dagger from the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe, and gently turned the brick over, and I saw something underneath the brick.

The ground is paved with thick blue-grey tiles. Even if you open it and put it back again, no one will find anything. Lao Li is really amazing. Not only can he see that someone has tampered with it, , and also knew under which brick someone had tampered with, even if he refused to accept this method.

I really don’t know much about this aspect of knowledge, and I feel a little ashamed of my ancestors. In fact, the "Secret Techniques of the Wu Family" handed down by my ancestors also contains many records about Feng Shui, but I think this thing is Luo Liba was very troublesome, and he was too lazy to learn it. He felt that it would not be of much use if he learned it. The methods of killing and killing were more enjoyable to use.

The thing under the bricks was a piece of black cloth, which seemed to be wrapped with something about the size of a palm. After I took it out, I wanted to open it and take a look. At this time, Lao Li grabbed my arm, glanced left and right, and signaled I went to the house and said it.

I didn't understand what Lao Li meant, but I followed him into the house anyway.

After entering the room, Lao Li took the black cloth from my hand and placed it on the table.

At this time, Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang also came over and asked curiously what it was.

Lao Li smiled slightly and said: "As agreed, this picture may be a bit disgusting, so don't vomit..."

As soon as he smiled, I knew something was up, but I've never seen anything like this. I'm not afraid of poisonous insects causing pus all over a person's body. How can I be afraid of the things in this black bag?

But it seems that Lao Li should have told Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang.

"Open it, don't worry, we can hold on." Xiaoxu said impatiently.

Then, Lao Li gently opened the black cloth. After it was completely opened, we could see clearly that what was wrapped in the black cloth was a dead rat that had been disemboweled and dried. It was still quite big. It was big, and there was a yellow paper talisman under the dead rat. The runes on the yellow paper talisman were a bit unfamiliar and I didn't recognize them.

What is this ghost?

(End of this chapter)

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