Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1934 The ugly mouse hates winning the game

Chapter 1934 The ugly mouse hates winning the game
The dried dead rat wrapped under the black cloth was very big and was held open by bamboo sticks. It had gray eyes and looked like it had been dead for a long time. It also exuded a strange stench.

When this dead mouse was displayed in front of everyone, everyone couldn't help but look surprised. When Zhiqiang and Xiaoxu saw this thing, they couldn't help but retched.

Xiao Xu immediately cursed: "Damn it, which wicked ghost buried such a dead mouse in front of our store, how unlucky it is."

"That's right, it's so fucking disgusting." Zhiqiang also scolded.

"This is just a little trick in the yin and yang trade. It's called the "Ugly Rat Hates Victory Game." It's an evil trick in Luban's art. After special treatment, the dead rat was buried at the door of your store along with the talisman. , it will invisibly make people feel a sense of disgust. Customers may come once, but they will never come a second time. This kind of magic can silently create a feeling of disgust for people. This is There is a feeling of disgust in my heart. I always feel that the smell of dead mice is in your store. Even the food you cook can taste the smell of dead mice. Over time, the business in your store will deteriorate and the store will close. It will be a matter of time." Li Banxian explained to everyone.

Let me go. This is quite interesting. Although it is an inconspicuous little trick, it can also be harmful to people. It seems that I really want to practice some Feng Shui skills. If I hadn’t brought Li Banxian here this time, I might not be able to clean it up. this situation.

Dangxi, I still had some doubts in my heart and asked: "Old Li, we also came in just now, why don't I feel the disgust you said?"

"We are naturally different from ordinary people, because we are all cultivators. Our Qi field is strong and our Yang Qi is heavy, so we will not be affected by this kind of breath. In fact, this technique is also specially used to deal with people in the Yin and Yang profession. , If people who really understand the art will be like us, they will not feel anything abnormal here, so they will not be able to find a way to solve it and have no choice but to leave." Li Banxian explained.

Oh, let me go, the other party is quite insidious. They have set up a scheme here, and they don’t want it to be cracked. Moreover, they are specially designed to deal with onmyoji sorcerers. This is really thoughtful.

But they didn't expect that the person who came here was not an ordinary Yin-Yang warlock, but Li Banxian, a descendant of the Ma Yi Shenxiang family in Xiangbei. How could he escape from his eyes with this little trick?Moreover, at this time, Li Banxian had just practiced some of the methods in the Xiantian Diagram from Xuanshan, which was the life-long effort of Patriarch Chen Ting. His attainments in Yin and Yang Feng Shui are estimated to be comparable to Li Banxian in the entire world. There aren't many people either.

Hearing what Li Banxian said, Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang were both dumbfounded. Both of them were on the verge of tears. After looking at each other, Xiaoxu said: "Xiaojiu, you also know that Zhiqiang and I are just two people." As an ordinary person, you are the only person who knows real skills. It is impossible to offend someone who knows this, and it is impossible for me to lie to you."

"That's right, Xiao Jiu, where do we know anyone who understands evil methods? This is too exaggerated." Zhiqiang also echoed.

"As the saying goes, people are harmless and tigers are harmful to others. If you don't harm others, others may not treat you. You may have violated someone's interests or provoked some inconspicuous people. Please be careful. Think about it, since you opened a shop here, have you offended anyone?" Li Banxian said seriously.

The two looked at each other and thought about each other for a while.

After a while, the two of them started talking. Xiaoxu said that he had an argument with the old man who was responsible for cleaning the garbage. Zhiqiang said that a customer waited too long and paid but didn’t. Have a meal.

These two people are really interesting. What they say is all nonsense. Just because of this matter, it is impossible to cause such a big battle.

I asked them to think about it carefully. After a while, Zhiqiang and I had some gangsters who came to cause trouble. They ate Bawang meals without giving me money, and said there were flies in their rice noodles. They wanted to blackmail people. As a result, Zhiqiang and Wang Chuanbao After making a phone call, Wang Chuanbao called a few people over and drove those little hooligans away.Ordinarily, those little hooligans should not know these things. If they had the ability to know the Feng Shui Bureau, they wouldn't be eating and drinking everywhere.

Seeing that Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang didn't say anything, Li Banxian was not in a hurry.

After listening to what they said, he then said calmly: "Since you have not offended anyone, and there are still people who want to do something to you, there is only one possibility, that is, you have offended other people's interests, and your small shop has opened." How long has it been and how’s the business going?”

"When we first opened, it was really popular. We could sell four to five hundred bowls of rice noodles a day. The daily turnover was several thousand yuan, and the net profit was almost half. Every day, there were crowds of people. , we are simply too busy. Sometimes, people waiting in line for a long time can’t even eat our rice noodles. But just a dozen days ago, this situation suddenly took a turn for the worse, and there was no room at all. At that time, we asked someone why they were not here. We're having dinner here, and many people can't explain why." Xiaoxu said.

"Your business is so popular, then many merchants on this snack street will be affected by you. It is inevitable that some people will be envious, jealous, and hateful. Maybe some of these merchants will do something to you. In my opinion, here People who do business should come from all over the world, a mixed bag of good and bad." Li Banxian said.

Zhiqiang nodded quickly and said: "Brother Li is right. There are dozens of stores on this street, all selling food. Our store has been popular for two months. Many merchants have some opinions on us, but They can’t say anything, they open their doors to do business, rely on handicrafts to make a living, and no one can force customers to eat where they want.”

"Okay, I have a general idea. This matter shouldn't be difficult to handle. But there is one more thing I have to ask you two. Are you two living together now?" Li Banxian said.

Zhiqiang and Xiaoxu were taken aback, and said in unison: "You know all this?"

"Old Li can pinpoint and calculate, there is nothing he doesn't know, he just asks you two to answer honestly." I said.

After receiving responses from the two of them, Li Banxian suddenly said: "I think someone has tampered with the place where you live. Not only does the other party want your business to fail, but they also want your life!"

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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