Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1946 Give me an explanation

Chapter 1946 Give me an explanation

Ma Jinghe was really angry. He was deceived by Master Liu. As soon as the blood rushed to his forehead, he came over and beat my friends. It would be fine if they were ordinary people, but they happened to be me, Wu Jiu. My friend Yin, my reputation in the world is that I will retaliate against anyone who offends me. Now that he has led someone to beat up my friend, how can I let him go?

With the fat woman hugging his thigh, Ma Jinghe was helpless. He couldn't hit or scold him. Finally, he gritted his teeth angrily, took out a dagger from his body, and threw it in front of Master Liu. He said in a loud voice: "Liu, please give an explanation to Master Jiu yourself. You also know Master Jiu's name. You can't escape this matter no matter what, so don't let Master Jiu do it himself."

The dagger fell in front of Master Liu. Master Liu was so frightened that he trembled all over. He glanced at the dagger, then looked at us, hesitated for a moment, and finally picked it up tremblingly. He picked up the dagger on the ground, crawled up to me, and said in a trembling voice: "Master Jiu... I am so young that I can't see Taiyue. I have offended you. I will give you an explanation. I just ask you to leave me a message." It’s the dog’s life!”

I looked at him coldly, without saying a word or making any expression.

At this time, Master Liu suddenly put one arm on the ground, and raised the dagger high with the other hand. When the knife fell, a burst of blood burst out, and then Master Liu issued a With a scream, three fingers were cut off by him.

The ten fingers were connected to the heart. Needless to say, it was painful. After Master Liu cut off three fingers, his face turned blue from the pain.

"Master Jiu...are you satisfied with this explanation?" Master Liu asked tremblingly.

"Originally I wanted to kill you, but I am in a good mood today, so I will spare you this time. I hope you will never fall into my hands again in the future, otherwise this time it will be like losing three fingers. It's easy, do you understand?" I said solemnly.

"Yes, yes, yes... Master Jiu... I will definitely change my mind in the future, and I will never do such a sinful thing again. I swear to God..." Master Liu said with sincerity and fear.

"Take your fingers and get out!" I said solemnly.

Master Liu hurriedly kowtowed to us a few more times. At that moment, Dongzi and the evil woman helped pick up the three severed fingers on the ground and left in a hurry.

However, when they walked halfway, Li Banxian suddenly stopped them with his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Wait a minute, do you want to compensate the people who were smashed and injured in this room?"

Then Master Liu hurriedly said: "Master Li... Don't worry, I will send someone over 20 yuan in a short time, as the loss of the store and medical expenses..."

At this time, Li Banxian nodded with satisfaction and let them leave in a hurry.

I think that once they leave, they will probably never have any ideas about Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang again in their lives, unless they are tired of living.

In fact, I just said that I wanted to kill Master Liu, which is impossible. After all, this kid is not a crooked person, and he is only half a charlatan. If I really want to kill him, I will inevitably get into a lot of trouble.

Just teach him a lesson.

After Master Liu and others left, I looked at Ma Jinghe and others again. Ma Jinghe's face darkened, he sighed, took two steps forward, and took out the dagger that was still stained with blood. He picked it up and said seriously: "Jiuye... don't worry, I was the one who beat up your brother, and I was the one who smashed the store. I will definitely give an explanation to Jiuye, but I just hope that Jiuye won't make it difficult for my subordinates." of these people."

As he said that, Ma Jinghe suddenly raised his dagger and stabbed it towards his thigh.

This hand was really cruel. One strike of the knife would probably pierce the thigh. When I saw the dagger in his hand was about to fall, I ducked in front of him and grabbed his arm. .

Ma Jinghe was stunned for a moment and said in disbelief: "Master Jiu... what are you doing?"

"Okay, he who doesn't know is not guilty. You were also deceived by that insidious villain. Let's forget it this time. I just hope that Sect Master Ma will keep his eyes open when he stands up for others in the future and don't let others take him for granted. Spearman, you met me this time, but if you meet my other brothers, it will not be so easy." I said.

Hearing what I said, Ma Jinghe was very excited. The strength of his hand slowed down a little, and then he said: "Jiuye... thank you for your noble hand. I will keep the grace of not killing in my heart. I, Ma, will be useful in the future." When the time comes, no matter how much you ask, Ma will never delay.”

"Okay, there's no need to say more about this car wheel. I only do this because you are not a bad character, but I don't intend to let you go so easily. You and my two brothers' shop Now I know that their safety will be in your hands from now on. If they make any mistakes again, I will ask you, can you do this?" I said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Master Jiu, I will take care of this small matter. From now on, I will send people to keep an eye on the stores of these two brothers. If anyone dares to cause trouble, I, Ma Jinghe, will have to stop them." Ma Jinghe said excitedly.

"Okay, you go, we will meet again later." I said.

"Master Jiu, I have a merciless request. Can you please give me a favor and have a home-cooked meal? I will treat it as Ma's apology to you and your brothers. Otherwise, Ma will feel very guilty." Ma Jinghe said sincerely.

I thought about it for a moment and finally agreed.

This person has good intentions, and Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang's stores will have to be taken care of by him in the future. I can't refute this person's reputation.

Seeing that I agreed, Ma Jinghe was very happy, and immediately asked someone to prepare a car and take us to the best restaurant in Tiannan City.

I have a car of my own, so I didn't take theirs. Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang's store was smashed into this condition. It's probably impossible to open it tonight, so they can only go there with us.

On the way, a few of us were sitting in a car. This made Zhiqiang and Xiaoxu very excited. They kept giving me thumbs up and spitting like stars, saying that they didn’t expect me to be so good at it. Comparatively, he only announced a name and didn't even need an opponent. He frightened the opponent to death and kowtowed to admit his mistake. Master Liu even cut off three of his fingers.

For Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang, this felt incredible, especially for the severed finger of Master Liu, they also felt that it was too much and too bloody.

However, they don't know that the real world is a hundred times bloodier than this.

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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