Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1947 Not necessarily a good thing

Chapter 1947 Not necessarily a good thing

Along the way, Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang were extremely excited and dancing. Even though they were beaten badly and had bruises all over their bodies, they forgot about the pain and kept repeating the scene to me, saying it was too exciting. , I have never shown my face like this before, and without even moving a finger, I frightened the other party out of fear.

I can see the deep pride in their eyes, and they feel proud and happy to have a friend like me.

However, this is all I can do for them. This can be regarded as making up for my long-standing debt to them. I can't get along with them like a normal friend day and night, but as long as they have use for me and need me, Wherever they are, I will rush over and help them at all costs, that's all.

Soon, a group of us arrived at the restaurant Ma Jinghe mentioned. When we arrived at the destination, I almost plunged the car into the holly bush.

It turned out that the restaurant Ma Jinghe was looking for turned out to be the four-star hotel owned by Wang Chuanbao.I don’t know when, Wang Chuanbao’s place turned out to be the best restaurant in Tiannan City.

I feel like I haven't been to this place for a long time.

As soon as I got off the bus, Ma Jinghe greeted me warmly, and someone quickly came to greet me in the lobby.

It was my good friend Gao Jianqiang who was facing me. At this time, Gao Jianqiang had become the second in command of this big hotel, which made me feel a lot more mature and stable. We haven't seen each other for a long time. When he saw me, this kid I was so excited that I came up and gave me a bear hug.

Xiaoxu, Zhiqiang and Gao Jianqiang are also good friends, so when they meet, they always exchange pleasantries.

When Gao Jianqiang saw the hurt expressions on Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang's faces, his face suddenly darkened and he said angrily: "Who did this? Why did you beat you into such a bear state? I will bring someone to beat you back!"

At this time, Na Ma Jinghe took a step forward and said with embarrassment that it was him who did it.

But it seems that Ma Jinghe and Gao Jianqiang should have a good relationship. When he heard Ma Jinghe say this, he was stunned for a moment and said, why is it you?Why did you hit my brother?
At this time, Li Banxian hurried over and smoothed things over and said, "Okay, okay...it was all a misunderstanding. The flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, and the family didn't know each other. Let's talk slowly when we are drinking."

Gao Jianqiang's face improved a little, and he quickly invited everyone to the best luxurious private room, served the best wine, cooked the best dishes, birds and animals, and everything else. Then the big fat man Wang Chuanbao also swayed A fat man came in to toast us. After not seeing him for a long time, this guy gained a lot of weight again and his face was red.

This drink was just bullshit. Originally, I didn't want to come. For the sake of Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang's future stability, I just sold that Ma Jing and a face, and came here to go through the motions.

After drinking until late at night, I left with a few of them and went back to Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang's rental house to sleep.

Early the next morning, I went to the store with Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang, and found that the store was almost tidied up. We cleaned it again, and it was estimated that it would be open at noon.

I had breakfast in Xiaoxu's shop. Before I finished the meal, the fat man named Dongzi, the owner of the rice noodle shop diagonally across the street, brought a black bag and delivered it to Xiaoxu's shop. inside.

After the guy named Dongzi came into the store, when he saw me and Lao Li here, he was so frightened that he didn't even dare to raise his head. With a trembling look, he walked close to the wall and walked into the store. When he came up, he carefully asked Brother Xu and Brother Xu. Is Brother Qiang here?

Then, Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang came out, and Dongzi delivered the black cloth bag to them, saying that Master Liu asked him to send it, and it contained 20 yuan as compensation.

Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang just thought that Master Liu just said that yesterday, but they didn't expect that the money was actually sent.

20 is no longer a small amount of money for the two of them. They have only saved so much money after struggling for several years to open such a store.

At that moment, both of them were at a loss and looked up at me.

I nodded and told them to just accept it, and then Zhiqiang took the money.

After that, Na Dongzi said some words of apology and tried to win their forgiveness. Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang were not grudge-bearing people, and they comforted the fat man, and then the guy walked outside and passed us. At that time, I didn't forget to bow to our old Li.

The so-called Master Liu must be given this money, and he dare not refuse to give it. The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, these years, I, Wu Jiuyin, have not been in vain, let alone this Tiannancheng, even if It is the world of the entire Yan Kingdom, and I have already occupied a certain position at this time.If he still wants to stay in Nancheng today, he must do this.

However, both Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang were responsible people. Suddenly, they had such a large sum of money. Some of them did not dare to accept it, so they handed the money into my hands, saying that Lao Li and I had come to help them so much. , the money should be regarded as a thank you to us.

I did not collect this money, and there is no need to collect it. I am definitely not short of money. At least one-third of the Wanluo Sect's property is in my name. This is immeasurable than the value of the property, and I have always been money-wise. When it comes to making money, even I don’t know how much money I have. Anyway, it’s inexhaustible.

In fact, I can also give my friends a better life, but I don't want them to live in my shadow. I can't let them lose their fighting spirit and pursuit of dreams. The world can only be built step by step by myself. , that is true happiness and achievement.

Even if things here are settled, with Ma Jinghe taking care of them, they can sit back and relax in Tiannan City from now on.

Afterwards, Lao Li and I got up and said goodbye to Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang, saying that if anything happens in the future, feel free to call me. If I am not in Tiannan City, I will ask other people to come and help them deal with it.

When Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang heard that Lao Li and I were leaving, they were quite reluctant to leave. They asked us to stay for another two days. I said that there were other things to do and I would definitely come and find them when I had time.

Actually, I really have something to do. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and I have to go to Qingshan to meet my parents. I think I haven’t seen them for half a year, and I miss them very much.

So, Lao Li and I left here and headed towards Hongye Valley.

On the way, Lao Li sighed and said: "Xiaojiu, it may not be a good thing for you to stand up for them like this. As the saying goes, big trees attract wind. If someone with ulterior motives finds out about your relationship, it may be detrimental to both of them. .”

(End of this chapter)

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