Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1952 Weird Cement Factory

Chapter 1952 Weird Cement Factory
The purpose of burning the car in which Yang Fan was originally taken was to destroy the evidence. When the people were transferred to another car in the wilderness, the news was completely cut off. There was no surveillance in this place to capture it. The latest picture is also the picture of them just leaving the city.

Who can find out where the person was taken?
Therefore, after the matter reached this stage, Li Zhanfeng basically had no hope of reporting it. Although he had not given up, he had been mobilizing various resources to investigate this matter.

I comforted Li Zhanfeng and reassured him that I had found a way to track Yang Fan's whereabouts.

Li Zhanfeng seemed a little excited and hurriedly asked me what I did. I said that Lao Li taught me it, so he didn't need to worry about the specifics. I could just handle it myself.

However, Li Zhanfeng was still a little worried. He said that he would give me a call soon. He was the person in charge of the local special task force in Yizhou. If he encountered any trouble, just communicate with them directly. They would definitely come and support me.

After I hung up the phone, I continued to drive west. More than 30 miles after leaving the city, I saw the burned car that Li Zhanfeng had mentioned. Only an iron shell was left. There were many people surrounding me, but my car did not stop. After driving forward for about half an hour, I found a place where there were no people around, parked the car, and then took the paper man out of the car. He picked it up and got into a piece of grass.

Then, I used the thousands-mile tracking technique taught to me by Lao Li to do some tricks on the paper man. I also took out a piece of yellow paper and wrote Yang Fan's name and birthday.

In fact, the best way to use this technique is to use a straw man. Unfortunately, I can't find a straw man here. It is already good to buy a paper man from the wreath shop.

While pinching his fingers and reciting the incantation, the paper man trembled, suddenly stood up from the ground, took two steps towards me, then passed me by, and continued walking in the west direction, but After walking a few steps, the paper man stopped.

At this time, I had already taken out the corpse-laying ruler. After taking out the corpse-laying ruler, I pointed the corpse-laying ruler in the direction where the scarecrow walked out. At this time, the corpse-laying ruler The little red dot at the end suddenly flickered a few times, and I felt happy. It seemed that the method Lao Li told me really worked, and even the compass was saved.

Immediately afterwards, I picked up the paper man again, returned to the car, and placed the corpse-laying ruler in front of the cab.

At this moment, the corpse-laying ruler is my navigator.

Somehow, there has been a subtle connection between the corpse-laying ruler, the paper man in my car, and Yang Fan who is somewhere.

The corpse ruler can contact Yang Fan through the paper man.

As long as I deviate from the direction, the corpse-laying ruler will not flicker, and the closer I am to Yang Fan, the faster the corpse-laying ruler will flash.

This is actually similar to the compass. According to the distance between the paper man on the car and Yang Fan, the compass will make the pointer turn faster and faster.

I drove the car all the way, thinking that I would end up in some desolate mountain. However, after driving about twenty or thirty kilometers from the place where the car accident happened, the flashing corpse appeared. It became more and more frequent, and I knew that now I was very close to Yang Fan.

But when I looked forward, I found that there was nothing special in front of me, just a huge factory with machines still rumbling.

It looks like that factory looks a bit like a cement factory, but I'm not sure.

But tell me directly that Yang Fan is very likely to be in this factory.

I hesitated in the car for a moment, then hid the car in a hidden place, took the corpse-laying ruler directly, and walked towards the factory.

I first walked around the door and found that the factory was heavily guarded. There were several guards guarding the door. There were many vehicles coming in and out, and people were constantly checking them. I took out the corpse-laying ruler and took a look, and found that The little red dot at the end of the corpse ruler flashed very frequently, which was enough to prove that Yang Fan was almost brought to the factory.

I was confused, how could Yang Fan be brought to such a place?

It's daytime now, so it's not easy to hide my figure, so it's a little troublesome for me to sneak into this factory.

It might be a bit troublesome to enter through the main entrance. I walked around the factory, found a hidden place, and climbed over the wall directly.

After entering, there are densely packed machines in front of me, and there are deafening rumbling noises everywhere.

After entering here, I was still a little confused. I didn't know where to go and how to find Yang Fan.

The corpse-laying ruler could only find the general position of Yang Fan through the paper man, but it was absolutely impossible to be precise in a certain direction.

Moreover, the paper man was still in the car at this time, so the effect was even worse.

I can't run around holding a paper man in broad daylight, it would be too eye-catching.

I glanced around and walked directly towards the factory office, hoping to find some clues there.

However, after walking a few steps, suddenly a person walked towards me vigilantly and asked me what I was doing.

I stopped, then turned around and looked at the man with a smile, saying that I was on a business trip and the situation was too big and I was lost.

The man looked at me with a puzzled look on his face, put his hand on his waist, and then asked me how I got in.

Judging from the way the man walked, he must be a practitioner. This made me a little confused, how could there be a practitioner in the factory.

When the man approached me, I arrived at his side in eight steps, took out a handful of Ma Fei Ling Huan Powder from my body, and sprinkled it on his face.

The man's body softened and he fell directly to the ground. At this time, with quick eyesight and quick hands, I grabbed the man's body.

"You...who are you?" the man said in horror.

"Don't make a sound, or I'll kill you!" While speaking, I had already taken out a dagger from the Qiankun Eight Treasure Pouch and put it directly against the man's chest.

The man's face changed with fear and he said nothing. Don't worry, don't do anything in broad daylight. If you hurt him, I won't be able to get out.

I sneered, looked around, and found a forklift not far away, so I led the man in the direction of the forklift, opened the door directly, and stuffed the man into the forklift. I also sat next to him.

"Tell me...who are you?" I put the dagger against his chest and asked in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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