Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1953 is too abnormal

Chapter 1953 is too abnormal
The man was a little confused and opened his mouth and said: "I am the security guard of Yadong Cement Factory... who are you?"

"I'm Wu Jiuyin." I leaned close to his ear and smiled sinisterly.

After hearing my voice, the man trembled visibly, and then his eyes looked at me with unspeakable horror.

I feel that most of those who have been around in the world have heard of my name. After all, I have done too many things over the years. The trip to Xuanshan and Dancheng Mountain is enough to make my name famous in the world. His reputation spread far and wide throughout the Yan Kingdom.

Although this person's methods are a bit trendy, I can still tell that he is a practitioner. I just want to see his reaction and see if he recognizes me.

In just a moment, the man came back to his senses and pretended to be confused and said: "Wu Jiuyin... I haven't heard of it... What are you doing at our Yuedong Cement Factory?"

I sneered again: "Don't bullshit me. I think you must know me. Do you have any tricks? Can't I see that there must be something wrong with this cement factory? Tell me, what do you do?"

"I don't know what you are talking about... This is a serious business, there is no problem." The man said again.

"You're not honest, are you? Do you want me to use some means?" I narrowed my eyes, covered his mouth, and pierced his chest with the dagger in my hand. The dagger penetrated slowly, It pierced his clothes, and soon pierced his flesh and touched his sternum. The dagger was getting closer and closer to his heart. Even if the man was hit by the Ma Feiling Powder, his body would still be numb. It started shaking violently, and a whining sound came from the throat.

Immediately afterwards, I stopped what I was doing and let go of my hand. When I looked at the man again, my eyes were even more frightened, and I said with a cry: "This man... what exactly do you want to know... We are just a cement factory, there is nothing..."

It seems that this person is a tough guy. If I can ask any questions from him, it will probably take a lot of effort. But I am very anxious at the moment. One minute later, Yang Fan will be more dangerous. At that moment, I find out again. I took a handful of the drug Xue Xiaoqi gave me and sprinkled it on the man's face. The man fainted without even making a sound.

Then, I took off the man's clothes and put them on myself. I took out the human skin mask from the Eight Treasures Bag of Qiankun, applied it on my face, and hid the man's body in the cab. Inside, I jumped out of the car and started walking around in this huge cement factory.

I scanned the crowds coming and going to see if there were any practitioners. However, among the group of people outside, they were all ordinary people, talking and laughing, nothing unusual.

This is really strange. Did I make a mistake in my judgment and Yang Fan is not in this cement factory?

At that moment, I quickened my pace and headed directly towards the office area, holding a rubber stick in my hand, just like a security guard patrolling the factory, but I didn't encounter any more trouble.

I walked straight to the office area and quickly scanned the offices one by one. However, there was nothing unusual about the first few offices. They were all ordinary people who were busy. I looked at seven or eight offices in a row. When I was about to give up, suddenly deep in the first floor, the sound of people banging and drinking came from an office. This was a bit strange. Drinking in the office in broad daylight was obviously not normal.

This incident aroused my alertness, so I stepped forward to find out.

But when I stood at the door, I found that there is indeed a problem here. The rest of the offices still have a glass through which they can look into the room, but this room does not have it, and the door of this room is still heavy. security door.

I stayed close to the door and listened for a while. The room was very lively, and the sound of fists and shouts could be heard all the time.

Then I tried to push the door, but found that it couldn't be pushed open at all. The door was locked from the inside.

It's so unusual to see a room full of people drinking in a factory in broad daylight.

I pondered for a moment, then I knocked on the door to see who was in the room. After hearing the knock on the door, the movement in the room quickly fell silent, and then there was a loud voice. He cursed unhappily: "Get out!"

I'm going, my temper is not small.

I didn't leave, but continued to knock on the door a few times.

Immediately afterwards, a person stood up in the room, walked towards this side cursing, and opened the door.

As soon as the door of the room opened, a big man nearly two meters tall appeared in front of me. He had a ferocious look on his face. He just glanced at me and then flew towards me and kicked me in the chest.

"What the hell, are you new here? You didn't hear me tell you to get out..."

This kick flew up and went straight to my chest. The teaching was very sharp. I could tell right away that this person was a practitioner.

My reaction was not slow. When the man kicked me, I grabbed the man's ankle and kicked him in the chest.

This person probably thought that I was a security guard at the cement factory and was here for a routine inspection. He didn't take any precautions and was kicked out by me. Then I quickly dodged into the room. He also locked the door.

And the guy who was kicked out by me crashed directly into the room, smashing a wine table in the room to pieces. The food and wine on the table flew everywhere, and knocked two people over. on the ground.

Just for a moment, everyone in the room was stunned, and then they all stood up suddenly, took out the magic weapon from their side, and swung it towards me.

I couldn't tell anything about the way these people were dressed, but with this move, I could see that the six or seven people in this room were all good practitioners.

In an instant, two or three people rushed to my side. One of them was holding a machete and slashed at my head. The other was holding a broken-edged sword and stabbing me in the chest.

I stretched out my hand and took out the Ma Bo Ling Hua Powder from the Qiankun Eight Treasure Bag, and threw it towards those who came over.

On the spot, four people softened and lay down directly on the ground, and the magic weapons in their hands also fell to the ground.

The other three people quickly stepped back and covered their mouths and noses. One of them pointed the machete at me and said angrily: "You are not from this factory, who are you?"

"Wu Jiuyin, do you know each other?" I smiled solemnly at them, showing my signature big white teeth again.

(End of this chapter)

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