Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1958 You will die

Chapter 1958 You will die
I controlled these red-haired zombies, charging all the way, unstoppable, directly killing a bloody path. There were many corpses lying on the ground, either dead by my hands or by the sharp teeth of those zombies. Underneath, the ground was covered with sticky blood, and the air was filled with the sweet smell of blood.

While killing all the way, the zombies in front suddenly stopped and stopped, and the sound of the iron door banging was heard.

I gently waved the Qingshan Emperor Bell and asked the zombies to stand on both sides of the corridor. Suddenly I saw a thick iron gate appearing directly in front of us, blocking our way.

I directly swung my sword, swept away thousands of troops with one move, and slashed towards the iron gate. The iron gate was immediately chopped into pieces by the sword energy, and the Qingshan Emperor Bell swayed slightly. , those zombies headed towards the underground fortifications again.

The road behind is open and open, and no one dares to block it, because these red-haired zombies are too terrifying, and basically no one will be left alive for anyone who blocks the road.

I took the two trembling girls and ran forward all the way. After turning two more corners, I found that I was lost. It was like a maze below. It was my first time here, and I couldn’t find it. Where is the exit.

But no one can be found here. It is probably because when I was fighting with the rest of the people just now, those people took the opportunity to slip out of the underground fortification.

This annoyed me for a while, so I released Xiao Mengmeng and asked her to help me look for an exit.

Although it was daytime, there was no sunlight inside the underground fortifications, so Xiao Mengmeng could still come out.

After Xiao Mengmeng was released by me, he was able to communicate with the souls of those who had just died, so he could ask where the exit was.

Within a moment, Xiao Mengmeng came to my side again and told me the location of the exit.

At that moment, I put Xiao Mengmeng back into the Eight Treasures Bag of the Universe and found the exit that Xiao Mengmeng told me.

It turns out that this exit is actually an invisible door. There is a layer of paper on the door, which is exactly the same as the wall. You can't tell it unless you look carefully.

Once again, the dragon swept away thousands of troops with one move, and directly split the door open. Before the dust settled, I took the two girls and walked outside.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I felt something was not right, because at this time my Qi field was fully activated, and everything around me was under the induction of my Qi field.

There must be someone ambushing me on both sides of the exit. I paused, waved my hand behind me, signaling the two girls to step back, and then I dodged out in eight steps.

After I came out, when I looked towards both sides of the door, I found that there were indeed a lot of people ambushing me on both sides of the door, a dozen or so on each side.

Each of them looked nervous, with their swords raised high in their hands. They were still listening to the movement at the door, but I had already stepped outside the underground fortifications.

My speed was too fast just now, and they didn't even notice how I came out.

At that moment, I coughed dryly, which immediately attracted the attention of the group of people ambushing at the door. They all turned their heads to look at me. They were all frightened and gasped. It was as if they had seen a ghost. When they saw me After that, before I had time to move, the sword soul in my hand had already flown out. With one move, the sword moved like a dragon and a snake. Thousands of sword shadows shrouded those people, and the other hand directly pulled out the second senior brother. , and threw it towards the front.

The second senior brother's body suddenly flickered, and he continued to grow rapidly, rushing towards those people with flames all over his body.

In a short while, there were screams one after another, the person on the left was chopped into a pile of meat, and the person on the right was ignited by the flames on the second senior brother's body, making crackling noises.

Those people at the door were all killed by me in less than half a minute. When I turned my head back, I saw a figure swaying not far away, and fled to a further place.

When I was killing people in that underground fortification, most of the people below escaped. Among them, Xiang Tianming, the rudder owner of the Yadong sub-rudder, and his son Xiang Qifa must have got the news and escaped.

Among those flashing figures just now, there must be their father and son.

Immediately afterwards, I turned around and chased in their direction. After walking a few steps, I remembered Yang Fan's two best friends and called them out of the underground fortifications.

The two girls had probably never seen such a horrific scene in their lives. The sight of human lives like ants and rivers of blood made them tremble with fear and unable to speak a word.

"You two wait nearby. Don't run around. I will rescue Yang Fan and wait for you to leave here." I said to the two girls.

"But we are afraid...what will we do if you leave?" a girl muttered.

I glanced at the second senior brother who was not far away, and said: "Second senior brother, you take care of them here and wait for me to come back."

The second senior brother was very spiritual. He yelled at me twice, then walked up to the two girls and stretched out his huge head, wanting to get close to the two girls. Unexpectedly, The two girls were a little afraid of this giant creature and couldn't help but scream in fear.

"Don't be afraid, it won't hurt anyone." After saying that, I turned around and chased it forward.

Those people in front ran very fast, but we were already outside the factory area at the moment. Behind us was a large expanse of barren mountains. It was still very difficult to find people who wanted to escape here and spread out.

However, the corpse-laying ruler on my body can still have some weak connection with Yang Fan. At the moment, I took out the corpse-laying ruler, judged the general direction of Yang Fan, and then continued to activate the Mizong Eight Step by step, he chased Yang Fan in the direction he was going.

Under the urging of my powerful spiritual power, Mizun Babu was almost the same as the method of shrinking into an inch. It could move hundreds of meters away in an instant. After chasing forward like this for more than ten minutes, I Then I saw forty or fifty people, surrounded by the few people in front, fleeing into the deep mountain and old forest.

Faintly, I heard Yang Fan's voice, and he cursed: "Send it to him... you will die badly. My brother Xiaojiu will come to save me right away. Let's see if my brother Xiaojiu doesn't tear you apart." piece!"

"What the hell, how did you find this Wu Jiuyin..." A voice yelled, and then said: "Yang Fan, don't be too happy, what if Wu Jiuyin is here? Do you think I will Afraid of him? You little bitch, you will be mine sooner or later. If that damn Wu Jiuyin hadn’t come over, you would be mine now..."

(End of this chapter)

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