Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1959 Fear is like a plague

Chapter 1959 Fear is like a plague

"If you are not afraid of my Brother Xiaojiu, why are you running? If you have the guts, stop and fight with my Brother Xiaojiu to see if he can kill you? Say it to him, I tell you, even if he is a man in the world They are all dead, and you are the only one left. I don’t even look at you, you are not a man at all!” Yang Fan cursed bitterly.

"You stinky bitch, no one can get what I can't get. Even if I can't get you, I can't take advantage of others and kill you directly. Believe it or not!" Na Xiang Qifa cursed again.

"You'd better kill me. Brother Jiu will catch up and chop you all into pieces!" Yang Fan cursed again.

As I chased, I listened to the movement in front of me. There was still some distance ahead, but I had already mastered the method of listening to ants at a hundred steps. I could hear them very clearly even from a long distance away.

Entering, getting closer and closer, I approached from the side of those people, continued to urge Mizong eight steps, walked around in front of them, stood on a hillside with my hands behind my back, directly blocking the way of those people. .

"Look... there's someone over there..." Among the group of people who were sending messages, someone suddenly saw me and shouted, and everyone stopped.

"Brother Xiaojiu!" Yang Fan, who was tied up with five flowers, saw me first and was so excited that he almost shed tears.

Seeing Yang Fan in good health at this time, I suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

Damn it, luckily I chased him so closely that the bastard didn't have time to attack Yang Fan, otherwise he would have been in big trouble. I was secretly glad in my heart.

"Wu Jiuyin...it's Wu Jiuyin!" Someone shouted again.

The dozens of people headed by Xiang Qi immediately exclaimed in unison and took a few steps back.

At this time, Xiang Qifa also recognized me, grabbed Yang Fan's neck, pointed a dagger at her throat, and said viciously: "Wu Jiuyin, you are chasing so fast. You can find them all!"

I sneered at Xiang Qifa and said, "Xiang Qifa, you really haven't made any progress in the past few years... If you like girls, you can just chase them. Why use such despicable means?" The last time I drugged Yang Fan, this time I started using strong drugs again. You are really not a man, don’t blame me for looking down on you."

"What the hell, if I can catch up, why do I need to use these methods? This girl doesn't love money, and she doesn't like handsome guys like me. What do you want me to do?" Xiang Qi said angrily.

Well, the person who said this to him actually left me speechless.

That's right. Yang Fan's father is in the real estate business. He has a lot of money and is really not short of money. Let's talk about the appearance of Xiang Fan. He is quite good-looking and has a pretty face. It's a pity that people like us are in the world. My children have never liked pretty boys, and Yang Fan likes men like me who are quite masculine. Those little sissies really cannot catch her eye.

"Brother Xiaojiu...Brother Xiaojiu...you are finally here...wuwu...Xiaofan misses you so much. I knew you would come to save me..." Yang Fan cried and laughed at times, so excited.

I feel so depressed in my heart. Sister-in-law, you are being kidnapped right now with a knife on your neck. How are you still in the mood to have stars in your eyes?

"Sister Yang Fan, don't worry, Brother Xiaojiu will definitely save you." I said solemnly.

Na Xiang Qifa spat on the ground and said angrily: "Wu Jiuyin, leave quickly! Otherwise I will kill this little bitch now. I'm not scaring you, otherwise you try... "

"Do you think you guys can leave alive if you kill her?" I said solemnly.

"Wu Jiuyin, don't do this with me. At worst, one life is worth another. I can't stay with the little bitch while I'm alive. After I die, I still have someone to keep me company on the road. We just have to go to hell together." ." He said harshly to him.

"Bah! The devil will go to hell with you. Even if I die, I will go astray with you." Yang Fan, who had the knife on his neck, did not forget to spat at him.

I'm also depressed. This little sister is really not afraid of death. Xiang Qifa has been forced to do this. If he really gets angry, he might really kill Yang Fan.

At that moment, I took a deep breath, jumped down from the slope, stretched out my hand, and the sword soul was in my hand, and walked slowly forward, saying as I walked: "The people in front of me Listen to me. I, Wu Jiuyin, always keep my word. If you want to help Xiang Qifa fight against me, I will kill you without any body parts in a while. You have no time to leave now. I promise not to kill you. But if you go against me, you will only die. From now on, get out of here!"

When I came to the last word "get out", I deliberately used some tricks.

This loud shout, like a bell, echoed endlessly in the mountains and fields, and two people were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground.

The next moment, Dan saw that Xiang Qifa and several people around him dropped their magic weapons on the ground at the same time, then turned around and ran away.

My reputation as a murderer is really not for nothing, especially those from Guiyong Road. When they hear my name, they are even more frightened. They must have heard about Dan Chengshan and Xuanshan. Those wizards and black men I don’t know how many shaman monks I killed, and I also killed two elders, Suzaku and Xuanwu. They were not enough for me to kill.

Some people knew that they were not opponents and would risk their lives if they stayed here, so they threw the magic weapon directly and ran for their lives.

And fear is like the plague, it is contagious. When someone drops the magic weapon in his hand and runs away, more people will leave. In the blink of an eye, the forty or fifty people brought to him are sent to him. , there were only about ten people left, gathered around Xiang Qifa, these were considered die-hard loyalists.

As soon as those people escaped, the few people around him immediately yelled at those who escaped, saying that they were not things, and the helmsman would definitely not spare them.

Even so, it couldn't stop them from escaping.

I didn't make any move, and just watched the people around Xiang Qifa leave quickly. In fact, I didn't want to let them go, and they couldn't go anywhere. Not long ago, I had informed Li Zhanfeng that at this moment, I The people from the special task force must have surrounded the area. As soon as those people went out, they would probably be captured alive by the people from the special task force.

I continued to walk towards Xiang Fan step by step. The muscles on Xiang Fan's face began to tremble, and he suddenly became furious. I put the dagger against Yang Fan's neck and stabbed some of it in. Then there was blood flowing down. It flows down the blade.

"Don't come here, if you take one more step I'll kill him!" Xiang said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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