Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1963 The magic circle was broken

Chapter 1963 The magic circle was broken

No, this is not Yang Fan...

This was the first thought in my mind, but in front of me was clearly Yang Fan, walking towards me quickly. Mengmeng just reminded me not to touch her. Who should I believe?
I will definitely trust Xiao Mengmeng, it has always been by my side, how could it possibly trick me.

When Yang Fan walked towards me, I bit the tip of my tongue again. The pain was so painful that I almost shed tears. When I looked at Yang Fan again, there was no Yang Fan in front of me, but a The bearded man, holding a dagger in his hand, pierced my heart at once. At the same time, from the rolling white mist, two people rushed up from the diagonal stab, both holding daggers in their hands. The sharp blades came towards me together.

The blood on the tip of the tongue is the final blood of yang energy in the human body. Once the tip of the tongue is ruptured, the pure yang blood flows into the mouth, which can immediately eliminate evil obstacles and restore the origin. After the tip of the tongue is ruptured, I suddenly feel a lightness all over my body. , and also saw clearly these people rushing towards me.

Immediately, I immediately urged Mizong to step out of their encirclement. With a flick of the sword soul in my hand, a burst of sword energy shot away and slashed towards the three of them.

Immediately, there was a scream, one person fell in a pool of blood, his body was cut into two parts, but the other two people rolled directly into the white mist, and then disappeared.

This magic circle is somewhat interesting. It can confuse other people's consciousness. It can make people fall for it unconsciously. I have to be careful, but after biting the blood on the tip of my tongue, my consciousness was only temporarily restored. Qingming, and then I started to feel a little dizzy again.

I think there is something wrong with the white mist billowing in the magic circle, or something has changed in the surrounding scenery that has caused problems with my eyes... But it may also be an illusion, everything is an illusion, and there is nothing around me. No.

At this moment, my mind is a little confused.

After walking a few steps forward, another person called me.

This time it was a woman's voice.

"Brother Xiaojiu...Brother Xiaojiu..."

I was shocked and looked forward, but I saw that the woman was actually Li Kexin. He was standing in front of me and turned to look at me with a smile on his face but tears in his eyes.

When I looked under Li Kexin, I found that she was standing on the edge of the cliff, just like a few years ago. She looked back at me with a look of determination on her face.

"Brother Xiao Jiu, I can't be with you in this life. I will accompany you in the next life..."

Li Kexin said, suddenly jumped up and jumped down towards the bottom of the cliff.

At that moment, the scene that had tortured me so many times in my dreams continued to replay itself.

Last time, I couldn't hold her and save her. This time, I can't watch her jump off the cliff and be shattered to pieces.


I yelled and ran towards Li Kexin like a ghost.

I want to hold her, I don't want her to leave me again.

This is the most unforgettable scene buried deep in my heart. This scene has tortured me for several years. Countless midnight dreams can make me break out in cold sweats.

I didn't know what happened to me at this moment. I knew it was an illusion, but I still couldn't help but chase after Li Kexin.

However, when I walked over in a blur of eight steps and reached out to grab Li Kexin, suddenly, a pair of small hands appeared from behind and hugged my thighs. This time it was still a little Mengmeng.

"Brother Xiaojiu...don't...it's all an illusion, it's all an illusion..."

I shook my head, and when I turned around to look again, I was so frightened that my three souls almost flew out. My feet were on the edge of the cliff. If I took half a step forward, my body would fall. At this moment, Xiao Mengmeng was standing behind me, hugging my legs with her small hands. The scorching sun was rolling above my head, and I saw red evil spirits constantly steaming away from Xiao Mengmeng's mountains. His face also turned green and ferocious.

At this moment, Xiao Mengmeng was completely exposed to the scorching sun. Even ghosts and demons could not bear the sunshine at noon. At that moment, my heart ached, and I reached out and grabbed Xiao Mengmeng, grabbing her. It was put into the Eight Treasure Bag of the Universe.

The next moment, I took a deep breath and quickly left the cliff.

I found that I definitely couldn't break this weird magic circle, but I definitely couldn't just sit back and die.

In this case, let's use more explosive methods.

I activate the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, which can swallow up all the energy around me. I don't believe I can't break this magic circle.

Moreover, at this time, I still have the innate spiritual energy under the tombstone of Patriarch Chen Ting in my body. I can transform part of it for my use, and I don’t have to worry about my Dantian bursting.

Thinking of this, I took a deep breath and directly activated the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra. A cold feeling slowly came out from the sea of ​​​​Qi in my Dantian, and then the pores in my body expanded, and terrifying power instantly moved towards me. Spreading in all directions.

The rolling white mist gathered towards me, the grass on the ground withered, and the gravel rose into the air, and then exploded.

Immediately afterwards, the resentment and innate spiritual energy of countless wronged souls and ghosts sealed in the Dantian Qi Sea were released at the same time.

As soon as these two forces came out, the surrounding situation changed and strong winds suddenly rose.

Countless rolling powers were swallowed up by me.

After a while, I suddenly heard someone shouting in horror: "How could this happen... Captain... this magic circle seems to have been broken by Wu Jiuyin..."

"How is this possible! Wu Jiuyin doesn't understand the magic circle. He can't possibly break our magic circle." This was Xiang Tianming's voice.

The power of the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra exploded, spreading rapidly around like a flood.

In the blink of an eye, the white fog rolling around disappeared. Then, I saw those Guiyong Dao people holding huge flags and running back and forth around me.

I sneered slightly at the corner of my mouth, stretched out my hand, and grabbed those people in the air.

A strong suction force suddenly appeared on my hand, and two or three people were immediately sucked towards me from the air. They were close to each other and controlled by me.

The other hand also grabbed hold of the void, and attracted three or five more people and flags.

Under the control of innate spiritual power and resentment, the devouring power of the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra is very terrifying. In just a few seconds, those people who were sucked over by me quickly aged. , black hair turned into white hair, and the moisture and energy in their bodies were quickly drained. They screamed in horror and tried to struggle twice, but everything was in vain.

 Go to bed early and will update more tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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