Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1964 Reasons not to kill you

Chapter 1964 Reasons not to kill you
Seeing me looking like a devil, the rest of the people dropped the flags in their hands and turned around to run away. Even Xiang Qifa and Xiang Tianming and his son did not dare to stay here and looked at me in horror. After that, he turned around and ran away into the distance.

With this stunned effort, the energy of those people who had just been sucked over by me was quickly drained by me, and their bones were shattered into ashes.

Then, I burst out the power of the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra again, spreading towards those who were running away. Those who were still running away, after the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra spread, Suddenly, everyone seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and their speed dropped in an instant.

However, as I continued to increase my power input, not only were the fleeing people unable to move forward, but they were also moving backwards.

This is a contest of strength, but they cannot compete. As time goes by, the power of the Yin and Yang Eight Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra will become more and more powerful, but the opponent's spiritual power is always being suppressed by the Yin and Yang Eight Infinite. Devoured by the Marrow Cleansing Meridian.

After about a few minutes, I grabbed the void, and immediately five or six more people were sucked in by me. This time, the energy of those sucked by me was devoured faster, and I watched them helplessly. His skin aged, his teeth fell out, his hair turned gray, and finally turned into a ball of fly ash, not even the residue was left.

The few remaining people, including father and son Xiang Tianming and Xiang Qifa, were all shouting hysterically and horrified. Some of them just fell to the ground, hugging stones or trees on the ground, crying and wailing. He couldn't stop begging me to let him go and spare his life.

is it possible?
If I hadn't killed them, the one who died just now would have been me. The world is so cruel.

It's useless to say anything now.

Soon, the rest of Xiang Tianming's men were also sucked in by me, and they all turned into fly ash in the same way.

Then there were father and son Xiang Tianming and Xiang Qifa who were still struggling. Xiang Tianming grabbed Xiang Qifa tightly, and then begged for mercy loudly at me: "Wu Jiuyin... don't kill my son, let me I can do anything... Please don't kill my son. If anything happens, come at me..."

When he said this, I found that Xiang Qifa's eyes were red and even shed tears of regret.

Although Guiyong Dao is the largest cult in the Yan Kingdom, not all cults are bad people. They also have feelings, parents, and descendants, and are no different from ordinary people.

Now that they are all going to die, a father is willing to take on all the responsibilities.

Xiang Qifa cheated his father, but he had to shoulder all the responsibilities.

Seeing Xiang Tianming like this, I suddenly thought of my father, but I don't know why, but I suddenly felt a little softer.

I still didn't stop the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra. I grabbed it in the air again, one on each side of my hands. The father and son fell into my hands respectively, slightly slowing down the powerful devouring power.

"Xiang Tianming, I don't have to kill you and my son, but you have to give me a reason not to kill you..." I said solemnly.

"What do you want? I have money... plenty of money, I'll give it all to you..." Xiang Tianming said quickly.

"Does Mr. Xiang think I am short of money?" I asked.

"Then what do you want? My son has also kidnapped many beauties from all over Yizhou. I can give them all to you..."

Xiang Tianming was completely frightened and went crazy. He dared to say anything.

"I don't need any of this. You just need to tell me where Bai Maitreya is hiding. As long as you tell me, both your father and son can survive." I said solemnly.

Xiang Tianming's body trembled, his eyes looked a little panicked, and then he shook his head and said: "This... I really don't know this. I am just a small helmsman among hundreds of sub-rudders in Guiyong Road. Where am I?" Even the four elders may not know such an important thing. Isn’t it difficult for me to ask this question..."

"Well, since you don't know, there is no exchange for it." My hands tightened, and the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra started running crazily again.

"Dad...Dad...I don't want to die...save me...save me." Xiang Qifa shouted again.

"Wait... Although I don't know where the chief rudder is hiding, I also know one piece of inaccurate news. I heard that the chief rudder is almost in tune with the body that has the destiny of the cauldron. No. You can leave seclusion in half a year... That's all I know..." Xiang Tianming said hurriedly.

I also knew some of this news, but Xiang Tianming didn't say anything. At that moment, I continued to activate the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, directly draining most of the energy and cultivation from the father and son. Both of them were He turned into a little old man and was thrown to the ground by me.

I didn't kill them, but I can't say why, but it is still useful to keep them without killing them. If I hand them over to the special team, maybe I can ask some questions. This Xiang Tianming must know the Guiyong Road in other places in Yizhou. As for his position, just let the people from the special task force interrogate him, and they can also take away the people who were assigned to the rudder in several places on Guiyong Road.

Falling into the hands of the special task force, apart from being shot, they would have no choice but to go to Liusha Island and go to jail, which would probably be more uncomfortable than killing them.

Thinking like this, I picked up the dying father and son and walked quickly towards the location of the cement factory. After walking forward for a while, suddenly a group of people walked directly in front, all wearing clothes. Wearing black Yixian uniforms, and followed by a group of heavily armed Te'an soldiers, they were walking towards me.

As soon as I saw them, I knew that the people informed by Li Zhanfeng were coming.

Seeing these people approaching, I did not stop and walked towards them. The first few people from the special task force came towards me. One of them was a man in his 40s holding a sword. He came in front of me, raised his hand and said, "Hello, is this Mr. Jiu?"

"I am Wu Jiuyin." After saying that, I threw Xiang Tianming and Xiang Qifa and his son on the ground, and then said: "This is Xiang Tianming and Xiang Qifa's father and son from Yadong Branch. I left two of you alive."

"Thank you, Mr. Jiu. My name is Wang Ping, and I am the person in charge of the Yizhou special task force. It was Director Li who informed me to come and get this person."

Wang Ping said politely and winked at the two people around him. Then someone came up, tied up Xiang Tianming and Xiang Qifa and his son with fairy ropes, and pulled them behind.

(End of this chapter)

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