Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1966 It's going to be chaos

Chapter 1966 It's going to be chaos

Yang Fan gave me a blank look, and said that I don't need to remind her, she and Zhou Linger are good sisters, and she will definitely go when she gets married.

When she said this, Yang Fan's tone was a little jealous, and she turned around to take care of her two sisters.

I was a little worried about this girl, so I ran to the main entrance of the cement factory, walked forward for a while, found the car I left on the roadside, turned back, and sent the three girls directly to the urban hospital. , the two girls seemed to have been severely beaten by those from Guiyong Road, so they went to check to see if they had any internal injuries.

After sending Yang Fan and the others back, I said goodbye to Yang Fan and went directly to Bao Ren Qingshan.

When we left, Yang Fan was quite reluctant to leave, with tears in her eyes. When my car drove far away, when I looked back through the rearview mirror, I found that she was still standing there, never leaving.

Seeing her like this, I felt some inexplicable pain in my heart. I took a deep breath, stepped on the accelerator, accelerated the speed, and left as if running away.

The wound on my shoulder hurts faintly. It was the scar left by Yang Fan. I guess it has drawn blood from the bite.

This girl is really cruel. She said she wanted me to remember her, but how could I forget her.

It's just that we can't be together after all. She will always exist like a girl in my heart, and there are still many things and people that I can't let go of. When I think of these, my mind becomes messed up.

In terms of relationships, many times I can't face them, so I can only choose to escape. I owe a lot of people, and I also owe myself.

My mind was in a mess, and I almost lost my focus several times. Just like that, I drove all the way to Baoren, and then drove to the foot of Qingshan. I parked the car in the scenic area and headed towards the back mountain.

When I arrived at the back mountain, near the Qingshan Cave Paradise, I saw many figures moving around. When I walked over and took a look, I immediately saw many Qingshan Taoist priests coming out and surrounding me. I looked like I was facing a formidable enemy, but the Taoist priests walking in front recognized me at a glance and greeted me warmly.

I jokingly said, why did Qingshan engage in such a big battle this time, did I come here to welcome me?

One of the trails smiled sheepishly and said: "No, the news has been relatively tight recently. I heard that something happened in Xuanshan and Dancheng Mountains. Guiyong Road has been very arrogant recently. The real master has given an order, and it must be strictly guarded. It cannot be If there are any mistakes, the manpower responsible for guarding the back mountain has also been increased, and this is a last resort."

Only then did I realize that it was indeed the case. Ever since Dancheng Mountain and Xuanshan were almost destroyed by Guiyong Dao, all the sects were in panic, fearing that one day someone from Guiyong Dao would find them. They all guarded the mountain gate for fear of repeating their mistakes.

Fortunately, I came here not once or twice, so I was led by the two little Taoist priests and went straight to the mountain gate formation of Qingshan.

After coming in this time, I found that the mountain gate formation in Qingshan seemed to have been rearranged. The process of entering was more complicated and took a lot of effort.

When I entered the mountain gate formation, I also met Master Longchuan, the elder of Qingshan Mountain Gate, who is also the brother of Thousand-Armed Buddha. Master Longchuan still had a kind face, and he was even more enthusiastic when he met me this time. He held my hand, greeted me, and personally sent me to the small town of Qingshan.

On the way, they also asked me about Dancheng Mountain and Xuanshan Mountain. I was involved in both of these matters, so I briefly told the Master Longchuan about the situation at that time.

Master Longchuan sighed after hearing this. He said that when he saw me for the first time, he felt that I would definitely achieve great things in the future. He was indeed right.

He also said that there has been a turmoil in the world recently, the Guiyong Road is about to move, and Qingshan has also felt a huge crisis. This mountain gate formation is the top priority of Dongtian Paradise. His responsibility is too great. He must absorb the strength of Dancheng Mountain and Xuanshan. Lesson, guard the mountain gate.

After sending me all the way to Qingshan Town, Master Longchuan said goodbye to me.

To be honest, Mr. Longchuan is very polite and treats me well every time he meets me, but I don’t feel much closeness to him. Although his enthusiasm is warm, it feels superficial and not unlike him. It’s Master Long Yao. I dare to say anything to Master Long Yao, but I don’t want to tell Master Long Chuan everything.

Maybe the first impression this Master Longchuan gave me was not good. When I had an enmity with the Thousand-Armed Buddha, Master Longchuan wanted to deal with me and Xue Xiaoqi without any hesitation. After I announced my family status, , so he was a little more polite to us.

I returned to the place where my parents lived in Qingshan Town. I hadn’t seen them for a long time. My parents were naturally very happy to see me. They asked me how long I had been staying here and how long I had been staying here. It felt a little different from the past. Maybe it had been a long time. Come here, they miss me very much.

My mother started to get busy and said she would prepare a table of food to entertain me. During the meal, I sat down with my father and drank a few glasses of white wine.

While we were drinking, my dad suddenly told me that he wanted to go back to Gaogang Village. He hadn’t gone back for several years and it was time to go home to worship his ancestors during the Chinese New Year.

As the saying goes, fallen leaves return to their roots, and foxes die on the first hill. When you get older, you will easily miss home. Although the green hills are nice, there are still many worries about your hometown.

I also want to take them back, but I can't do it now. The recent battles in Guiyong Dao are too big. Bai Maitreya will pop up out of nowhere, and even Yuan Chaochen has become extremely powerful. I'm really worried about them going out. There will be some mistakes in the future, and it will be too late to regret at that time, so I promise them that they will definitely take them back to their hometown for the next Chinese New Year.

My dad was more or less aware of my current difficulties, but he just mentioned it. Seeing that I looked embarrassed, he didn't say anything more.

I stayed in Qingshan for several days, visited Master Long Yao, and let Xiao Mengmeng get together with Master Long Yao and the ghost slave.

Then, I also went to visit Master Long Hua. Every time I saw Master Long Hua, I could feel a lot of pressure from him. I don’t know how high Master Long Hua’s cultivation level is, but he must be the best among me. On top of that, maybe his cultivation level is not inferior to that of Elder Qinglong.

After Master Longhua saw me, he was also very concerned about Dan Chengshan and Xuanshan, so I told him carefully. Master Longhua was also sighing and muttering to himself: "There is going to be chaos... …There’s going to be chaos…”

(End of this chapter)

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