Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1967 The last sword move

Chapter 1967 The Last Sword Move

I think Master Longhua of Qingshan must have seen some clues from the matter of Xuanshan and Danchengshan. His expression was extremely solemn. After hearing what I said, he asked a little Taoist boy to see me off, and he Then he left in a hurry, and I didn’t know where he went.

Master Longhua's behavior was a little strange, and I don't know why he was so touched after hearing what I said.

Next, I stayed in Qingshan for more than ten days, practicing every day in the Cave Heaven Paradise of Qingshan. The spiritual energy here is very abundant. If I practice here for one day, I can achieve the same effect as practicing outside for several days.

No wonder all the top sects want to seize the Cave Heaven Paradise, and there are endless masters emerging. It is inseparable from this environment. During the time I stayed in Qingshan, all my injuries were basically healed, and I was vaguely aware of the situation. I felt the resentment condensed by the countless ghosts of Wangchuan River sealed in the dantian qi sea, and the innate aura of the ancestor Chen Ting's immortal bone had been transformed.

Although these two powerful and incomparable forces don't transform much, I can still feel it.

Originally, the resentment was very stubborn. I had already digested all the essence of the plants and the corpse demon, but there was still no movement in the resentment.

However, since I received the innate spiritual energy in Xuanshan, these two forces can complement each other and transform into each other. This is something I never expected.

Since I recovered from my injury, I started practicing the most powerful sword move in Xuantian Sword Art.

That is the last move of Xuantian Sword Technique - Flying Dragon in the Sky.

At the bottom of the soul-breaking cliff, I saw on the stone tablet of the sword tomb left by my ancestor that once he successfully cultivated the flying dragon in the Xuantian Sword Art, he could seal the soul of the sword. The soul of the true dragon was summoned. The divine dragon was extremely powerful, turning clouds and rain. When it appeared, the heaven and earth shook, and the winds and clouds changed. It was accompanied by thunder and lightning, and it had the power to break mountains and rocks, and destroy the heaven and earth.

That's how the grandpa's stone tablet introduced Flying Dragon Zaitian. I don't know if the real dragon's soul has such terrifying power after being summoned.

I also want to prove it.

So whenever it was quiet at night, I would sneak out of Qingshan Town and find a place where no one was around to practice my skills. In the first few days, there was no reaction at all, but every time I activated the flying dragon in the sky move At that moment, the sword soul in his hand began to buzz uncontrollably. The runes on the sword kept flashing, accompanied by the crackling of free lightning. Occasionally, two unwilling dragon roars came from the sword. It was conveyed in the soul, but it couldn't stop the thunder. Not to mention summoning a real dragon, not even a snake was seen.

After practicing for seven or eight days in a row, there was still no movement in this flying dragon in the sky move, which made me annoyed for a while.

I also know that I can't rush for a while, but I am surrounded by dangers now, and Bai Maitreya is about to come out. If I don't have any housekeeping skills, I will probably be killed by him in one move.

There was no need to rush this matter, so we could only take it slowly. After a few days, it was New Year's Eve. Qingshan Town was bustling with excitement and joy. In fact, this place didn't feel very big like the outside world, except Except for the absence of electronic products, everything is similar to what is found outside. There are also markets and shops for everything.

On New Year's Eve, every house was hung with red lanterns, and firecrackers sounded one after another. It was so lively. My father and I had another drink. Because we were very happy, we both drank a little too much.

After all, my father was getting older and would become sleepy after drinking too much wine. The couple went to bed just after twelve o'clock.

There is no TV, computer, or mobile phone in this place. It is really boring to be here alone. In the middle of the night, I suddenly thought that being idle would be boring anyway, so I planned to find a place to practice Xuantian Sword Art again. The flying dragon is in the sky, maybe there is some breakthrough.

My head felt hot, so I left the house and wandered around the Qingshan Cave Paradise. On this Qingshan, there were Qingshan Taoist priests patrolling around at night, but most of them knew me and said hello when they met, so I went directly there. .

In the midst of boredom, I suddenly walked near a mountaintop lake. The scenery here was beautiful, the cool breeze was blowing, and the lake was quiet and calm.

This is the first time I have visited this place, and there are no people around, but it is very quiet.

After arriving here, I immediately sacrificed the sword soul and began to practice Flying Dragon in the Sky.

At the beginning, it was still the same, there was only thunder but no rain, and no real dragon was seen flying out of the sword spirit.

I pondered there for more than an hour, exhausted and sweating profusely, but still had no effect at all.

Suddenly, I thought of another thing, which is to open the seal and release the resentment and innate power in the Dantian Qi sea at the same time. I wonder if I can summon the true dragon soul.

I don’t know if I drank too much at the time. Thinking of this, I activated the two powerful forces and activated the flying dragon in the sky move.

As soon as those two powerful forces were released, the sword soul in his hand looked obviously different from the previous days. The runes surrounding the sword soul were about to come out, and the sword soul in his hand was buzzing, and it felt like it was fast. Some couldn't hold it anymore, and a desolate dragon's chant suddenly resounded through the sky.

Following the continuous release of the two powerful forces in my body, which were transmitted to the sword soul, there was a huge fluctuation in the energy field between the heaven and the earth, in the green hills and the blessed land, and the wind blew up.

The wind howled like weeping and complained, ruffling a ball of lake water.

The originally dark blue sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, blocking the moonlight and stars at the same time, and muffled thunder suddenly sounded.

It was winter, and when I used the Flying Dragon in the Sky, there was a muffled thunder, which was really incredible.

When I saw that there was some reaction, I was immediately overjoyed and quickly continued to channel spiritual power into the sword soul.

Suddenly, another dull dragon roar sounded, this time it seemed like the real dragon was roaring.

Along with the roar of the real dragon, the wind became stronger. The wind suddenly rose, flying sand and rocks, the thunder above the head rumbled, and a bolt of lightning suddenly cut through the night sky, illuminating the sky and the earth.

I feel that I have exerted all my strength, and the real dragon sealed in the sword soul is ready to come out, but the real dragon just can't come out, it seems that it is always a little bit missing.

(End of this chapter)

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