Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1973 Not Normal

Chapter 1973 Not Normal
Seeing that the pillar had stabilized and that there was no immediate danger to my life, I let out a sigh of relief.

After waiting like this for almost an hour, Xue Xiaoqi and Monk Hua hurried over. Before we could exchange greetings, Xue Xiaoqi came up and asked, "How are you?"

"It's stabilized for the time being, I don't know what kind of disease he has?" I said anxiously.

Xue Xiaoqi nodded, walked forward quickly, and came to the side of the pillar. Like me before, he first felt for his pulse, and then opened his eyelids and took a look.

Xue Xiaoqi's pulse is not the same concept as mine. He can find out the cause of the pulse from the pulse, but I can only feel the weakness of the pulse. After about a minute or two, Xue Xiaoqi withdrew his hand, with a look on his face. He looked solemn, shook his head, and said, "It's strange. Everything is normal in Zhuzhu. He doesn't have any symptoms. He is very healthy."

I said depressedly: "It's impossible. If he was healthy, how could he have fallen from the chair just now? And when he fell, he smiled sinisterly at me. Not to mention how scary it was."

"Then I don't know about this situation. Now I can completely guarantee that the pillar is normal and there is no problem at all." Xue Xiaoqi said firmly.

"That's no problem. Why doesn't he wake up?" I looked up and wondered.

Xue Xiaoqi also had the same doubts as me. He shook his head and said, "I don't know about this. He may wake up after a while. There is absolutely nothing wrong with his body."

I knelt down with some worry, pinched the person who was pinching Zhuzi, and twisted his ears. After struggling for a while, Zhuzi didn't respond at all. His breathing was normal, and his pulse became normal, but he still didn't wake up. This is strange.

Monk Hua came over and asked, "Xiaojiu, what did you do before?"

"I didn't do anything. I just cleaned the house and swept down all the cobwebs in the house. Before I had time to scrub, the pillar fell down. When I was in the house just now, I saw that the pillar was about to die, so I quickly removed it. He was taken out." I said hurriedly.

Monk Hua thought thoughtfully for a moment, and then said: "Xiao Jiu, I think this is a bit strange. If Zhu Zhu really has any illness, it is impossible not to see it with Xiao Qi's methods. You can call and ask. Old Li, I think this matter is evil. Old Li knows astronomy and geography, and he also learned the method of innate maps from Patriarch Chen Ting, so he might be able to see something."

I also felt that something was not normal about this, so I took out my mobile phone and made a call to Li Banxian. It was not long after the Chinese New Year, and it was not yet the [-]th day of the year. Lao Li probably wouldn't travel far.

After the phone rang several times, someone picked up the phone. The person who answered the phone was Li Banxian's son. He asked me what I was doing. I said I was your Uncle Wu. Where was your father? Call him over quickly. I'd like to see him if I have anything to do.

But the boy said that his father had gone out and was called over at noon. He was in the next village and asked me if I had anything wrong.

I couldn't explain it to this little kid, so I quickly asked him to call his father over. The kid said okay, I have to buy him something delicious next time I go there.

Lao Li's son is naughty and very clever. I've seen this kid before and I said yes, if you want to call your dad over, I can buy him whatever he wants to eat when I go over next time.

The boy chuckled and then hung up the phone.

The village next door should not be too far away. We waited for about half an hour before Li Banxian came back. He came up and asked me what happened. I called him over in such a hurry.

I hurriedly told Li Banxian about the current situation. After Lao Li heard it, he said after a while: "This is a bit strange. In such a situation, I’m bewitched.”

"You mean ghost possessed?" I asked doubtfully.

"You can pull it down, you have Xiao Mengmeng by your side, such a big ghost, which ghost dares to hang on to you, and it is also broad daylight, it is unrealistic to hang on to a ghost." Li Banxian said.

"What happened?" I asked curiously.

"You just said that Zhuzhu was fine in the house, but suddenly he fell down, and his pulse was weak. After he came out, his pulse and other symptoms returned to normal. I feel that there should be something wrong in your house. Take a closer look. Maybe you can find something. Do you still remember the ugly game that someone arranged in front of Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang's store? I guess it is very likely to be similar to that situation." Old Li said solemnly.

Hearing what Lao Li said, my heart skipped a beat and I hurriedly said, "You are so cruel. Just walk around the house and you will look like this?"

"Hurry up and take a look. I think it's very possible. The pillar may have collided with something, but it's not certain." Old Li said.

"I don't know Feng Shui either. How can I find out any clues like you do?" I said depressedly.

"Is the corpse-laying ruler on your body a decoration? That thing can sense the evil spirit within a radius of ten miles. No evil object can escape the corpse-laying ruler's eyes. You are holding the corpse-laying ruler in Go around the house and see if there are any. If not, let's find another way." Lao Li said.

I responded and asked Xue Xiaoqi to take care of the pillars outside. Monk Hua and I went directly into the house. Then I took out the Corpse Ruler and started walking around the room. At first, there was no reaction from the Corpse Ruler. But when I walked to the place where the pillar fell just now, the mortuary ruler flickered slightly once or twice, and soon calmed down.

When I went to test it again, I found that there was no movement on the Corpse Ruler and I could no longer feel it.

I quickly squatted down and pushed aside everything around me. After I cleared it, I found that it was just a wall, and the floor was covered with bricks, and then there was nothing.

"Lao Li, I didn't find anything. Could it be that something was done to the floor tiles? But there is no sign that the floor tiles have been tampered with." I said.

"I'm not with you, so I can't see. You can only remove all the floor tiles to see if there is anything underneath." Lao Li ordered again.

Next, I put the phone aside, and the flower monk opened up the floor drill and the wall with three strokes. I almost demolished the house and freed up a lot of space, but nothing happened. No.

"No, Lao Li." I said again.

"Then dig out three feet of the ground. It's possible that the other party's methods are clever and they may have done something to cover up." Lao Li then added.

(End of this chapter)

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