Chapter 1974
After hearing Lao Li's instructions, Monk Hua and I got busy together. We dug out a hole more than one meter deep in the ground with the magic weapon in our hands. At this time, the Demon-Conquering Pestle in Monk Hua's hand hit a hard object. We took a look at each other and took out the thing. We found that it was a wooden box. It looked old and was quite heavy in our hands.

After taking this thing out, Monk Hua and I didn't dare to open it without permission, fearing that there might be something fishy inside, so we explained the situation to Li Banxian.

Li Banxian asked us what kind of box it was. I said it was square, a very old box, and there were some strange patterns on the box. Some of the patterns looked like barbed hooks, and some looked like caltrops, which was very weird.

There was silence for a moment, and then Li Banxian said: "It's okay, just open it and see what's inside."

The box was not locked and opened easily. After opening it, the first thing I discovered was a red talisman. Most talismans are yellow, blue, or gold... I have never seen this red talisman before. I can't help but feel a little strange.

Monk Hua's eyes widened when he saw the red talisman. He shook his head and said that he had never seen it before, but his expression became nervous.

The more unseen something is, the more it shows that the thing is highly evil. It just fulfills the saying that if something goes wrong, it will become a monster.

As soon as we saw this red talisman, we didn't dare to move anymore, and then we told Li Banxian that we had found the red talisman in the box.

"Don't move the red talisman, don't touch it with your hands. There must be a layer of yellow cloth underneath. There are one or three little people under the yellow cloth. There is a circle of runes inside the box, and you can still smell it after you open it. There is a rancid smell. Don't touch the red talisman. Open it and take a look. Is it what I said?" Lao Li said very cautiously.

I responded, took out a small dagger from the Qiankun Eight Treasure Bag, and carefully opened the layer of yellow cloth.

When I just opened a gap, I suddenly smelled a stench. Then at that moment, I really saw the thing Li Banxian was talking about. They were dolls that looked like three little people, but they were very rough, as if they were It looks like it was hand-kneaded.

But I didn’t look too much, because the rancid smell coming from down there was so strong that it made people want to vomit. Monk Hua even took two steps back, covered his nose, and cursed: “Damn it. , Damn it...what is it that smells so bad..."

I quickly and slowly withdrew my hand and threw the dagger directly into the yard. I would not dare to use this thing in the future.

I also took two steps back, and then asked Lao Li what it was. I thought that since he guessed what was in the box at once, he must know what the box was for.

Lao Li took a deep breath and cursed angrily: "Damn it, this person is so vicious that he can do such a derogatory thing..."

Hearing what he said, I became even more panicked and asked him: "Lao Li, please hurry up and say something. Don't be too secretive at this time."

"Someone is hurting you secretly. The other party placed a trap in your house. It can also be called a Feng Shui bureau. This is a unique Feng Shui bureau that has been lost for a long time. I have only heard of this kind of bureau before. , but I have never seen it before, but I didn’t expect that you would meet it." Lao Li said with a breath of air.

"How powerful is this Feng Shui bureau?" the flower monk on the side urged.

"The name of this Feng Shui bureau is 'Jue House Sangmen Bureau', which is the Feng Shui bureau that will make your family die. Feng Shui kills people and can also raise people. It is invisible, colorless and silent. It can wipe out a family in a big way, or cause serious injuries in a small way. Damn, if you can't find the crux of this feng shui bureau, you won't die at all. And this 'extreme household death bureau' should be the most subtle and sinister feng shui bureau in the feng shui layout. First of all, this box is It has been specially processed, and the pattern on it is also specially used to arrange the "Jue House Mourning Bureau". Furthermore, the red talisman paper in this box is soaked in the blood of babies for 49 and 30 days, and has a very strong evil spirit. That rune is also a bereavement talisman. The three dolls under the rune represent the three members of your family who will all die in this desperate family bereavement situation. In addition, the strong rotten smell is stored At least [-] years of corpse oil and various elements came together to form this desperate situation."

After a pause, Lao Li continued: "It is not difficult to arrange this funeral bureau for a desperate family. You just need to put the box in a hidden place in your home. However, the preparation work is very troublesome. Everything is It’s hard to find. Even if you gather all these things, you have to go without food or drink for seven days and seven nights to make this desperate family death trap work. The three dolls represent three lives. As soon as you open the door of this house, Someone walks in. No matter who it is, they will fall into the trap of this desperate family. The other party has predicted that you will definitely return to your hometown. As long as you enter the house, the desperate trap will be effective. , until you are killed, and his purpose is to destroy your whole family. But this time you did not come back with your ancient tomb, but brought Zhuzi with you, so that Zhuzi quietly fell into the Juehu Sangmen The bureau’s trick.”

After listening to what Lao Li said, I was still a little confused, so I said, "Lao Li, why did the pillar fall down when I was fine?"

"Are you sure you didn't react at all after entering the house?" Lao Li asked.

I thought about it carefully and then said: "It seems that I feel a little dizzy after staying here for a long time, and I also feel sleepy."

"That's right. Zhuzi was attacked first because he was just an ordinary person. He couldn't bear the strong evil spirit in this room. If he stayed there for a long time, he would die in less than half a day. Your cultivation is so advanced, some It's normal to feel dizzy and have a headache. If you don't get rid of this desperate situation as soon as possible, it will be like being poisoned by chronic poison. If you go fast, you may not survive seven days. No matter how high your cultivation level is, you will not survive seven days. 49 days." Li Banxian said solemnly.

"Then if the box is set on fire, the pillar will be able to wake up?" I asked impatiently, worried about the safety of the pillar.

"Theoretically, that's the case, but just burning this thing still can't completely solve the problem. You take this thing away from the village first, and I'll tell you how to deal with it." Li Banxian said.

 I am studying and taking classes in Shanghai, so it is a bit unstable ~ I am also very helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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