Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1975 Kill 3 people

Chapter 1975 Killing Three People
After listening to what Lao Li said, Monk Hua and I quickly left the house with the box in our arms. We said hello to Xue Xiaoqi and asked him to take care of the pillar. We quickly ran to the east end of the village, almost to Langtougou. The place stopped, and then called Lao Li to tell him that we were far away from the village and what to do next.

Immediately afterwards, Lao Li told us that this tactic will definitely kill three people. Once it is launched, it will not stop. Even if the box is destroyed, the effect will still exist.

Now only I, Zhu Zhu and Monk Hua have entered the house. In other words, if this spell is not broken, the lives of the three of us will be lost because of this desperate situation. If we want to break this situation, we must use the skills of three people. There is no second way to fill your life.

Hearing what Lao Li said, I was immediately shocked and said hurriedly: "Lao Li, you are not going to ask me to find three people to come and die for us now, are you? This village is all my neighbors, there is no way I can do this Such an immoral thing.”

Lao Li objected: "I will not let you do such a derogatory thing. Now you are already outside the village. There must be many cemeteries around your village. If you find a place with tombstones, there must be dead people on them. In a moment, you can find three tombstones and tell me the names and time of death of those three people, and I will find a way."

"What are you doing?" Hua Monk asked.

"I need to use the time of death of the three deceased people to calculate their birth dates. When the time comes, you use yellow paper talismans and write their birth dates on the back of the yellow paper talismans, so that the three A dead person will die on your behalf. Those people are already dead, and the power of the Juehu Mangmen Bureau will be transferred to those three dead people. As a result, the three of you will be affected by the Juehu Mangmen Bureau again. I have already It’s so simple, you still don’t understand?” Lao Li explained.

"I'll go. Is this okay?" I asked in surprise.

"This is an opportunistic method. Although this technique is powerful, it is not a living person. It only requires three lives according to a certain rule. Just give it to it. This is also the best way to break the situation of the desperate family. Hurry up. Well, the longer it takes, the worse it will be for you." Lao Li urged.

Immediately afterwards, Monk Hua and I got busy, walking around the circle of graves. Rural people generally don’t have very wealthy families. After someone in the family dies, most of them don’t build a monument. However, there are some wealthy families, or there are big family members. If you are a filial son, you will spend money to erect a monument for the deceased old man.

We searched around the grave circle and found the tombstones of three people, with the time and name of the deceased engraved on them. At that moment, Laohua and I collected them and told Li Banxian.

Li Banxian asked us to wait for a moment. After only five or six minutes, Lao Li calculated their birth dates and told me. Then I wrote their birth dates on yellow paper charms and pasted them on Behind the tombstone.

Immediately afterwards, Lao Li told me a spell, and asked me to place the wooden box of the Juehu Mangmen Bureau on the ground, and then recite the spell in front of the tombstone. Soon, after I recited it a dozen times in a row, , the wooden box in front of the tombstone suddenly shook a few times, making a slight sound, and then with a "bang" sound, the wooden box burned by itself, and after burning, what bloomed from the wooden box was The red flames, mixed with a foul smell, made Laohua and I cover our mouths and noses, and we simply didn't dare to breathe.

Fortunately, the wooden box did not burn for very long and turned into ashes in less than 1 minute.

Lao Li asked me about the burning situation of the wooden box. I said that it was all reduced to ashes. Lao Li took a deep breath and said: "Okay, the situation of the dead family has been solved. You should go back and take a look at the pillars. This He should wake up soon."

I responded, then remembered something, and asked Lao Li: "Lao Li, do you think that turtle bastard arranged such a sinister and vicious method in my house? Could it be to deal with Xiaoxu and Zhiqiang?" That Master Liu Xun Liu? He broke off three of his fingers, so he might hold a grudge in his heart." Lao Li was silent for a moment, and then said to me: "I think he shouldn't dare. When he heard your name, he was frightened. I almost peed my pants, how could I have the guts to offend you? I saw on his expression at that time that he was definitely not faking, he was really afraid of you. Furthermore, this person’s cultivation level is average, and his skills are third-rate in Feng Shui. I have some understanding of the art, but I haven’t yet come across such a sophisticated means to arrange this desperate family’s funeral.”

"Who else could it be if it wasn't him? It seems like this is the only person I've offended who knows the art of Feng Shui." I wondered.

"How can there be only one? You have too many enemies. There are countless people in Guiyong Dao who know Feng Shui. Especially Elder Qinglong, who is the best among all the families. He is an extraordinary figure. He is The attainments in Feng Shui formation are no worse than mine." Lao Li said.

"Are you kidding me? If a person as awesome as Elder Qinglong wants to deal with me, he wouldn't use such despicable methods, right?" I said speechlessly.

"It's hard to say everything, but having said that, it's not impossible for Liu Xun. You'd better check him out first. Maybe he has some helpers. You should go back and look at the pillars." Old Li said.

This matter has been solved, but if we don't figure out who is tampering with my house, this matter will definitely not be over, and we still have to eradicate the root cause.

Soon, Monk Hua and I hurried to my home in Gaogang Village. It was almost dark at this time. When we saw so many people suddenly coming to my home, many old men and women in the village blocked the door and watched. It was lively. As soon as I passed by, I hurriedly said hello to the people in the village.

They were all old neighbors, and they were all very enthusiastic when they saw me coming back. Some asked about my parents, and some even asked about my parents, saying when they would come back. I hadn’t seen them for a few days, and they were enjoying the blessings in the city, so it was time to come back and visit. These folks and neighbors.

I responded one by one, and then told them that their parents would be back soon. They were doing business in the city and were too busy to get away.

After chatting for a while, I entered the yard and saw that Zhu Zhu had woken up and was sitting in the yard chatting with Xiao Qi. As soon as I saw Zhu Zhu wake up, a stone in my heart finally fell to the ground.

"Zhuzi, are you feeling better?" I went up and asked.

Zhuzi was still a little dizzy and said confusedly: "I didn't know what happened to me just now. I was just a little dizzy. When my vision went dark, I didn't know anything."

(End of this chapter)

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