Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1983 Riding a Donkey and Reading the Songbook

Chapter 1983 Riding a Donkey and Reading the Songbook

I heard Li Banxian say before that Zuo Yuankui has four sons, named east, south, west and north. The one we saw at the door is called Zuo Dong. The one in front of us is Zuo Xi, the youngest son of Zuo Yuankui. This man looked frail, wearing a white shirt and white trousers, and a smile on his face like a spring breeze, which made no one feel any danger from him. But the more he looked like this, the more I felt that something was wrong. I felt that something was wrong in front of me. This Zuo Xi has a smile on his face but hides his sword.

As the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face. When Zuo Xi was greeting Li Banxian, Li Banxian then raised his hand towards Zuo Xi and said lightly: "Li Banxian of the Xibei Mai family, it's a pleasure to meet you..."

"I have no choice. I have been asked by my father to come and stop you all. But don't worry, everyone, Zuo Mou has always admired Brother Li Banxian's methods. We are just learning from each other. Zuo Mou will definitely not take your lives." Zuo Xi still said with a smile.

Monk Hua suddenly said unhappily: "What do you mean? Do you think my old brother Li is not your opponent?"

Zuo Xi smiled slightly, waved his hand, and said: "You have misunderstood what I meant. After all, this place is the residence of my Zuo family. My father arranged many powerful magic circles in the residence a long time ago, and The Qi field has been sealed off. After all, this place is the home ground of my Zuo family, so it is naturally very beneficial to my Zuo family. If it were in another place, Zuo would naturally not dare to say such arrogant words, but here, Zuo I still have some confidence. If we were to fight in the rivers and lakes, if everyone from my Zuo family gathered together, I might not be the opponent of any of your friends. But when it comes to the Yin Yang Feng Shui technique, I'm afraid you will suffer some losses. .”

What this guy said was reasonable and well-founded, and it made me feel a little more favorable to him out of thin air.

Before taking action, he explained the reason to us and almost showed his trump card. This would obviously be disadvantageous to him, but he still told us. We don't know what this kid was thinking.

In fact, I hope that he will look at us with the same frowning eyes as his elder brother Zuo Dong, because such a person will be too proud and underestimate the strength of his opponent, but the smiling look of Zuo Xi in front of him is a bit hard to see through. , In my eyes, this Zuo Xi is not a simple character, but he is somewhat similar to the Fatty Jin of Wanluo Sect. They both have the kind of feminine temperament with hidden swords in their smiles, but in fact they are truly decisive in killing.

After listening to Zuo Xi's words, Li Banxian cupped his hands and said with a smile: "I understand, let's get started."

"Everyone, please be careful." Zuo Xi said, I reached out and touched a red flag from the table, and at the same time, I pinched out a weird spell with my other hand.

"Watch the move!" When Zuo Xi touched the flag, Monk Hua suddenly slammed the purple golden bowl in his hand towards Zuo Xi's head.

I know what Monk Hua means. What he does is to strike first and knock the opponent down before he has time to make a move.

The purple golden bowl made a "swish" sound and headed straight towards Zuo Xi. Once it landed on Zuo Xi's forehead, his brains would definitely fly out.

However, before the purple golden bowl in Monk Hua's hand fell on Zuo Xi, Zuo Xi suddenly shook the red flag in his hand. What shocked us was that the man who was standing not far away from us, only seven or eight meters away, Zuo Xi suddenly disappeared, including the seven flags on the altar.

Monk Hua's purple golden bowl hit behind where Zuo Xi was standing just now. There was a column behind it, and a big hole was created by the purple golden bowl.

Monk Hua waved, and the purple golden bowl flew back into his hand.

"Where's the person?" Hua was still the one holding the purple golden bowl in his hand, looking around with a look of disbelief on his face.

"The person who was standing here just now was not Zuo Xi himself. It was just a projection created by him using Yin Yang magic. It can also be said to be a clone. The real Zuo Xi should be nearby. Do you think he is a fool? All of you are He is a veteran of the martial arts world. He has killed more people than he has ever beaten. Would he foolishly expose himself in front of you and let you fight?" Lao Li looked around cautiously and followed We said calmly.

"Then what should we do now?" Xue Xiaoqi said solemnly.

"Ride on the donkey and read the songbook. Let's see as we go. I don't know much about the Zuo family's yin-yang feng shui. For now, I can only use it as a warning. Just listen to my instructions." Li Banxian said sternly.

"Hahaha... As expected of Li Banxian from the Li family in Xiangbei, Brother Li immediately saw through this little trick. Next, Zuo is going to take action, so you should be careful... Hahaha ..." This time it was still Zuo Xi's voice.

With the sound of his laughter, white mist suddenly evaporated from all directions and rolled towards us. The white mist was white at first, but when it was about to spread to us, it suddenly turned into blood. The red color kept rolling, spreading, and gradually rising. When we saw this scene, several of us panicked and didn't know what to do. Li Banxian took out his compass and looked around vigilantly. .

Seeing that the red mist was about to spread to us, Xue Xiaoqi, who was standing next to me, suddenly twitched her nose and exclaimed: "No, this mist is poisonous!"

As he spoke, Xue Xiaoqi took out a large handful of white powder from his body and threw it around us. Strangely enough, as soon as the red mist was contaminated by the medicinal powder in Xue Xiaoqi's hand, it quickly It returned to white and is still wrapping around us.

After Lao Li looked at the compass in his hand for a while, he suddenly raised his head, took out a yellow paper charm from his body, and said to me: "Xiaojiu, follow my yellow paper charm over there. It’s a formation eye, and you used the corpse-laying ruler to break the formation.”

As he spoke, Lao Li threw the yellow paper talisman in his hand towards the north and muttered something. But when I saw the yellow paper talisman broke through the fog and cleared a half-meter-wide path out, I quickly stepped forward and followed. The yellow paper talisman ran all the way to the north. When the yellow paper talisman suddenly went out and the ashes fell, I inserted the Corpse Ruler in my hand towards the place where the yellow paper talisman fell ashes.

As soon as the corpse-laying ruler fell to the ground, I immediately felt the violent rolling of the Qi field around me, and then there was a "boom", and a red flag not far away suddenly burned.

(End of this chapter)

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