Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1984 How to break the formation

Chapter 1984 How to break the formation

When the red flag burned not far away, I knew that I had used the Corpse Ruler to break the magic circle created by Zuo Xi. I felt happy immediately, but before the smile on my face disappeared, , the surrounding Qi field began to roll again, and then yellow mist began to surge toward us from all directions.

Along with the endless rolling yellow mist, a "whooshing" sound suddenly came from my ears. I squinted my eyes and saw that from the rolling yellow mist, there were actually lines of sword energy condensed. Scattered from all directions, airtight.

These sword qi are somewhat like those separated from the Big Dipper Sword Formation, but they are not as dense as the copper coin sword qi. However, so many sword qi are scattered towards us at the same time, and they can beat us into sieves.

The moment the sword energy separated, I was so frightened. At this time, it was too late to condense the void spell and turn it into a barrier of energy. My speed couldn't be that fast.

But out of the corner of my eye, I felt the golden light coming from Monk Hua’s purple golden bowl, and knew that Monk Hua was about to condense a Dharma barrier.

Then, I didn't dare to delay, and I quickly walked over in eight steps, and reached Monk Hua's side. The Buddha's light on the purple golden bowl enveloped several of us in an instant, and what followed was a continuous stream of light. The sound of "bang bang" all fell on the Dharma barrier.

Everyone saw just now that there were seven triangular flags on Zuo Xi's table, with different colors. Each colored flag can mobilize different forces to surround us, or even strangle us.

As Zuo Xi said just now, there are many very vicious magic circles arranged in the Zuo family's house. This is their home court. If we come to their house to cause trouble, they will naturally use the most violent means to deal with us.

There is a vendetta in the Jianghu, regardless of life or death, we come to our door, even if we are killed by their Zuo family, the rest of us can't say anything.

If you have the ability, just let your family members come over to seek revenge.

Seeing the rolling yellow mist, countless sword energy was coming one after another. Everyone's eyes turned to Li Banxian again. Monk Hua had a short temper and said: "Old Li, we won't be trapped here forever, right? Then Can the sword energy continue to fight endlessly?"

"It stands to reason that it should be like this. This magic circle is quite interesting. The so-called magic circle all relies on the power of the five elements of heaven and earth and uses the Eight Diagrams to run. Of course, this magic circle is no exception, but it uses the earth veins very cleverly. The power can continuously absorb the power of the earth veins and support the magic circle. Unless the power of the earth veins here is completely consumed, the magic circle will stop running, and the sword energy that is constantly hitting us will stop. At present, I don’t know what kind of array layout the Zuo family uses, but looking at the seven flags that Zuo Xi just put up, there should be seven layouts, one after another, going back and forth. In other words, even if we are After deciphering these seven layers of arrangements one by one, the magic circle continues to operate, going over and over again, trapping us here." Li Banxian said solemnly.

"You have been researching for a long time and you just came up with this result?" Monk Hua said depressedly.

"Give me a little time, I can still find the clues. Let's break the yellow flag formation first." Lao Li said, then turned to look at me and said in a deep voice: "Xiaojiu, follow the method I just did , I will play a guiding talisman. If you follow the talisman, you will definitely be able to find the formation's eye, break the yellow flag formation, and then quickly turn back."

Without thinking, I directly condensed the void spell, and then turned it into a strong energy barrier, covering my whole body. Then Monk Youhua opened a gap for me, and I rushed directly under the cover of the strong energy barrier. As I pulled out, a yellow paper talisman quickly floated above my head and flew forward quickly. This time, the direction was southwest. Did the guiding talisman fly out? After a while, it burned up and turned into ashes. As soon as the ashes fell to the ground, I took out the Corpse Ruler and inserted it towards the ground. When I looked at the Corpse Ruler, I saw the end The little red dot flickered uncertainly, and a large amount of breath was constantly being swallowed by the Corpse Ruler. There was another roar not far away, and a yellow light burned. It was one of the seven flags. .

As soon as the yellow flag burned, the surrounding Qi field suddenly relaxed, and the sword energy that was continuously scattered from all directions suddenly stopped, and I also breathed a sigh of relief.

But while I breathed a sigh of relief, I was also ready to activate the eight steps of confusion again, because I knew that the formation would not stop just because I broke a formation hole. Next, I don’t know what happened. Which color flag comes into play.

Just when I was wondering, suddenly, green mist steamed out from around me, and I knew something was bad.

I was about to use Mizong Babu to escape from here and join Kun Heshang and others, but at this moment, I found that after I used Muzong Babu, my body could not move at all.

I looked down and saw that there were strange vines on the ground wrapped around my ankles. I couldn't pull my legs out at all, and the vines were still spreading towards me, getting tighter and tighter.

Can the green flag activate the power of the essence of vegetation?
This obviously also caught the power of Earthly Evil.

However, after a brief panic, I quickly calmed down, and this problem really didn’t trouble me.

At that moment, I activated the power of the essence of vegetation and the Qinggang method of controlling trees. The two methods were running at the same time to control the vines wrapped around my body. Only then did I feel that the vines wrapped around my body slowly relaxed. .

At the same time, when I looked towards Monk Hua and others, I found that even within the area covered by the purple golden bowl, the vines were wrapping Monk Hua and others.

Fortunately, there was Xue Xiaoqi around them. Xue Xiaoqi took out the locust wood sword from his body. As the green light floated, the vines slowly receded from their bodies.

During this period, Li Banxian stood there motionless, with his eyes slightly closed, and his hands kept calculating something. After several minutes, Li Banxian suddenly opened his eyes, and said loudly with some excitement: "I know Got it...I got it! Xiaojiu, come here and I'll tell you how to break this magic circle."

Hearing Li Banxian's voice, I hurriedly took a few steps to his side and said in a deep voice: "How to break the formation?"

(End of this chapter)

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