Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1987 1 finger 1 life

Chapter 1987 One finger, one life
He openly admitted that this kind of dirty thing was done by the Zuo family without blushing or beating. This is also a profound art. I really want to spit in his face. He is so shameless and shameless. .

When I heard Zuo Yuankui said this incident personally, I immediately became angry. At first, I was really worried that they wouldn't admit it. I didn't have complete evidence to deal with them. Now it's better. As soon as they come up, they will admitted.

He always said: "I did it, what can you do to me?"

I just bully you, what can you do?
I couldn't help myself, and said, "Surnamed Zuo, do you really think that our Wu family is a soft persimmon, and we let you handle it as you please?"

Only then did Zuo Yuankui's eyes fall on me, he smiled slightly, and said calmly and calmly: "Wu Jiuyin, the young man who has been in the limelight in the world recently, the murderer whose expression is changed by Gui Yongdao, I have no idea. Deaf and not blind, of course I have heard about it. I heard that you also have a group called "Joyang Soymilk Machine", why didn't you invite them to come together?"

"Ah!" Monk Hua spat when he went up and cursed angrily: "You old man, our name is 'Jiuyang Hua Li Bai', not the Jiuyang Soymilk Machine. Listen up. I can only play tricks on you. You arrogant Master Wen, why do we brothers need to come here together? I can beat you, father and son, and your whole family to the point of vomiting three liters of blood!"

After speaking, Monk Hua rolled up his sleeves, intending to step forward to fight them, but I stopped Lao Hua with my hand.

The Zuo Yuankui in front of us is not simple. We can tell from the various things we encountered after entering the Zuo family.

The soul-catching paper man at the door almost cost Xue Xiaoqi his life with a simple little trick. A few of us also almost fell into the trap, and the seven-color flag array was also very mysterious, and these It's just that Zuo Yuankui's son did not take any action. This shows that this old man is definitely a powerful character.

This guy is obviously over 80 years old, and looks to be about the same age as his sons. This kind of method is rarely heard of in the world.

Regarding the art of Yin Yang and Feng Shui, this old man must have very deep knowledge.

After stopping Monk Hua, I took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "Senior Zuo, because of your age, I call you senior. This time, there is nothing else. I just come here to ask for something." To put it another way, if you say something nice, let’s forget it. If you don’t give me an explanation, then I’m sorry, I will demolish your Zuo family’s house for you, and I will cripple a few of your family members, then this Let’s get over the matter. The death trap you arranged in my old house is just to make our Wu family die. Isn’t it an exaggeration for me to do this?”

The sons of the Zuo family suddenly stood up again and looked directly at me, murderous intent suddenly evident.

But Zuo Yuankui chuckled and said: "Not bad, not bad... fair and reasonable. He is worthy of being a young talent who is in the limelight in the world. His words are so tough, and they have not disgraced the name of your Wu family." , Although it sounds nice to say it, whether you can do it depends on your ability."

When he said this, Zuo Yuankui looked at me with a smile again and said, "Don't you think so, kid?"

"You'll know if you can do it later. I guarantee you won't be as arrogant as you are now." I said with a smile.

At this time, Zuo Yuankui's face became solemn, and he suddenly said: "Little baby, I have been in the world for decades. Our Zuo family has also been involved in the world for hundreds of years. Without a few brushes, we would not be able to continue to this day. , let me tell you this, you have to look at the owner when you beat a dog. The reason why I let people arrange a desperate situation in your old house is because you broke off three of my disciple's fingers, one finger and one finger. Life, this is the rule of our Zuo family, otherwise, in the future, all the cats and dogs in the world will think that our Zuo family can be bullied by others, so where is the face of my Zuo family?"

I sneered, stretched out my hand and pointed towards Master Liu Xunliu who was standing aside, raised my voice and said: "Then don't ask your apprentice what shameful deeds he has done, why should I ask him to commit suicide?" refer to?"

When Liu Xun saw me pointing at him, he couldn't help but trembled with fear. This kid was really frightened by me and didn't even dare to look at me.

From this, I can preliminarily conclude that it was not Liu Xun's idea to set up the family funeral in my house, he didn't have the guts yet.

Zuo Yuankui said in a deep voice: "Whatever my apprentice does outside, it's not up to you to discipline me. I will naturally handle it. But if you intervene, the matter will be different. It's not you and my apprentice now." The problem is between our Zuo family and your Wu family."

"This matter is interesting. Are you sure you want to elevate this matter to such a high level? You mean, your disciples killed people outside and robbed goods, and all the enmity caused by your disciples will be borne by your Zuo family?" I was aggressive. forced to ask.

"That's natural. I am Zuo Yuankui's apprentice. If I don't take care of him, who can take care of him?" Zuo Yuankui said calmly.

"Well, now that we've talked about it, let's do it." I revealed the sword soul at once, and as the purple light flowed, there was an electric current on the sword body, making a crackling sound.

The eyes of Zuo Yuankui's four sons all lit up, and Master Liu Xun and Liu changed their expressions in fear.

"Wait a minute, let's put aside the grievances between our two families for the time being. Since you have brought Li Banxian from the Mayi Shenxiang family in Xiangbei this time, it is really an opportunity not to be missed. Now let us, the Zuo and Li families, compete with each other. This Yin-Yang Qimen Dunjia technique can be divided into high and low levels. It won’t be too late for us to talk about this matter." Zuo Yuankui said.

"Who the hell is in the mood to stay here with you? If you want to fight, you can fight. After cleaning up you, we have to go back to drink." Monk Hua showed his purple gold bowl.

Zuo Yuankui was not in a hurry, looked at Li Banxian and said: "Why, you don't dare? It seems that the methods of the Ma Yi Shenxiang family are also in vain, and they are not worthy of being associated with our Zuo family, that's all... …”

Li Banxian's face darkened, and he suddenly said: "Okay, since Senior Zuo said that we want to make gestures for comparison, let's exchange and learn from each other. I don't know what Senior Zuo wants to make gestures with?"

"It's very simple. There is a magic platform in front of you. I have already arranged it in advance. One person from each side will use Qimen Dunjia and the Five Elements technique to arrange their troops and practice. If our side loses, any of the Zuo family will It's up to you to deal with it." Zuo Yuankui said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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