Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1988 Silent fight

Chapter 1988 Silent fight
When I heard what Zuo Yuankui said, my heart skipped a beat, and a question came to my mind, could Li Banxian be the opponent of the Zuo family?
One is a rookie in the world of martial arts, and the other is an old man who has been in the world of martial arts for decades. Zuo Yuankui is even more unfathomable. Lao Li is not even half as old as Zuo Yuankui, so his experience and experience are naturally incomparable. of.

I feel like the other party has laid a trap waiting for us to sneak into it.

Not only was I worried, Xue Xiaoqi and Monk Hua also looked at Li Banxian, full of worry.

In the end, Monk Hua couldn't hold himself back and asked, "What if our side loses?"

When he mentioned this, Zuo Yuankui grinned and said: "If you lose, this matter is very simple. Our Zuo family doesn't want your lives. Wu Jiuyin cut off three of his fingers, and then You guys kowtow to apologize to our Zuo family. From now on, everyone who sees our Zuo family will be polite, kneel down and bow down, and then stay away from you. I will also make this matter public and let the entire world know about it. What do you think?"

I'm going, it's a big bet.

If we win, the Zuo family will be at our disposal. Let alone burning the house, even if we kill all the Zuo family, they will have no objection.

But if we lose, all I have to do is cut off three of my fingers and kowtow to apologize... the rest is simply an insult to the few of us.

If word of this gets out, how can our brothers still hang out in the world?
Everyone took a deep breath and didn't know what to do. Since the Zuo family dared to say this, they were absolutely sure that they could win against Li Banxian.On the surface, we have taken a big advantage, but in fact, we have been put in danger. Now we have no way to get off the stage. This competition is a competition that must be compared, but it is not necessary to compete.

The key is that this Yin Yang Feng Shui business is not the same as ours, and we can't help Li Banxian much.

The whole family of the other party is doing this, and even if they use any tricks, we may not be able to detect it.

How to do this now?
After pondering for a moment, Li Banxian suddenly took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "Well, just do what Senior Zuo said. I will compete with you as a member of the Xiangbei Mayi Shenxiang family."

"Okay, feel free!" Zuo Yuankui clapped his hands, looking particularly excited. He quickly changed the subject and said, "Now that we have decided, there is something ugly we have to say beforehand. It's still too late for you to regret it now, be good. Get out, I will pretend that you have never been here, but once this bet starts, there will be no one who knows how to shoot."

"Senior Zuo, it's useless to talk any more, let's get started." Li Banxian stepped forward and walked directly to the huge altar.

The three of us all looked at Li Banxian with worries in our hearts, but Li Banxian calmly waved his hands to us, indicating that we don't need to worry.

I don’t know where Li Banxian got his confidence. Is it because he obtained the heavenly map of Chen Ting’s ancestor at the top of the Hanging Mountain?
But that Xiantian Diagram was the lifelong effort of Patriarch Chen Ting, and I think it is a little impossible for Li Banxian to fully understand it in just a few months. Zuo Yuankui has been working in the yin and yang industry all his life, both in terms of experience and experience. They are much stronger than Li Banxian.

If Li Banxian loses, it won't matter if I break three of my fingers, but where will the face of these brothers be saved?We will definitely not be able to hold our heads high in the world in the future. After so many years of being in trouble, maybe if we fight today, we will be back to the war era.

Seeing Lao Li standing in front of the altar with the Eight Diagrams pattern, Zuo Yuankui sat back on the Taishi chair, pointed at one of the men below, and said calmly: "Xiao Bei, you come first and follow me." Make a gesture with this descendant of the hemp-clothed look."

Immediately afterwards, a man in his forties stood up and said eagerly, "Okay, father, I will definitely fulfill my mission."

As he said that, the guy named Zuo Bei stood opposite Li Banxian, smiled at Old Li, and said, "Brother Li, I'm a guest from afar, so please go ahead and invite me."

Li Banxian had a calm face and was not polite to the other party. He took out a copper coin from the table and threw it towards the Bagua pattern. The copper coin rolled twice and landed in one direction.

Later, Zuo Bei also took out a copper coin and threw it towards the Bagua pattern.

The two people lined up with copper coins, turtle bones and other objects on the Bagua pattern. It felt like playing chess. It seemed easy, but in fact it was full of dangers.

At first, when they threw the copper coins and turtle bones in their hands on the Bagua pattern, it looked like nothing. But after the two of them threw more than a dozen copper coins or turtle bones in a row, I felt something was wrong. Son.

Although I don’t know much about things like Feng Shui and Bagua, I still know a little bit about it. Basically, most practitioners will dabble in it to some extent.

At first I could understand some features, but then I was completely confused. After staring at the Bagua pattern for a while, I felt that my brain couldn't bear it. The patterns on the Bagua pattern seemed to be rotating slightly. After a while, I felt that everything in front of me was rotating patterns. The sky, earth, water, fire, thunder, mountains, wind, and lakes were constantly displayed on this Bagua pattern, just like thousands of armies fighting non-stop. You come and go, it's so lively, these eight trigrams can be combined to get 64 hexagrams, all things, the principles of heaven and earth are all contained in them. If you are not a person who is proficient in this way, let alone competing with others, even seeing this eight trigrams pattern Be dizzy.

In the previous ten minutes, the two people moved very quickly and kept throwing out copper coins. However, later on, the expressions of both people couldn't help but become a little difficult. Then, I saw that both of them started to use magic formulas. The guy named Zuo Bei even matched with Gangbu. After a while, when I stared at the Bagua pattern again, I couldn't help but be surprised. I felt that the Bagua pattern seemed to be alive, and each hexagram was in accordance with the pattern. The arrangement of the two people was rotating rapidly.

No one in the room made a sound and watched the silent fight quietly.

A few minutes later, when I looked at Zuo Bei again, I found that this kid's face was flushed from holding back, his body was swaying slightly, and he felt a little unable to hold on. Although Li Banxian looked calm, there was also a sign of pain on his forehead. Sweat.

At this moment, another person suddenly stood up and walked towards the altar. The person should also be Zuo Yuankui's son, probably named Zuo Nan. He stood on the side of the altar and began to pinch. A legal decision was made.

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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