Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1990 What are you doing to me!

Chapter 1990 What are you doing to me!

The four descendants of the Zuo family united to deal with Li Banxian alone, and they absolutely bullied the few.

This was an absolute advantage of squeezing. When four people attacked at the same time, not only did Li Banxian's mouth bleed, but his body was also shaky, and he felt like he might fall to the ground at any time.

If Li Banxian didn't stop, he would most likely be seriously injured and the attackers would be killed.

This is not the time to be aggressive. No matter what, it is still important to save your life.

I hurried over and walked to Li Banxian's side, but I didn't dare to touch his body. I said in a deep voice: "Old Li, stop it, let's admit defeat!"

Lao Li turned his head, the blood from the corner of his mouth flowed to his chest, and his eyes began to turn red.

However, from beginning to end, Li Banxian did not stop the movement of his hands. He shook his head at me, with a look of determination on his face. Suddenly, Li Banxian raised a hand and drew a Tai Chi in the air. The pattern is in the shape of a yin-yang fish. There are also large and small runes hidden in the Tai Chi pattern. They flicker and an extremely powerful force instantly fills the hall.

Next, the terrifying Qi field felt like it was going to explode in an instant. Being so close to Lao Li, I was immediately hit by the powerful aura from Lao Li. It felt like I was being hit hard by a heavy hammer. It was on my chest, and I almost groaned in pain.

The moment I stepped back, I glanced at the Bagua pattern on the altar between the two sides, and saw the storm surging above the Bagua pattern, like a scene of tens of thousands of people fighting, and it was extremely tragic.

Looking at Zuo Yuankui's four sons again, they seemed to have received a huge blow. They were thrown away by an inexplicable force and fell heavily to the ground, falling at Zuo Yuankui's feet. After landing, before the four of them could get up, they all spat out a mouthful of blood and fainted on the spot.

What method did Lao Li use, how could he be so powerful?
Could it be Chen Ting's ancestor's ability on the innate map?

Just when I was puzzled, Zuo Yuankui, who had been sitting on the Grand Master's chair, suddenly stood up with a look of shock on his face and said angrily: "You... what method are you using? Why are you so powerful? !”

After Li Banxian performed this ultimate move, his body was enveloped by a faint golden light. At that moment, I seemed to feel the breath of innate spiritual energy from Li Banxian's body. This is the place where the ancestor Chen Ting buried the immortal bones. The breath that emanates.

After Li Banxian knocked the opponent away and vomited blood with one move, he burst into wanton laughter and said very boldly: "Xiang Li Chenzuo, no matter what time, our Li family, the hemp clothed gods, are above your Zuo family. , some petty and shameful means, you still want to surpass my Li family, go and have your big dream... Haha..."

"I am going to kill you!"

Zuo Yuankui became so angry that he jumped down and came to the altar. He moved his hands continuously, but he saw that the things on the Bagua pattern were moving quickly, and an even bigger aura enveloped Li Banxian. He only had time to form a seal when he was hit by a force. Then, a mouthful of old blood that had been suppressed for a long time finally opened his mouth and spurted out.

However, at this time, Lao Li still did not fall down. He swayed twice and stood there as tall as a green pine. He laughed miserably and said, "What can you do to me!"

"If you hurt my heir, you will pay with your life!" After saying that, Zuo Yuankui waved his hand, but suddenly black mist appeared around him, and the chairs and benches in the room flew up together, and they all fell towards us. As soon as this black mist surged out, the air suddenly tightened, as if all the oxygen had been burned away, making it extremely difficult to breathe.

Faintly, there were evil spirits floating in all directions, and even sharp winds were blowing towards us.

At this moment, Lao Li finally couldn't hold on any longer, swayed slightly, and fell directly to one side.

At this time, Xue Xiaoqi hurriedly stepped forward, supported Li Banxian, and quickly stuffed a few pills into his mouth.

Zuo Yuankui is such an old fox. Perhaps when we entered Zuo's house, he didn't think about letting us leave here alive. Now he finally showed his true colors. With a wave of his hand, he activated the arrangements in the house. The magic circle inside will strangle us all here.

When I looked in the direction of Zuo Yuankui again, there was no trace of Zuo Yuankui anywhere, including the four sons who were seriously injured by Li Banxian lying on the ground. They were all gone. Only the black mist was there. Floating around.

"Lao Hua, protect Lao Li and Xiao Qi, stay away from me, I will take care of Zuo Yuankui!" I looked back at Monk Hua and said angrily.

"Be careful!" Monk Hua said, and then he sacrificed the purple golden bowl and enveloped all three of them. The sharp wind tore and hit the Dharma barrier surrounding the purple golden bowl. Then it made a sound.

The three of them quickly retreated and disappeared into the black mist in the blink of an eye.

Among the few of us, only Li Banxian knows how to arrange magic circles. But it is impossible to count on Li Banxian at this time. And if Zuo Yuankui wants to kill us, it will definitely not be a simple magic circle. From my understanding of Feng Shui magic circle, it is impossible to break it, so I don't even need to think about it.

There is only one way to deal with this kind of magic circle, and that is to activate the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, and use this all-devouring power to completely destroy this magic circle.

Apart from this method, I can't think of any better method.

The sharp wind blew towards me, and suddenly a gust of wind blew on my body, immediately tearing a gash in my arm, followed by a sharp pain in my soul.

I shouted loudly, and instantly activated the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra, igniting the innate spiritual power and the terrifying resentment contained in it, and exploded at the same time.

A cold breath swam from the Dantian Qi Sea, flowing quickly through the eight extraordinary meridians, and then all the pores opened. The Yin and Yang Eight Infinite Marrow Cleansing Meridians quickly swallowed up the power from all directions, and the endless rolling black breath turned into As energy, it was quickly swallowed up by my body. The tables and benches that were thrown towards us were also disintegrated and exploded by the power of the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra.

As the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Meridian devoured more and more manically, most of the surrounding black energy was quickly digested by me. The magic circle had not been fully activated yet, so it was the best time to be devoured at this time.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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